Stay at Home Moms Support Each Other!



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Chin up! As a woman our weight changes everyday up 2 lbs. one day down a pound the next back and forth. With your cycle about to start there is always extra fluid in your body. Keep doing the good things for your body and I bet once your cycle is done you will see a nice decrease on the scale. As for the 'evil food' try not to think about it that way, psychologically it makes you want it more! If you need a little chocolate or something salty just have a small amount and adjust your calories accordingly. If you always deny the 'evil foods' it sets you up for a binge at some point. Learn to enjoy the things you love in smaller amounts.
  • Chin up! As a woman our weight changes everyday up 2 lbs. one day down a pound the next back and forth. With your cycle about to start there is always extra fluid in your body. Keep doing the good things for your body and I bet once your cycle is done you will see a nice decrease on the scale. As for the 'evil food' try not to think about it that way, psychologically it makes you want it more! If you need a little chocolate or something salty just have a small amount and adjust your calories accordingly. If you always deny the 'evil foods' it sets you up for a binge at some point. Learn to enjoy the things you love in smaller amounts.
    Advice like this is the reason I am so glad I. Joined this site. Thanks! :o)
  • cakedva
    cakedva Posts: 36
    I'd like to join in too! I'm an at home mom to 5 kids ages 9,8,7 and 5(twins)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Your Welcome :) ! Make sure not to skimp on your water it will help flush out some of the extra fluid retention as well.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome Cakedva! We just started this lil group and so far we have a great group of mommas. Feel free to post your thoughts ideas and such about whatever you are feeling. We are here to motivate and support one another. It seems easier to get advice from individuals we can relate to. So again welcome!

    And to all of our new mommas that have joined welcome! Thanks for all of your participation and posts so far!
  • wowamom87
    wowamom87 Posts: 63 Member
    I would like to join. I am a SAHM to a 3yr old and twin 20 month olds. I also do college online part-time. I struggle to find time to get a workout in while I have all that on my plate because usually in the free time I want to work out (afternoons) I need to find time to eat lunch and study which sometimes I need to trade a study instead of working out. I just started this new lifestyle last week doing all my workouts on the Your Shape game from Xbox because I am just not getting the exercise I need. I do need to loose a few pounds but I am really all about eating more healthy (cutting out my horrible lunches and snacks) and getting exercise in everyday. I really need some motivation to stay on this.
  • cbrown85
    cbrown85 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad I am not alone! I am a SAHM of a 19 month old and a 3 month old. I got pregnant twice in a small time frame.! So I'm still holding on to all the baby weight. With these little guys it is so hard to find anytime to work out. I bought a stationary bike and I've been on it for 30 minutes at night. I would love to hear other ideas about getting rid of this baby weight.
  • I would like to join. I am a SAHM to a 3yr old and twin 20 month olds. I also do college online part-time. I struggle to find time to get a workout in while I have all that on my plate because usually in the free time I want to work out (afternoons) I need to find time to eat lunch and study which sometimes I need to trade a study instead of working out. I just started this new lifestyle last week doing all my workouts on the Your Shape game from Xbox because I am just not getting the exercise I need. I do need to loose a few pounds but I am really all about eating more healthy (cutting out my horrible lunches and snacks) and getting exercise in everyday. I really need some motivation to stay on this.
    Welcome to the group! I am sure u will find lots of support here. Feel free to express your ideas, thoughts and concerns.
  • QUESTION: Being a SAHM, a lot of time we find it difficult to find the time to exercise...we either have excuses, can't go to gym cause we can't find a sitter, have a million other things to do at home than workout, too tired, etc... I'm sure y'all can relate to this or one million other excuses....
    What is your FAVORITE exercise to do at home? Share some with us and maybe we can get ideas from each other.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    :yawn: QUESTION: Being a SAHM, a lot of time we find it difficult to find the time to exercise...we either have excuses, can't go to gym cause we can't find a sitter, have a million other things to do at home than workout, too tired, etc... I'm sure y'all can relate to this or one million other excuses....
    What is your FAVORITE exercise to do at home? Share some with us and maybe we can get ideas from each other.
    Mine was called a double stroller. I packed up the kids and walked everywhere. Two in the stroller and the oldest on her bike.

