Buddy Needed - Australia!!


Just wondering if anyone out there was looking for a weight loss buddy?

I need someone to chat with who will keep me motivated :) I need to lose approx 30 kilos :) it's going to be challenging but I'm determined to make some positive changes in my life!

I'm living in Sydney - anyone keen for a gym buddy?



  • hayleydale91
    I have about 20kg to lose too! I live in Brisbane :)
  • jessalts
    jessalts Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! I live in south australia, but there's no reason we cant support each other over the internet. Im currently 98kgs looking to get down to about 75kg in total. Ill see how I go from there. My current mini goal is to be 80kg my christmas. :) Im a stay at home mum with a 14 month old daughter. Ill send you a friend request.
  • CarolAnnC112
    Hey everyone! I'm from aus too-brisbane but living in Newcastle for work. I've just started on here, and keen to lose 6kgs but actually maintain it for once in my life (chronic yo yo dieter!). Are you guys keen to start up a bit if a challenge? Maybe if we make it a shorter one to begin with-perhaps a 7 week challenge? Takes us up to the 15th of march (I have a friends wedding then, so good incentive!). We could detail our current weight and goal weight for 7 weeks, as well as 3 mini goals (eg to exercise 5 times a week).

    Let me know if you're keen!

    ;) carol
  • JamesXuan
    JamesXuan Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, sorry about the late reply.
    I am wondering if you are still interested for a gym/weight loss buddy thanks.:smile:
  • lleonard12
    Hi im 27 and I live in adelaide. I really want to lose weight and I dont have many friends that I can talk to about this. I also dont believe that they will help and support me in this. I am looking for others that want to lise weight also. I am looking at losing about 40kg to be healthy. If anyone would like to be there supporting each other and possibly even catch up please let me know.
    Thank you
  • xSammyKayx
    Hey, I'm from SA!

    I want to lose my weight (I'm at 98 right now and I want to be down around 80 as my first goal) but would love some friends to do it with!

    I've tried MFP before, but have never stuck with it. Now with a gym membership, I'm hoping that I'll be able to stay on here and finally lose my weight.

    Not too sure how adding friends on here work, but if you send me a request and it comes up on my phone, then it's all good!
  • Louttie
    Louttie Posts: 138 Member
    Sydney here! I have just joined the gym and looking to lose about 20kilos. Add me if you like :)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    radelaidian here.
  • CuAlMc
    CuAlMc Posts: 139 Member
    add me if you like. im 30 on Friday and looking at losing 10kgs by Christmas and than at least another 10kgs in the 6-12months after that.
  • Rockmum75
    Rockmum75 Posts: 7 Member
    i just joined today, im in vic, anyone can add me i want support and will support yas back, i gotta lose 15 kg woooooooo

    you wont get a buddy,,, u will get BUDDIESSSSSSSS best of luck xxxx
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Hey. Delinquent uni student from Canberra here looking to lose 2 kg. I don't log in the food diary and won't update weight til I reach goal... But I've already lost like 15 kg so I can offer advice about food (20% tasty 80% healthy) and exercise (chuck some headphones on and run -- who needs a gym?)
  • ckkg
    ckkg Posts: 2
    Hi all, I'm in Bathurst, NSW. Need to get back on the wagon to lose the last 5 kgs. You can add me!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    41Yr old Nth Eastern Adelaide Foothills Suburb peep here
    i've been on MFP for approx 550days, lost 36Kg, since

    Happy to have people in Adelaide or anywhere on my friends list, i have a few already that live close by.