Not losing anymore

Hi all,

I need some help. I lost 2.7kg by by tracking my food and by doing some sport. Then I got sick and suddenly lost some more weight. My doctor said some people do lose fat when taking the medication I got. I don't think I lost much muscles and it's mostly not water. Nice! But what now? I got sick 4 weeks ago and was fine again a week later. Stopped taking medication until two weeks after getting sick. For the last two weeks now my weight has not changed at all. I'm 169cm and weigh between 68.3-68.8. I'd like to go back to the lower 60s. I'm 42.

Good: I didn't gain anything back
Bad: I don't lose anymore

So far I've been tracking all my food in an excel sheet. I cook everything myself and don't eat complex foods. I do use a food scale on everything including olive oil and herbs, thus my tracking should be ok. My basal expenditure should be around 1430 kcal with an office job and I'm trying to eat just above this, a bit more only when I do sport as I currently don't do as much sport as I used to.

Please can someone explain?


  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    It's perfectly normal to "stall out" for a couple of weeks after illnesses or other disruptions to your routine or changes in diet. A stall for a couple of weeks is nothing to be overly concerned about. Personally, I would keep doing what you're doing. If after another two weeks, you're still not losing, then it may be time to reevaluate your calorie intake.
  • al142
    al142 Posts: 35 Member
    I have taken a medication that had the side effect of fairly major weight loss. When I stopped taking it, I regained the weight right away (I wasn't trying to lose weight at the time so that was fine). The weight loss was real but my body needed to readjust to normal after, I think.

    So in your shoes I wouldn't worry at this point. You didn't regain the weight, so your weightloss strategy is probably still working, even though it doesn't look like it at the moment. I expect you will go back to losing after your body readjusts.
  • quommel
    quommel Posts: 3
    You think so? I really hope normal weight loss does continue at a certain time. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I didn't gain the weight I lost back and I think I look so much better. So lets hope things pick up again at a certain time. It feels so frustrating for me to do all the counting and not eating that piece of cake, and I don't get anything in return. I guess that means I still need to get used to eating less.
  • quommel
    quommel Posts: 3
    I don't get it. The last few days I was gaining weight and suddenly was 800 grams heavier. I thought that maybe my body was trying to gain back what it lost from being sick. I felt that my belly was getting really big and the love handles had come back, which really made me unhappy. And then suddenly this morning I'm a whole kilo lighter again and my belly is flat again. I haven't really lost anything relative to the lowest when I was sick, but I'm at the same weight again now. How can that be?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I'm with you, on my third week with no change. I've been told patience is key. I know it's frustrating but just hang on and it will come.