Raw Foods Diet??

Inked2Love Posts: 48
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone done a Raw Foods Detox Diet or just do Raw in general? I have a friend that does and I think Im gonna start. Im not big into meat...hate red meat so it shouldnt be too hard of a change. I eat lotsa fruit and veggies already. Lemme know yur experiences :)


  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Hi MrsSayers!!
    I am raw vegan and abolutely love it!!! I became vegetarian about 6 years ago and since then have tried raw tons of times. Started back up in March and so far I've been really successful. I've tweaked my diet a lot this time around and found a way that works for me. There are quite a few others on here aswell. We did a challenge in July and I posted a ton of info - I'll leave the link in case you want to take a look. So great to hear you are going to give it a try!!

  • Aww ty sooo much for responding. Lol I am a very healthy oriented person but boy this is like a new world for me. I made a trip to a few local lil rinky dink organic grocers today and picked ups ome stuff. Ughh its a bad thing cuz we our on a Marine Base ( heheh I see yur Navy! Go us Silent Ranks :) and well were in the middle of the dang desert and I have no resources out here. Sucks. Were in Twentynine Palms, CA if yur familiar. So its awesome that u prolly are goin through alotta same stuff as me..lol and food stuff too. Our commissary doesnt even have a damn organic section. ughh! Anyways this is what i ended up with today..
    ezekial 7 sprouted bread (i know its prolly not goo dto have all the time but i read it was okay alil)
    Super Green powder
    Raw pumpkin seeds
    Bean sprouts
    3 kinds of tea..lol a bedtime, dessert and fruity
    bartlett pears
    unsweetned natural coconut
    blk beans
    almond milk..already had that
    Fage...ill use sparingly but it had no additives
    Bought some Naked super fruits to mix with my super green powder

    Umm idk I think thats it...tehres prolly stuff im forgetting...ohhh this amazing lil snack bar that said its 75% raw... its called Parabar or sumthin. Im getting ready to go visit my fam on teh east coast for labor day..so im kinda doin teh best I can for teh next 7 days...kinda easin into it. My hardest thing to cut out is cottage cheese and bran cereal..i am a huge protein buff from doin low carb so long...so im very set in certain things but ill be okay :) I just will need to adjust to when im at work. I am in management and i am gone all day and night. So alotta times i just pack liek protein bars, fruits and vegs, nuts and cheese and maybe protein powder. So ill have to find some easy stuff liek that to take with me. I will be cutting down to part time soon tho since I am goin back to school. Lol will still have teh same need for meals on teh go tho. I hope u can help me along teh way..lol and im not too much of a pain in the butt! Im gonna go read the posts u linked. Thanks hun!! And nice to meet ya. Im Lindsey by the way
  • Sorry abt my teh instead of the..i always do that when hurrying lol
  • I have another question... I am reading a blog abt someone who did this and they said at first u gain but then lose. Is that true? Cuz even just since yesterday...i am up 4 lbs. Im scared cuz..i have an eating obsessive disorder and if i keep seeing my #s go up...its gonna be hard to wanna stick w this. Any advice? I went from 139 to 144 in liek a day and a half. Ughhh
  • kagray
    kagray Posts: 1
    I see this post is from some time ago. Since I did not see it until now...I'll just reply now. I recently did a 7 day cleanse and lost about 5 pounds. My goal now is to maintain a 60-80% raw diet. Good luck!
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I'm new to this site and just searching around for fellow raw people. I have been doing raw on and off for the past two years. I have lost about 40 lbs doing raw and exercise. I've never gained weight while eating raw, but I still have a lot to lose. I have heard when eating raw your weight will naturally settle at the "perfect" weight for your body. So accouring to this theory, if you gain weight on raw its because your body needs it.
  • All raw food people I've met are either just in it for the fashion of it or are quite weird.
    Not saying that there aren't any normal ones out there, just that I haven't met one yet.

    Personally I wouldn't consider it as I like my starchy foods too much.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    its good, but not to be done in the winter. your body needs warm fuel
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Could care less about "fashion" of my diet. I actually went against the grain for many years and spoke out about it (I was really into coconut oil - imagine touting the benefits of a saturated fat?) Regardless if raw foods are trendy or not, they're working for me. I LOVE eating all the fruit I want and coming home to a simple salad without any oils or other refined products coming into my body.
    I know that this choice seems extreme to many, but just think: if we needed other foods to survive how did humans ever make it from being gatherers before we mastered fire? We don't need warm food to live through the winter. We just need good nourishing whole foods!
  • I love being Raw. I have never felt so good before I stopped putting processed foods into me. I found that after the initial detox of getting the chemicals out of my body, it really feels amazing!
  • gsather
    gsather Posts: 6
    I've been adding a lot more raw food into my diet. My husband and I are ovo-pesco vegetarians but recently purchased "Raw food, real world" and "Raw food for real people" by Sarma Melngailis... and it's really changed my relationship with food! Some of the recipes take a lot of time and materials (like a food dehydrator) but some of them are really easy and SO MUCH TASTIER than their fatty carb loaded counterparts. I highly recommend the cashew "cheese" stuffed beet "pasta" and the Zucchini "pasta" salad.... the last one actually tastes like sunshine... it's amazing!

    One thing that I noticed is that at first I was really drawn to the recipes that are high in fats - avocados, nuts and oils, etc. Those will make you gain, so it's important to really be careful not to eat too many of those types of foods. As in all things, a good balance is the best way to go.

    Look for raw restaurants in your area, too. They sometimes have workshops to learn new recipes and help switch to a healthier lifestyle. In Seattle we have raw connections at Thrive, Chaco Canyon, Healeo and Ranch 99.
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