
Hi there!!

I have been really struggling with energy levels lately before my work outs. I have many lifter friends who take pre-workout, but the few times I've tried it, it's made me jittery and/or nauseous.

Has anyone else had this issue and, if so, were you able to find a brand or something comparable that gave you the boost needed without extra side effects?

A few answers before the questions come up: I do typically have a pre-workout snack, and I lift after work in the early evening. My work day starts super early, and getting up early to lift just doesn't work logistically. I'm getting right around 7-8 hours of sleep per night. I am meeting my macros and getting enough calories per day, higher than MFP's standard since I am lifting and training for a 10k.

Any help would be much appreciated. Any advice, even if you don't do pre-workout, as for what works for you, would be great. Thanks in advance, guys!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I just eat a regular snack, not a pre-workout supplement or the like. So on running days I'll have a banana or a granola bar. Yesterday I lifted after work (5:30) so around 4:30 I had a 2.6 oz packet of tuna fish and a peach.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Have a coffee and or just go and show up and do the work.

    Being excited and energetic about lifting is like a 1/3 of the lifts I go to- the other 2/3 I go to I'm dragging a&& just like everyone else. It is what it is.

    Eat enough
    sleep enough
    just keep showing up

    There is no overwhelming reason to really take a pre-workout. Most people should/just need to show up and work and stop relying on emotions get them through the process.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I don't always do this, but sometimes, prior to working out, I have a spoonful of honey. It's 60 calories and gives me the immediate energy I need at the beginning of the workout.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    When you say you're struggling with your energy levels, what exactly do you mean?

    Are you falling asleep on the treadmill? Are you finding no motivation to go to/stay at the gym?

    I don't love working out. I'm not like, "Wooooo!" about it, although I do like classes. I find I have more energy after intense/HIIT cardio.
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    I think there are two kind of ways to approach working out. The pre-workout drink or a snack. Ive use the C4 preworkout and a bunch of others when i lift and some work better than others. C4 seems to be the best one out now but it will cause some reactions due to the Niacin in it (red tingly feeling on skin). If i were commited on one type of preworkout id just dose back till i got accustomed to it...a week or two maybe. I like the preworkout because it gives be a lot of energy for the big lifts that i start out with ie bench/squat/ or deadlift then it helps me through the rest but not as "juiced" up. If its the caffeine thats making you feel ill i would just compare the different types. Sometimes there are samples at nutrition stores that they might give you just have to ask...

    That being said i have realized that some good ole carbs 30 min before workout can do wonders. Protein bar/granola/apple whatever. Its what gets me through my hour cardio/strength sessions...along with pure determination
  • DaniWhis
    DaniWhis Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the [mostly] positive replies. I rarely post on here because there's always someone that's has to be negative or not friendly. And I'm not all about that.

    As a couple of you mentioned, I just very well may not be eating a big enough snack. Maybe I just need to increase the size of the snack or its contents.

    Britishbrocco, I do love to lift and am excited about it most of my day. I'm getting to the gym and getting the work done. I just tend to yawn and drag pretty hardcore, and it's really only been lately within the past few months. I feel ridiculous yawning through sets. After my HIIT or my long runs, I feel more energized, too (HIIT rocks!), but I typically do that at the end just so I can give it everything else I've got left. It's really only through lifting that I'm struggling.

    And thanks, andrewptr1. I tried a couple brands here and there when I first started lifting regularly, and I just can't quite seem to find a balance. I didn't think of a nutrition store's samples. That's a good idea. Some carbs/protein has always worked for me before. It's just been lately that I'm running out of steam.
  • DaniWhis
    DaniWhis Posts: 27 Member
    Also forgot to add--congrats on a 40lb loss! That's awesome!
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    could always carry a protein shake in the gym bag and have some half way through the workout? thats some quick and easy carbs/protein that can get you back on track in 5-10 minutes
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I have tried two pre-workout drinks, The cheap Walmart Body Fortress Super NOS Blast agrees well with me, however the first time I took it I got quite a head buzz. When I take it, I only take half a serving in double the water. The other brand I tried was Siege - that stuff makes my stomach feel crappy so I've discontinued taking it. Otherwise, instant coffee black. Two teaspoons and I'm ready to go. Two of my workouts are at 6am Saturday and Sunday morning so I coffee up.

    As far as food, I drink a quick protein shake (EAS) and eat a banana or yogurt.

    I have all this at least a half an hour I leave before to work out so I can get a last restroom break in.
  • evarga12
    evarga12 Posts: 55 Member
    I get that same feeling when I take too much pre-workout. I usually switch between C4 and Jack3d but both gave me that feeling - mess around with the dosage untill you get it right. Try taking the smaller dose like 15 mins prior to your workout.
  • DaniWhis
    DaniWhis Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, guys! I'm going to give the coffee in the afternoon and bigger snack a try today and hopefully that does help.

    If not, I'll be checking out some of the other recommendations. Thanks, everybody, for your suggestions! :)