HELP: Eat a small sensible dinner BEFORE or AFTER workout?

stephscott Posts: 12
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am confused...I was told to eat before I work out that way I will burn off some calories instead of pilling them on before bed. Then someone eles says to eat after your work out, this will prevent you from having late night binges or waking up wanting food because you've burned them all off during your work off. What do you think?


  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    depending on what you're eating. :)

    What's your workouts like? Do you take a protein supplement prior and after? Do you add anything in it for faster recovery?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I don't think there is any actual evidence that one is better than the other. I find if I eat before I workout it weighs me down so I don't do that.

    When it comes to losing weight if you are in a calorie deficit, which you pretty much have to be to be losing weight, then it is the total calories you eat that is important, not really when you eat them. I used to read all these personal trainers and fitness experts saying eat at this time and not that, usually they didn't agree. What is more important timing wise, is what makes you feel less hungry and inclined to snack. If that is eating after the workout, by all means do so. If it is before, then do that.
  • Good question. Personally, I can't eat before I work out because it makes me queasy. At most, I'll have a handful of almonds before I go, if my tummy is rumbling and I don't think I'll be able to work out without food.

    I tend to eat late anyway (8 or 9) so it feels natural to eat when I come home from the gym. On the otherhand, I'm often not hungry after I work out so sometimes I'll skip dinner or eat exceptionally light.

    My suggestion? Maybe eat two light snacks, equal to dinner in your mind, before and after your workout. Best of both worlds!
  • efahey
    efahey Posts: 33 Member
    i always work out BEFORE i have dinner. i usually have a late dinner around 8 ish... but i dont go to bed till 10 or so... leaving enough time for my body to process my dinner. also, it does prevent me from snacking too much in the evenings.

    xo erin
  • i was always told it didnt matter when u always super hungry after a workout so i tend to eat something real small b4 like a fruit or something then i drink and drink and drink as im working out then ill eat something small afterwards to keep me from binging all night..hope this helps u a little bit..
  • I'm the same - I can't eat before the gym. I usually snack on a granola bar or some yogurt about 60 to 90 minutes before a run/workout. That gets me through it, and then I go home for a sensible dinner.

    Just do what it right for your body.
  • I agree with Erin. Also your body will burn the calories (fat) on your body instead of the calories in your belly. Make sense?

  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I'm going against the trend but I eat BEFORE my workout. I like to hit the gym late though. I'm usually at the gym after 10pm so it makes sense to eat before I work out. However, I do eat after the gym. I usually throw down a protein shake immediately after my workout.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i tend to eat a small snack before working out or i'll start to lag halfway through, and then have a decent meal's all about what works for you

    i was working out and not eating after because i thought you weren't suposed to eat after wrong...i eat any time of day and it's not hindered my loss at all xx
  • I would say it depends on what your workout is.

    If you want a strenuous workout, do not eat anything an hour and a half before or after because you might barf it up.
    If you want a mild/ light workout, eat something but not enough to make you full.

    If you haven't eaten all day, I recommend eating something before a workout and wait awhile to have your body recoup the nourishments.

    Don't ever substitute water for a meal before a workout, because it an also make you sick.

    Good Luck!! :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Like others have said, I have something small before working out and then my main meal after. I've done the working out after a meal and it just feels harder to do the workout. And depending on what the meal was, can just be uncomfortable. (i.e. Pho + jogging = sloshing feeling. lol)

    It can be difficult sometimes because I don't get off work until 6, have to rush straight home, get changed and get working out to get back to the apartment at a decent hour (normally around 8pm). So dinners definitely became a later in the evening thing for me, but I've adjusted to it just fine. I did do an experiment last week where I rushed home, cooked dinner, changed into my workout clothes and then relaxed for a bit to let my dinner settle, then went to workout. But I found that that was getting me working out way to late and I would end up cutting my workouts short so I could get back home at a decent hour. So I went back to my something small before and dinner after.

    But it can be different for everybody, so I would say do whatever works best for your body and your schedule. :)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Do you eat more food after you work out?
    If not then definitely before the work out.

    I get hungry after the workout so after for me.
    1,2 cup of coffee a day is good for detox liver.
    I drink some b4 the workout if I need more energy.
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I think it has a lot to do with personal preference. If I eat before I work out, no matter how little I eat, I feel slow, heavy, and nauseated. If I'm hungry, I'll drink a full glass of water, which will normally tide me over. Before I started dieting, food was almost like a 'reward,' so dinner is my 'reward' for working out...if that makes ANY sense.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Both...before--to fuel your body through that "intense" workout, and after--to replenish those depleted nutrients to help your body recover.

  • You all have helped me out in so many ways. What works best for me is dinner after workout. If Im hungry before the workout, I will snack on little somethin just to get me through a streneous workout, recooperate, shower then dinner. My workout consist of cardio for an hour then 15 minutes of calisthenics. I have learned alot from your posts and truly understand how it feels when you eat a full course meal before the workout(sluggish, heavy, lazy). Im also guilty of waking up throughout the night drinking water to hold me until breakfast, so dinner afterwards for me. Thank You all for your help!
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