    The Y has free child care for it's members...their group exercise classes are fantastic....from Zumba to Boot Camp. I highly recommend it.

    @ home, I have Zumba Wii & Just Dance 2. I get up by 0530 and immediately change into my workout gear....otherwise its :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • OMG I am so mad... I just typed this long post n it deleted. UUUGGHH Anyway Goodmornin Y'all! Hope you have a great and wonderful day. I'm defrosting myself....hubby forgot to put out trash so I had to run out in this 20 degree weather to put it out. Got the blood pumpin and flowing.
    I'm looking forward to this weekend. We are taking the kids to a lakefront cabin. They are super excited. Mommy not so much..well I am about everything except temperatures in the teens n 20's. Y'all know what I mean. Imma freeze something off trying to roast marshmallows....better yet trying to build a fire to roast them. Might take some short cuts n build a fire in the pit. Lol the bbw pit haha. My hubby would prob disown this not so country gal if he heard me saying such a thing. LOL But seriously I know the kids will have a blast so that makes me happy! What are y'all doing for the weekend?
    JUst remember to STAY ON TRACK!
    And to get your brains stimulated an ICEBREAKER- What is your FAVORITE color and WHY???
    QUESTION: Who or what (other than yourself) inspires you to continue on with this new lifestyle change?

    I look forward to reading responses.
    P.S. I need to get a Wii....played just dance 2 with my little sis on hers and like to have died trying to keep up but it surely got the blood pumping.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    :yawn: QUESTION: Being a SAHM, a lot of time we find it difficult to find the time to exercise...we either have excuses, can't go to gym cause we can't find a sitter, have a million other things to do at home than workout, too tired, etc... I'm sure y'all can relate to this or one million other excuses....
    What is your FAVORITE exercise to do at home? Share some with us and maybe we can get ideas from each other.
    Mine was called a double stroller. I packed up the kids and walked everywhere. Two in the stroller and the oldest on her bike.

    The Y has free child care for it's members...their group exercise classes are fantastic....from Zumba to Boot Camp. I highly recommend it.

    @ home, I have Zumba Wii & Just Dance 2. I get up by 0530 and immediately change into my workout gear....otherwise its :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    We do the Y too and the childwatch has been an instant remedy for my "well, the baby makes it hard to exercise" excuse. Their classes are awesome!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Plans for the weekend: Swim lessons with my little man tomorrow, and working Sunday morning. Just a lot of family time!
    Icebreaker: Yellow--its bright and cheerful :)
    Question: Inspirations for me: the knowledge that this is going to lead to a better, healthier future for me....and the old photographs I have from when I got married 4 years ago and how it is obvious how downright confident and happy i was with the way i looked. I want that back!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    @ trueandgenuine
    You're so right 'bout the Just Dance daughter loves it, but I can barely keep up with the moves. Zumba Wii is the ultimate imo :flowerforyou:

    @ KC1206
    nothin' like an "instant remedy"...keep it working! :tongue:
    ICEBREAKER- What is your FAVORITE color and WHY???
    QUESTION: Who or what (other than yourself) inspires you to continue on with this new lifestyle change?
    brown is the new black, as my favorite color, 'cause it brings out my eyes :love:
    If we're talking about roses, sonia (peach thru sunset in color) bec' my hubs says, "...I love that twinkle in your eye when I hand them to you..." :wink:
    purple Justin's (boots) & longhorn \m/ orange (school colors).... they just make me feel good :happy:

    My young son INSPIRES me...he battles t1diabetes (type I/juvenile, insulin-dependent diabetes) on a moment by moment basis....he is my inspiration for a new lifestyle change. He did not choose this devastating disease and it would be tragic if I didn't fight the good fight w/him. If he's gotta count EVERYTHING, the least I can do is model that necessity.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Ladies! It's day 4 for me and doing well. I feel lighter over all which is nice. Ok time to answer the questions:

    And to get your brains stimulated an ICEBREAKER- What is your FAVORITE color and WHY???

