College Diet Plan

I am currently a college student looking to build muscle mass. I have read in numerous places that I am supposed to eat about 7 meals/day in order to get the amount of carbs, protein, and fats I need. However, as a college student I have to use the dining hall and therefore can only eat about 3 meals/day. I feel like its a bad idea to try to stuff all of the calories I need into just those 3 meals, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what I should eat during those meals as well as anything I could eat between meals to help me reach my calorie goals.


  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    First of all what is you calorie goal? I honestly don't know too much about muscle building but you could try to add protein shakes and CLIF Bars in between meals.....
  • rgharwood
    rgharwood Posts: 13 Member
    First of all what is you calorie goal? I honestly don't know too much about muscle building but you could try to add protein shakes and CLIF Bars in between meals.....

    I am trying to do Steve Cook's Big Man on Campus from According to that I'm supposed to have about 2713 calories/day consisting of 271g carbs, 271 g protein, and 60 g fat.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    It really depends on the food of at your school. My school has one dining hall but there is always a wide array of options - including high calorie foods. You should have no problem consuming 2700 calories a day from dining hall food - that's 900 calories per meal (I could do that.) Think a glass of whole milk, a cheeseburger with mayo and ketchup, a cookie and some fresh cut vegetables on the side. Or two large slices of pizza with a nice salad and some fresh fruit.
    I also encourage you to find your TDEE so you know exactly how many extra calories you need to eat to bulk.
  • rgharwood
    rgharwood Posts: 13 Member
    Also, I am trying to build muscle, but I don't want to be looking like one of those big offensive lineman types, I want to be get cut and ripped. How should I go about this from a nutrition and diet stand point? Should I be eating to bulk, or should I alternate between bulking and cutting?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I am currently a college student looking to build muscle mass. I have read in numerous places that I am supposed to eat about 7 meals/day in order to get the amount of carbs, protein, and fats I need. However, as a college student I have to use the dining hall and therefore can only eat about 3 meals/day. I feel like its a bad idea to try to stuff all of the calories I need into just those 3 meals, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what I should eat during those meals as well as anything I could eat between meals to help me reach my calorie goals.
    For most folks without specific medical issues, meal timing isn't actually important, so the 3 vs 7 meals thing isn't really an issue. Protein is obviously your first priority in building muscle mass, so focus primarily on getting adequate protein, followed by adequate fat (for satiety as well as strength), and with carbohydrates filling in the remainder. Aim for between 0.8 and 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, as a very general guideline.

    From your profile, it looks like you're attempting the last bits of a cut; it's extraordinarily difficult - some would say 'impossible' -to build muscle mass while cutting. You'll have to decide if it's more important to your short-term goals to reduce the amount of body fat on your frame and then bulk, or bulk to (above) your desired weight, mass, and strength goals and then cut to reduce body fat.
  • rgharwood
    rgharwood Posts: 13 Member
    I am currently a college student looking to build muscle mass. I have read in numerous places that I am supposed to eat about 7 meals/day in order to get the amount of carbs, protein, and fats I need. However, as a college student I have to use the dining hall and therefore can only eat about 3 meals/day. I feel like its a bad idea to try to stuff all of the calories I need into just those 3 meals, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what I should eat during those meals as well as anything I could eat between meals to help me reach my calorie goals.
    For most folks without specific medical issues, meal timing isn't actually important, so the 3 vs 7 meals thing isn't really an issue. Protein is obviously your first priority in building muscle mass, so focus primarily on getting adequate protein, followed by adequate fat (for satiety as well as strength), and with carbohydrates filling in the remainder. Aim for between 0.8 and 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, as a very general guideline.

    From your profile, it looks like you're attempting the last bits of a cut; it's extraordinarily difficult - some would say 'impossible' -to build muscle mass while cutting. You'll have to decide if it's more important to your short-term goals to reduce the amount of body fat on your frame and then bulk, or bulk to (above) your desired weight, mass, and strength goals and then cut to reduce body fat.

    About how much weight should I put on bulking before beginning the cutting phase again?
  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    Garbage. I eat whenever I want and I have however many meals I want, as do various bodybuilders. It doesn't matter when you eat, just make sure you're hitting your macros and calories properly.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I am currently a college student looking to build muscle mass. I have read in numerous places that I am supposed to eat about 7 meals/day in order to get the amount of carbs, protein, and fats I need. However, as a college student I have to use the dining hall and therefore can only eat about 3 meals/day. I feel like its a bad idea to try to stuff all of the calories I need into just those 3 meals, so I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to what I should eat during those meals as well as anything I could eat between meals to help me reach my calorie goals.
    For most folks without specific medical issues, meal timing isn't actually important, so the 3 vs 7 meals thing isn't really an issue. Protein is obviously your first priority in building muscle mass, so focus primarily on getting adequate protein, followed by adequate fat (for satiety as well as strength), and with carbohydrates filling in the remainder. Aim for between 0.8 and 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, as a very general guideline.

    From your profile, it looks like you're attempting the last bits of a cut; it's extraordinarily difficult - some would say 'impossible' -to build muscle mass while cutting. You'll have to decide if it's more important to your short-term goals to reduce the amount of body fat on your frame and then bulk, or bulk to (above) your desired weight, mass, and strength goals and then cut to reduce body fat.

    About how much weight should I put on bulking before beginning the cutting phase again?
    That's just about entirely subjective, so all but impossible to say (and, with this being the internet, that means someone will be along shortly with 'science' to provide hard numbers). I've seen some folks express it in terms of a percentage over their goal weight, but that percentage appears to vary based on how heavy that weight is.