Strength-training at the beginning?

I've just started to go back to the gym and I had a long talk with my father about my weight and issues. We discussed what I should to lose weight and he says to strictly stick to cardio right now until I lose a considerable amount of weight.

However, I read that starting some form of weight training or strength training early on will help aid in your metabolism and help you burn faster. So, should I consider implementing some training after or before my cardio workout on the elliptical?


  • AdamJBischoff
    Actually, any workout that makes your heart beat faster will gain your metabolism. Strength training is a great idea for older people to start with beause when older people loose weight they usually keep the "extra" skin.

    Also, if you're extremely over weight, as in obese. Then strength training will help loose weight faster, and since it gets your heart going, it will most defianetly raise your metabolism.

    Typically, people only walk on the treadmill because it burns fat and calories. And it increases your metabolism. You don't have to run. Those are myths.

    YOU HAVE TO RUN TO LOSE WEIGHT(No, walking is about the same).

    You see, you can't loose fat on one specific part of the body. You will loose fat from all different locations on your body. As long as you're walking it is excorsize. And there has been many people who've had lost pounds from the treadmill and diets. I am sorry to announce again that food is the problem to everyone's weight. We're eating too much of it. Excorsizing will burn calories, but it won't keep us from getting too much. We only burn in the 300s when we excorsize for an hour. v-v
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    The above poster conclusions are inaccurate. The reason you want to strength train is to maintain the muscle that you already have. Muscles burn more calories than fat. Doing a combination of cardio & strength training is what you want. In the end if you want to lose weight its all about a calorie deficit ( Diet)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    The above poster conclusions are inaccurate. The reason you want to strength train is to maintain the muscle that you already have. Muscles burn more calories than fat. Doing a combination of cardio & strength training is what you want. In the end if you want to lose weight its all about a calorie deficit ( Diet)


    do both strength training and cardio. if you're alive then your metabolism is more than likely fine, no need to aid it, jump start it or anything of that nature.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    One big thing to consistency. If you enjoy cardio, do that consistently. If you enjoy strength training, do that consistently. Build some consistancy. It will help you stay on track.

    Yes - strength training is VERY important. Incorporate it sooner rather than later. Too many people wait until they are AT goal to start. You are already asking that question...good for you.

    Strength training helps you keep lean muscle while eating at a deficit. But, if you have a ways to won't be at risk for muscle loss (for awhile). But it's never too early to start. Strength training is always a good thing.
  • nicoletteamber
    nicoletteamber Posts: 57 Member
    Actually, any workout that makes your heart beat faster will gain your metabolism. Strength training is a great idea for older people to start with beause when older people loose weight they usually keep the "extra" skin.

    Also, if you're extremely over weight, as in obese. Then strength training will help loose weight faster, and since it gets your heart going, it will most defianetly raise your metabolism.

    Typically, people only walk on the treadmill because it burns fat and calories. And it increases your metabolism. You don't have to run. Those are myths.

    YOU HAVE TO RUN TO LOSE WEIGHT(No, walking is about the same).

    You see, you can't loose fat on one specific part of the body. You will loose fat from all different locations on your body. As long as you're walking it is excorsize. And there has been many people who've had lost pounds from the treadmill and diets. I am sorry to announce again that food is the problem to everyone's weight. We're eating too much of it. Excorsizing will burn calories, but it won't keep us from getting too much. We only burn in the 300s when we excorsize for an hour. v-v

    Good insight! I've always heard card is running and I hate running/have hip problems so I avoid it. I'd rather do insanity, seems to really kick my butt. But to show and tone muscle, wouldn't it be good to weight lift as well? Insanity HIIT training and weight lifting work differently right?
  • AdamJBischoff
    Actually, you lose fat before muscle. Where do people get the information saying, "You burn muscle before fat"
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Actually, you lose fat before muscle. Where do people get the information saying, "You burn muscle before fat"

    MOSTLY fat actually. You lose fat, muscle and bone density.

    strength training helps retain muscle mass and bone density.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Actually, you lose fat before muscle. Where do people get the information saying, "You burn muscle before fat"

    People that say that apparently got their info from the same place you did for your first post....

    To the OP start a well established program that you enjoy. It doesn't have to be heavy lifting, it can be body weight (I started with bodyweight and moved to heavy lifting) and I wish I had started earlier.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Actually, you lose fat before muscle. Where do people get the information saying, "You burn muscle before fat"

    Actually you burn both all the time in a deficit, the rate at which one gets burned over the other has to do with: workout routine, diet (Macro set up), size of deficit, genetics, current BF%, etc.