NEED some motivation and support....



  • brblake
    brblake Posts: 11
    ***" We don't get fat because we neglected the house or our kids. We get fat because we neglect ourselves."*** -heidiscool
    Remember this!! You have it posted at the bottom of your posting!! It can be really frustrating to not have a completly organized home but my dear have FIVE young children and making time for yourself IS important. I am one out of five kids and I remember the craziness sometimes(or all the time :)) Hang in there and DON'T give up on yourself!! You can do this but for right now it will be harder and more challenging but will get easier as your kiddos get older. And they can help more around the house. It's good to vent and not hold it in and look you get all this support!! Don't completely neglect yourself. I have only one kiddos right now and she's almost 4 months and I am having a hard time sometimes..with five you are a strong woman!! Keep it up!!
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    First off, THANK you for the outpouring of support. I have to be honest...I bawled like a baby into the dish towel as I was reading the replies!

    mlb929- I have a 9 year old with ADD that will make it so I CAN'T workout, so he can play the Wii. Its so much easier to give up the workout and let them play...thats how I got HERE.

    Kim- I TOTALLY understand the anxiety stuff about the housework. AND that the hubs only helps on his time..and what you have to do HAS to get done NOW. Like if I don't do dishes DAILY we don't have dishes to eat on. (Have a family of 7, 6 that eat, and a place setting of 8.) If I don't do laundry atleast every week, kids dont have clothes to wear to school. You are totally right. I DO have this AMAZING website and AMAZING friends on this site who I can't leave hanging!

    mariannekehl- That has always been a hard thing for me to do. I am overly-critical of myself and what I do/don't do.

    dlaplume2- I don't EVER expect my house to be "spotless" but I DO need some room to workout..LOL And like I said if I dont do dishes at least DAILY then we have no dishes to eat off of.

    sweetpeaga7- and that is where this post came from. My mind telling me, you cannot possibly do everything by yourself..why try. You aren't good enough to do this, why try.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    Toninette - Thank You!!
    mjrcjb26 - My kids never nap at the same time. One is ALWAYS awake. Never thought of Netflix!! Good Idea!
    tamlyn27 - You are so right. I started this to be around for my kids and not die early because of my weight! I WILL FINISH!
    rmkorama - Love the Great Googly Moogly..made me laugh!! I've always been an all or nothing kinda girl. If I start being a better housekeeper, then something else lacks-such as weight loss. When I concentrate of weightloss, my housework of my biggest downfalls!
    rlelliott08 - I've been forcing myself to do the fruit/veggie thing-I know what your talking about. I have been counting cals, totally cut pop out, only water..TRYING to workout everyday..
    heidiscool - I totally had to steal your last bit. It really hit me. Thanks! I've always taken care of everyone else..that is why I am like this. Its a hard habit to break!
    Enigmatica - No I hadn't been counting cleaning in my workouts. I have no ME time..seriously even peeing I have a child or 2 in there. Something I need to work on!
    Tangy1966 - I did tackle the dishes. Got half done and had to come back to the computer! lol I can't get out of the house by myself for one night a week, the whole house would crumble..and I'm serious! lol I need to hear the YOU CAN DO ITS! Thanks!
    darlachristine - as I said above..the whole house would be a pile of rubble if I tried to take a class etc.
    SandraKay79 - My kids do no chores. I do everything for everybody. I'm going to HAVE to start giving them SOME chores. I cannot continue to do it all!
    OLP76 - My husband works full time. I guess I feel that since I stay home and he works he shouldn't "have to" do the housework. Well, I guess thats just the way it is in our one really said. But, I HAVE said Eff it and not done a darn thing around the house...all it accomplished was when I started doing stuff again, I had a WHOLE LOT MORE to do!
    LauraLLee - Yes, I am stressed. But this is not un normal. I'm always stressed.
    Dafrog - Thanks!
    Jeanmknittel - Thanks, I just feel I should lost more, or that everyone else is losing at a faster pace...I'm competitive..I know it isn't about that..but ya know!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    You're welcome! :bigsmile: I love that exclamation.
    OLP76 - My husband works full time. I guess I feel that since I stay home and he works he shouldn't "have to" do the housework. Well, I guess thats just the way it is in our one really said. But, I HAVE said Eff it and not done a darn thing around the house...all it accomplished was when I started doing stuff again, I had a WHOLE LOT MORE to do!

    Here's some food for thought. I can pretty well get where you're coming from, but here's the thing: your job doesn't end.

    Think about it. Your husband works full time, but so do you. The only real difference is that he gets to leave his job, come home, and take a break. When do you get to leave your job and relax? Even if the only time he can help out is a few extra hours on the weekend to do special projects and catch up, it would likely be great for your stress and workload if he could. He may already, and if so, that's great. But if not, you might want to consider how your two jobs differ.

    Just my two cents! :flowerforyou:
  • Chalktawmom
    Chalktawmom Posts: 22 Member
    Ahhh I SO understand. Don't you just get sick of being consumed by thinking about your weight, clothes, how you feel, how you look etc.? UGH! It's exhausting. I really just want to FORCE myself to be okay with how I look and get over it! Some days I just want to say #@% it ...I have more important things to worry about :cry:

    BUT.... the feeling will come back. Over and over and over again and usually worse right? LET's just get this done!!!!! Get to our goal weights and be done OBSESSING over it! By then we'll have a lifestyle down right?

    Hey, thanks for listening to me ramble:tongue: