NEED some motivation and support....

Thought this was the best place to get it! LOL

So, yeah- This is only exactly 1 month after I started. I've worked out everyday (with rest days MAYBE once a week). I've lost a total of 6 pounds in 1 month...not good, but not bad either.

I am a stay at home mom to 5 kids (2 are in school FT and 1 PT), I breastfeed, I am the only one who cooks, cleans, laundry, etc. My workouts are "about" an hour hour and 15 long, but EASILY turn into 3-4 hours because I have to stop to get the kids this, stop to clean that, cook this, this kid is doing that, hes looking at me kinda stuff.

Today is my breaking point. My house is DESTROYED I have 2 days worth of dishes and a week (at least!) for a family of 7. I cannot workout once my oldest 2 get home from school, because it is homework, they play the Wii (I do Wii workouts), then time for me to make supper and fold yet another load of laundry. I have to get this house clean, and there will be no time for a workout AGAIN today.

I am so ready just to give up and stay the fat self I have become.

*Sorry for my whine fest...I just needed to get it out.


  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Cleaning the house burns a ton of calories. There's your work out :)

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • Toninette
    I'm thinking what you do daily is a workout in itself! Don't stop, don't give will begin to fall into place! You have come to the right place for support and motivation! Just keep moving GF!
  • mjrcjb26
    Hey Melissa! I feel you with not having time. I only have one child, one dog and my husband works full time while I am a stay at home mom. YOu really have your hands full! My 8 month old keeps me very busy so I have been working out while he does his morning nap. Then on his second nap I do my homework while my second workout of the day is when he goes to bed at 8pm! One thing I have noticed really helps me is using Netflix to get workouts in the mail. This way I am able to pick fun workouts which keep me motiviated. :)
  • tamlyn27
    Dont give up! You can do it...I know I find it much easier to not work out and be lazy...but think of your kids and how they need you around, strong , fit and wonderful!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Great googly moogly you've got a lot on your plate. But I agree that you're keeping active by doing other things that aren't always classifed as "exercise." Don't discount your hard work! Give yourself a break. Remember -- this doesn't have to be (and I think it shouldn't be) an either/or proposition. Sometimes you just have to give other things priority, but you don't have to give up altogether. Just tracking your calories takes time and is great for weight-loss. You can do it! You might have to do it a little at a time, but keep in mind why you want to make these changes and try to focus on those. Focus on the victories, not the failures.
  • rlelliott08
    rlelliott08 Posts: 29 Member
    I know how you feel, although I only a 1 child that is 3, but he makes a big enuff mess for 2 or 3 kids. Try to turn your house work into a workout is what I do, bending over, dancing while I clean, ect. I have only been at this for 5 days, have worked out for 4 in a row, but wth so much housework todo today don't know if ill get my work out in. I have cut my sodas down to 1 day and the rest of the day I drink water. I have never really been a big vegtable person, or fruit person, So instead of trying to eat more vegs and fruit, I just kinda cut my meals in 1/2 and eat 1/2 of what i did, it seems to be doing the trick.

    You can add me if youd like.
  • heidiscool
    It all adds up. You have a very heavy load to carry - good for you for getting healthy at the same time. Don't put a timeframe on your weight loss, rather set goals for completion during the week - six half hour workouts. Seven days recording everything you eat. The weight loss will fall in line. Don't stress about getting the house perfect, but just aim for a controlled chaos. Take care of you. We don't get fat because we neglected the house or our kids. We get fat because we neglect ourselves.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Are you counting the housecleaning calories in your exercise diary? I do. And breastfeeding takes a lot of calories too. Losing 6 pounds in a month is fabulous!!! It's harder to do when you have little kids, no doubt about it, because it's just harder to get YOU time. But it's worth it. I really struggled with learning HOW to get "me" time with the kids around, and frankly didn't get good at it until they were all older. I wish I'd done better at that because it makes a world of difference to your physical and emotional health. Do better than me!
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree...the work you do around the house counts for something. Take a deep breath and tackle the dishes. This will at
    least clear your head...try to enjoy every chore you do. Be grateful you have the ability to do the things you can. BREATHE!!!
    If at all possible, incorporate yoga into your routine. Find a class you like and go at least once a week. It will help with your
    stress and weight loss goals...and yes, YOU CAN DO IT! :flowerforyou:
  • darlachristine
    Good news, the cleaning can count as your exercise =) You can log the minutes spent under your exercise. I've even seen seen people log cooking as exercise, hey it burns calories, go for it! BTW 6 lbs in a month is excellent, slow and steady is best for the long term, you're doing great! If you can manage it, try to join some sort of exercise class that you enjoy so you will have your "ME" time =)
  • SandraKay79
    SandraKay79 Posts: 7 Member
    Not sure how much chores your kids are assigned but it's time to rope them into it.

    I have 10&8 yo boys and a 15 mo boy. 2 years ago it was decided that my oldest was mire than capable of doing dishes or at least helping me with them. I also decided that all of the kids clothes were going on hangers because although a 6yo can't food they can certainly handle hanging their own clothes. Underwear, pjs and socks are the only thing remaining in the dresser.

