New here, just saying hello.

Hi! I'm new here at MFP. I've been on Weight Watchers for the last few years with mixed results. After much research, experimentation, elimination diets, etc., I'm starting to think WW is not the approach for me. In part, the idea of fruit being 0 points makes it way too easy for me to eat an extra 500 calories a day in fruity sugars. Also, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I'm hoping that a more straightforward calorie-counting approach will work better for me.

So, about four years ago I topped out at 276 pounds. I'm currently at about 220, shooting for 185. MFP has me at 1700 calories a day to start, which will be tough but doable. I'll adjust a bit from there and hopefully find a sweet spot where I'm losing weight quickly, but not TOO quickly, and I'm a little hungry, but not TOO hungry.

That's all I've got for now.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Looks like you're doing great. Feel free to add me!
  • calton1
    calton1 Posts: 33 Member
    I find mft. so easy to use. Haven't missed a day in 2 weeks. ( so far so good). I am on 1200 calories and find foods that keep me full. Add me if you want.
  • I did the exact same thing with WW; I'm surprised I didn't overdose on the zero point fruit (although there was a horrific 5 banana day...)! :D Needless to say, I wasn't overly successful. I have come to the realization that I have to keep track of everything I eat and because of previous gastric bypass, I really need to follow a high protein/low carb path.

    Sounds like you're in a good spot. :)
  • vlm1110
    vlm1110 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Welcome to MFP! I tried WW in the pasted and had mix results as well. Looks like your on a great start. Good Luck on your journey. :wink:
  • grannylou89121
    grannylou89121 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there, my name is Mary Lou. I joined MFP a while back and left and came back. I think reading the posts gives me motivation andhelps to rreassure me that I am just like everyone else who is struggling. Its been 9 months and I have managed to drop 52 pounds. Its doable..just takes baby steps and commitment. Good luck with your journey.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 341 Member
    I love to cook and have discovered what meals fill me up and keep me satisfied and which ones leave me hungry in very short order. Although I am trying the slow and steady approach to losing weight and try not to ever cut my calories too much I am surprised that I actually can manipulate my food choices and be full without even the slightest bit of hunger and actually be far too low in calories. So I now try to balance calories, nutrition, substantial, and energy. If you like to cook and want some recipe ideas send me a message.
  • andymcclure
    andymcclure Posts: 40 Member
    THanks for all the positive input, everyone! This is only my second day with MFP, but I feel like this could work out a lot better for me than Weight Watchers did. I think to some extent, it was easier at first because I had close to 100 pounds to lose, any improvement to my diet was bound to help. Once I got past that initial weight loss, things got a lot tougher, and I started bouncing up and down more.

    The last few months, I have gained and lost the same 6 pounds almost weekly. I was eating absurd amounts of "0 Point" foods, and starting to drink a lot of diet soda, which I never used to do. (Other than the diet soda, my diet is really healthy: lots of fruit, veggies, legumes; very little meat, dairy, carbs.) I think I had gotten comfortable enough with WW to know how to keep the points low while eating as much as possible, which of course didn't contribute to much weight loss. I'm hoping a more straightforward calorie-based approach will work better for me.

    I'm assuming these first few weeks will require some tweaking to the plan, not just the number of calories, but finding the right balance of protein, fat, carbs, etc. Then, I'd like to find some time to incorporate more exercise. (I spend all day at home with my kids, who are 2 and 4. Free time is not something I have in abundance.)

    Anyway, I'm really impressed by the outpouring of support here after only one day. Thanks again everyone!
  • Blufae
    Blufae Posts: 21
    Hi I'm also a stay at home parent:) add if you like!