Jogging beginner!

Hi all! I've recently started jogging. I used to do it years ago but had fallen out of the habit
I am training for a 5km fun run....
What I'd like to know is how fast the average person runs 1km? I feel like I'm going really super slow, although as I'm about 8-10kgs overweight, I don't think I can go any faster until I drop some kgs!
Any tips for a running newbie?
G xo


  • EmilyStopFlying
    EmilyStopFlying Posts: 124 Member
    I've heard you should run not too fast that you wouldn't be able to hold a conversation (though I am guilty of going over this). Just run however fast feels comfortable for you :)
  • leszek_d
    Hello Emily,

    everyone is different so you should avoid searching for things like "how fast should I go", because it's the fastest way to injury for a beginner. You are preparing for a fun run as you mentioned, so there is no need to worry about the timing during the race. You can do a Cooper's test if you need to know what are your approximate paces. The result of this test is used to calculate target times at given distances.

    Cooper's test is simple, do a warmup (at least 5 min.) and then run for 12 min. as fast as you can (don't go to fast at the beginning or you will end the test in 3 minutes ;-) ) - the distance you run during the test can be used to calculate target paces for both training and events.

  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Going slow is better than sitting on the couch. Yesterday I got lapped by someone walking. However in my defense, he was really tall and had long strides.
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    Yep, don't worry about anyone else, just get out there and try it- a pace where you can hold a conversation is great and one where you can control your breathing. Get yourself to the 5k distance first, there is plenty of time to worry about speed later!