How often do you weigh yourself?



  • chubbynow
    I record my weight every Wednesday morning. I put the scale in the same spot on the floor and weigh myself naked. I also weigh myself on Sunday morning to see if I am headed in the right direction. If I'm not, it gives me a few days to get my act together.
  • christylynn1026
    I think it's important to weight yourself once a week at the same time. This will give you the most accurate measure of how you are doing. Our bodies fluctuate so much throughout the day with water gains and losses that you could get frustrated easily by the number on the scale and it could discourage you from even trying! I used to do WW and the weight in was once a week, so I stick to that.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    No more than 2 times per week, and only if I appear to be on a 'downswing'. Any more and I start getting a little crazy over what the scale says when that's not the whole picture.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Twice a month -- usually the 1st and 15th, but sometimes, like, the 3rd and the 14th, etc. And at the doctors office once in a while, which is nice for backing up what my home scale says.

    For me, this helps me see overall if I'm trending downward. I pay a lot more attention to how my clothes fit and look on a daily basis than I do on what my overall scale number. (Though obviously, I care about that too. XD)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I weigh myself every morning without any clothes on, after I go to the bathroom
    Me too. And I record it on the calendar so I can look back to the week(s) before & see how I'm doing. The day to day fluctuation doesn't bother me so much.
    Some mornings I am truly shocked to be up a pound when I only consumed around 900 calories the day before. I have lost 9.5 pounds in 4 weeks which is OK... I guess I am very impatient this time around & I just want to see those numbers DROP!!
    First off, unless you're very small or under a doctor's care you shouldn't eat less than 1200 cal (for women).
    Second, since you only have a few pounds to lose (I think your ticker says 17?) losing 2 lb a week isn't a reasonable expectation, nor is it healthy. 0.5 lb per week would be better. Slow & steady is more sustainable.
    Cut 250 cal from what you're eating to maintain your current weight & you should lose 0.5 lb per week. If that doesn't work, nudge it down slightly until you get a small weight loss.
  • Tymeforme68
    Tymeforme68 Posts: 17 Member
    Every Monday morning! Anything more than that and I just get obsessed and beat myself up over it. Weekly, I can see the changes and its a positive day :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I weigh myself most day except on mornings when I ate a lot of salty food late or ate late. Salt can really effect the scale. Like others have said I have a nagging feeling that I shouldn't weight myself everyday but really need to get constant feedback to encourage myself to continue. When it is up I use that as cause and effect information about certain foods to avoid. Not only do I weigh daily but record it in check in every time the scale goes down. For me it is really a motivator to see that chart with the lines going down. If I don't weigh myself daily I begin to kid myself about how great I'm doing or that today doesn't matter in terms of the big picture. That is how I got fat in the first place.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Every morning.
    Unless I drank too much alcohol or had pizza the night before.
    I know those numbers are going to be off for a couple of days.

    But I track it with libra on my phone.
    I like being able to see the trend.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Every day. I like seeing the day-to-day fluctuations. I only record on MFP on Wednesdays, though, so if my ballpark dinner tonight gives me an increase in water weight tomorrow morning, I know where I stand for the week.
  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    I weigh myself once a week - Wednesday mornings. I sometimes will get on the day after if I think the scale is up to funny business (as in a completely unexplained gain/loss) but for the most part what I get on Wednesday is what I roll with. I personally can't handle the daily up and downs of the scale so I don't daily weigh.
  • Ambergetshealthy
    I usually weigh myself every 3 days, but I'm trying to get down to 1 day a week.
  • 1peanutandapumpkin
    1peanutandapumpkin Posts: 35 Member
    I weigh myself every day. You hear lots of theories on how often you should weigh. I've tried various time frames and find that if I don't weigh every day I gain weight. I think it's a way of my mind keeping track of what I eat and associates it with the scale. I don't know for sure, but waiting is bad for me.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Once a week. I just changed from Saturday mornings to Thursday mornings. I will be doing measurements and progress pics monthly.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Once a week for me. This is because I have a body fat monitor that requires a weight amount in order to calculate for me. I stopped paying much attention to the scale for the most part because after working out for the last 3 weeks, I have not dropped a pound but have seen the body fat % drop. Plus my clothes are fitting better too. Shorts that were a little snug around my legs aren't, shirts fit better or I'm fitting into shirts that I couldn't before, my jeans are starting to slide down. I have also gotten compliments from my ex about the change in body shape. Arms are slimmer, legs are slimmer, booty is firmer are what he told me after I saw him recently.

    I just wish I had taken measurements when I started. :cry:
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    every morning. i like to see the ups and downs
  • LadyHobbledehoy
    LadyHobbledehoy Posts: 91 Member
    I usually only weigh myself on Monday mornings. Every once in a while I'll weigh on Monday and then again on Thursday. But twice a week is the most I'll ever do.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Once a week. First thing in the morning before I eat.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I try daily to every 3 days. First thing after going to relieve myself.
  • Whiskey2206
    Whiskey2206 Posts: 189 Member
    I weigh every two weeks first thing in the morning, I guess I like seeing the bigger numbers instead. I hide my scale, the "out of sight out of mind" thing works for me.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    every morning