    I don't really have a favorite though I tend to wear a lot of black, a little red, white, purple and green. I like the combo of black,white and red together as they are strong colors and tend to stand out.

    QUESTION: Who or what (other than yourself) inspires you to continue on with this new lifestyle change?

    Reality is this is all about me and how I feel about myself. Aside from that I have 4 children the youngest are 2 and 3 1/2. I turn 40 in September. I want to look like their mom when they head off to school not their grandmother!
  • My favorite color is brown...Aside from loving the way I look in it....Its a strong color and blends well when put with other colors. Brown is like an enhancing color...its put with other colors to make them spark. That's kind of how I see myself. I feel sometimes I bring out the best in others and I blend well.

    My inspriation and true motivation (other than myself) definitely has to be my late grandfather. He battled weight issues after he retired and once it got on it was hell to get off and he always told me he never wanted me to struggle like him with health...all things that were an offspring of his weight. Anyway, he bought this scale once. Paid almost 200 bucks for it. And I told him that was the craziest money he ever spent...and he said no I need a good scale. I guess is what I thought. Anyway when he died. Everything was split amongst the family just as he had it in his will. And his will had one section in there for me and it said I was to get his scale and he wrote...don't allow the weight of this world overwhelm you. With time, hard work. And persevearence you c an do it. And that has stuck with me fro the past 2 yrs since he passed and now I know what it means inside and ready to fight the battle and change my lifestyle. Diets are for sissies I always say....because they are only temporary. Changing your lifestyle is something you want for the longhaul...more permanent.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi I would love to join. I am a sahm of 7, the older 4 are adults and on their own now, so I only have the youngest 3 at home they are 11,12 and 14. I also have 4 grandchildren and another on the way in june. I homeschooled for 10yrs, did fostercare for 7 yrs and adopted the youngest 3 from fostercare. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and hypothyroid, So as you can see over the years I have been busy taking care of everyone else and have let myself go.But no more now it is time for ME. I started on this journey in july and have lost 49lbs so I am 1/2 way there. I need motivation to exercise. I do good for awhile and then I have to force myself to do it.

    ICEBREAKER- What is your FAVORITE color and WHY??? blue because it is calming and bright at the same time, I love blue skies and blue oceans and lakes,
    QUESTION: Who or what (other than yourself) inspires you to continue on with this new lifestyle change? my health , I am tired of being sick and not being able to enjoy life and do things with my kids. I was able to go bike riding with my youngest daughter for the first time and she told me that me losing weight was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to our family because now I can do things with her like ride bikes. Hows that for motivation to keep going .. LOL
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Welcome themommie! You have done really well losing 49 lbs. so far that's fantastic! It is hard sometimes working in the exercise just remember you will never regret taking the time to exercise but you will regret not doing it. This isn't a marathon race to the finish, it's the steady journey.

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Had a very slow start this morning, esp with a sick child last night. Couldn't get myself motivated so I headed for the gym. After a poor 15 minutes on the Elliptical, I decided to do a Yoga session....awesome as it was, it was just what I needed ...I got home & fired up my Zumba Wii :tongue: tremendous workout :tongue:

    Just as I finished up one 20-minute "expert" session, my daughter got home from classes and together we pulled a 45-minute Zumba dance-a-thon :heart: what a blast...I had sweat pouring & heart rate pumping :laugh:
    Felt so good that I scrubbed down the bathroom, ran the vacuum, changed the linens and did a load of laundry before the hubs walked thru the door!

    Days like that are few and far between, but today was the's got to be the full moon ********* hopefully everyone got a little extra energy as well! This has been such a great day all around! Thanks Moms for the support and shared ground...have a great weekend :flowerforyou:
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