    At this point you have to have the older boys start chipping in where they can. Doing everything for them will do nothing but exhaust you. I believe it is more beneficial for them to help, explain that the family is a team and everyone has there own part.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    So where's your Husband or partner? Why can't he help with the dishes and with the kids. Tell him that you need this hour to workout for yourself. He should be supportive of you. As long as your eatin' right - you should be wishes!
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hi, the first thing that comes to my mind is that you are stressed out! Being stressed can cause your body to hold on to the weight. If you can find some time to yourself and just breathe I think I would do a world of good for you.
    And you can make this change. Do it for the right reasons, love yourself, dont give up and it will happen.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    Wow. Your day is a workout alone. dont give up. add me if you like
  • JeanK56
    JeanK56 Posts: 76
    6 pounds in a month is great! Don't get down on yourself. Housecleaning does burn a lot of calories. How many levels to your home, more than one? RUN up and down the stairs with the laundry. Dance as you vacuum/sweep/mop. And it is okay that your workout, other than housecleaning, is broken up during the day. How old are your kids? Never too young to help with the household chores. My kids were taught that I am not the only one eating, wearing clotes, etc so everyone had to pitch in and help with dishes and laundry. It's okay to take a day off from working out as well as your muscles need to rest. Good luck, you are doing great!
  • sweetpeaga7
    Hang with it girl! You! Can! Do! IT!!!! It's mind over matter some days. Our minds tell us we are too busy, that we aren't too unmotivated, that we are not gonna make our goal any way so why try BUT they are ALL LIES!!!! Tell yourself that you CAN do it and get through it and you WILl! Positive self talk is a powerful thing. And yes you should cut yourself some slack..I mean let's face it you basically have three full-time jobs...mother, house keeper/cook (okay those are really two so you now have four full time jobs) and wife. BUT you have to have "ME" time otherwise you won't be good at your jobs you have. Don't give up though. You are definitely on the right track and doing way better than most people out there that would look at all that you have on your plate and not even try or think about trying. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! :)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I too am a mom to 5 kids. I hear ya with the laundry, dishes, dishes, feeding kids, laundry, break up a fight laundry another load of dishes, homework, laundry and some more dishes. Not mention another load of laundry. It does get easier once the kids get older. You'll still have another load of laundry to do. :smile: Sorry that is the one thing that gets worse because their clothes get bigger, take up more space, thus making more loads.

    Then the non stop watching them eat and you are so hungry you want to rip that cereal bar out of their hands and eat half of each of thiers. Yah I hear ya..
    Don't give up it gets better. The first thing you have to realize is your house is lived in and used. It will not be spotless, ever. It just won't. The laundry will always be there. ALWAYS. You need to take care of yourself so you will be there too. If your workout last 10 minutes at a time so be it. At least they are in there. Look for ways to exercise while doing things. I put my laundry basket on the floor when I am folding and do squats everytime I take somehing from a basket to fold. (i am lazy on the whites, can't handle that many squats.)
    Maybe if you use a crock pot you can play on the wii with the kids after school and homework is done but before dinner. I promise the laundry will wait. it always does.
    Best wishes. you can friend me if you like. I'll probabaly be doing laundry :wink:
  • mariannekehl
    mariannekehl Posts: 66 Member
    6 pounds in 1 month is a HUGE accomplishment! You are being too hard on yourself - you need to be nicer to yourself. You have a lot to be proud of - and a clean house is overrated.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey girl ;)

    I'm just gonna be really honest with you! (because that's how i roll!) right now, my house is destroyed. Darron has helped by doing laundry, but he refuses to fold it and put it up. So guess where about 12 loads of laundry are right now?? in dj's crib. so everyday this week i have dug around in his crib to find something for me and dj to wear! the rest of the house is just as bad. i feel so unorganized and messy right now, and it really gives me the anxiety!! So I can only imagine what you deal with with 5 kids!!! Darron helps some, but it's only on his time, when he feels like it. but the things i have to do everyday, i HAVE to do everyday!! and I don't seem to have time to do the other things that need done. I think everyone goes through these phases, you have alot to do!! your life alone is a workout so I think it's awesome you actually fit in workouts! i don't know how you do it! i just have an 8 wk old and i've yet to workout even though i say i'm going to everyday! i get home from work and all i seem to have the energy for is getting him taken care of and feeding us. Don't you even think about quitting b/c now you have this awesome website and awesome friends to help you through it!! make some to do lists, gets some motivation, that always helps me. i'm working on one right now for this weekend. also get your husband in gear, give him a to do list! trust me you have ways to get him to help. trust me, you hold the key to everything if you know what i mean ;) I say all this just to really say don't give up! we got this!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Focus on your can do's not your can't do's. Tell the kids if they want the Wii - they can watch you first, or keep an eye on the younger kids while you get 10 minutes in.

    Here is my guess, when you start to lose weight by just diet alone, you will see successes. These successes will motivate you, you will be more motivated to continue. It will start to mean getting up 10 minutes earlier to wash dishes or fold laundry to get a work out in. When my kids were young, I only could work out on weekends, when DH was around a few extra minutes to walk them.

    When the weather gets better, head to the park - only walk there, kids love exercise. Be an example for them, they will want to motivate you and see you better.

    When I breastfed, I would do butt squeezes, squats, lunges, leg lifts, anything to keep moving while I was just sitting down for a feeding. My oldest read to my youngest, to give me a few minutes to plan a meal better, or he would rattle a toy when the baby cried, he would run to get there first.