300+ lb losers I NEED FRIENDS </3

I have joined MFP for a while now and just started back up again. I had gained 20 lbs from my absence and I just feel like a loser.

I need fellow friends who are 300 plus pounds and are on their journey to losing it too or if you have been in my shoes to give me motivation and encouragement and some tips!

Thank you all!


  • Talmquist0222
    I was close to 400 lbs when I started my Journey in November of 2013. Down a little over 100 lbs now. Always looking for more friends. :)
  • NancyMarie13
    NancyMarie13 Posts: 193 Member
    Started at 335, down 13lbs with about 120 more to go!

  • th3lastunicorn
    Wow awesome! Thank you. I'm exactly there too. :D
  • bakokari57
    bakokari57 Posts: 34 Member
    I first joined over a year ago and didn't do much with the application. Truth is, I never logged in, kept eating too much and not moving my body. When I started back at this in March I was at 308, my blood sugar was out of control and I had just about given up. But I started logging everyday, walked the little that I could and with support from friends here, I've lost 36 pounds. Not a huge number, but it's 36 pounds less than what I was in March! Every day I get up and try again, stay with the calorie allotment, get some exercise, eat veges and fruit, drink my water. My fasting blood sugar the other morning was 98! Was 118 this morning, but that's still better than the 480 when I was diagnosed with diabetes and the average of 165 earlier this year. Can't say enough for the great support from friends on MFP.

    I am with you! We will do this together.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we will encourage one another. Anyone else reading this thread, feel free to add me as well.
  • Statistafunk
    Started at 335. Then stopped using MFP for a few months. Lost 35 pounds or so, running.. now I am back with a goal of being more consistent with my nutrition and with being healthy in general.
  • th3lastunicorn
    Wow! Thanks everyone~
  • meyowtime
    meyowtime Posts: 42 Member
    I'm here if you need some more support. I've been doing well so far and hoping to leave any weight starting with a 3 behind me really soon.
  • th3lastunicorn
    I would love that too! I'll add you back. :D
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 96 Member
    My starting weight was 257 a few months ago, now I'm 238-ish. Been over 200 lbs most of my life. I could use some more friends who are bigger like me/have more to lose helps to have people we relate to in that way! :)
  • th3lastunicorn
    Yeah! I'll totally be there for you. :)
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hi there. :)

    I started at 330, 3 months ago. I'm currently down about 36 pounds and am pretty happy with my progress so far!
  • _SoundWave_
    _SoundWave_ Posts: 236 Member
    i started over 300 i've lost 136lbs within 14 months
