for me, the biggest struggle is...

resisting the temptation to go out to eat!! Whether it be drive-thru or a sit down, restaurant, I seldom feel like eating at home. I do not think this is is like an addiction. I can't figure out if it is the food I like or the experience, maybe just habit (even when I was a kid we barely ate at home). I am working on becoming a better cook so that meals at home may become enjoyable... All I know is that this isn't healthy... I am a little embarrassed, please tell me I am not the only one.. Any advice? Thank you all :)


  • mitchbabe525
    I am the same way.... It get's hard cooking at home. I work until 5 and my kids have activites starting at 5:30-8 so it does get hard to cook so we always end up eating out. the worst is the weekends... It seems like that is all we get done doing. you are not alone.
  • healthylifefit
    healthylifefit Posts: 18 Member
    Exactly...for me sometimes it is not even worth is to go to the store, make it, clean up.... after a long day as it is. I just want it to be quick so I can move on to what I need to do next.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    I have this same exact problem! I'm a newspaper reporter so I'm broke and have terrible hours with no routine schedule. It makes it really difficult to want to come home at 9 and fix something rather than stop somewhere. But when you get the urge, there are healthy options! Subway makes some good stuff, as does Pita Pit. Those are my go-to healthy places when I need them.
  • tesstcool
    tesstcool Posts: 38 Member
    You are not the only one. I always eat at home (im poor anyway so it works out) but my boyfriend eats out all the time. I think he would rather just have someone make food for him than take the time to make it himself. Hes a good cook, but i think for him its all about convenience. He and i have completely different eating habits. For me its l not only about good nutrition and counting cals but also the money factor. Sometimes when i go to a restaurant and spend 40$ on a meal i think about all the groceries i could have gotten with that money. Its nice to go out sometimes, and if you have the money and still watch your intake i dont really see a problem doing it often.
  • kncapitano
    resisting the temptation to go out to eat!! Whether it be drive-thru or a sit down, restaurant, I seldom feel like eating at home. I do not think this is is like an addiction. I can't figure out if it is the food I like or the experience, maybe just habit (even when I was a kid we barely ate at home). I am working on becoming a better cook so that meals at home may become enjoyable... All I know is that this isn't healthy... I am a little embarrassed, please tell me I am not the only one.. Any advice? Thank you all :)

    Don't be embarrassed, it is more common than you realize. I for one love to eat out as well and when I was a kid we rarely ate at home also.

    You don't need to completely get rid of your dining out experiences.

    My advice would be to start out small. How many days/wk do you currently eat out? Once you pick the number... then maybe try to limit it to a little less. Also, while it may be tough... there are healthy options when dining out at most establishments (though not all unfortunately). When you do go out to eat often, aim for a healthy option. If you just go out every now and then, then enjoy your meal and eat what you want, or else you won't fully get satisfied.

    I also hated cooking and the whole process of getting foods, spices, and trying to make something actually come out well. Try to have fun with cooking. Sometimes when I'm by myself, I'll blast some music and just dance around my kitchen while creating my "masterpiece"... (Okay, so it isn't that great, but still fun!) Find foods you like the cook and those could be your "go-to" staples.

    Good luck! :) xo
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Do you know of healthy restaurants you can go to?

    McDonald's double bacon cheeseburger w/extra-large fries & Coke is not healthy.
    Chipotle's chicken burrito bowl is pretty healthy.

    There's nothing wrong with eating out - you just need to make a plan to eat healthier when you go out. I