1 Month in, 1 pound heavier....


I started using MFP 1 month ago. I've drastically changed my diet, from eating takeout nightly to eating home prepared fresh foods. I started the 21 day fix a couple of days ago to supplement it, but haven't logged the exercise since I haven't lost weight using MFP as is. I will admit, I generally feel better... but with such a drastic diet change, I'm a bit confused and worried. Do I have some sort of medical condition?

What's the deal? Would anyone mind evaluating my food log? I add everything I touch, including beer/wine (although I rarely drink)

Things I try to stay away from that I used to eat regularly:

Added Sugar
White Rice
French Fries


  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    you need to open the diary to the public for anyone to see it
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    you will need to open your diary to the public before anyone can give you advice
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    How do you feel? Is your body changing? Keep up the good habits!!!!
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Your diary is still set to private. You can change this in settings.

    Are you weighing everything you are consuming? Guesstimating can hinder progress as some people still eat a calorie surplus without realizing it.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Are you actually weighing your foods accurately? Have a look at the link it will help getting your logging as accurate as possible

  • I had the same result, remember if you are working it in the gym, especially lifting weights, you are going to be adding muscle as well as burning fat. So you could be dropping fat pounds but adding muscle pounds, and therefore see a net gain on the scale.

    In the beginning, at least, be more concerned about how your clothes fit and body measurements (if you are taking them) as opposed to how far the number on the scale is moving.

    My experience, for example, is that in the last 4 months the number on the scale has not really moved much, but I have been able to tighten my belt 2 notches and I am down a pants size. I can also definitely see more muscle in my arms, chest, better definition all over, improved stamina, etc.

    Bottom line is I think you are fine, just sweat in the gym and not on the scale lol.
  • Settings at the top, then Diary Settings, then look at the bottom for the privacy options.

    Are you taking body measurements as well? You should consider doing that, as there may be more changes than you realize going on.
  • PAdamson
    PAdamson Posts: 4 Member
    I'm happy to help and will share something personal that may apply to you.

    Starting in January of this year I noticed that I was gaining weight, but my diet hadn't changed. My attitude had gone from "glass half full" to "glass half empty" and I was tired most afternoons. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started taking thyroid medication. My mood improved over the first 60 days of medication and I have since added exercise, but my weight loss was slow until I moved to a low sodium diet. It appears that even more than my thyroid, my body has trouble with swelling related to sodium intake. You may want to have: 1) your thyroid function tested; 2) monitor your daily sodium intake.

    Share your diary and I am happy to offer some input.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    do you weigh all solid foods you consume and measure all liquids? If not you are probably eating 10-50% more than you think you are.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    The first month on mfp I gained 5lbs. I ALMOST stopped using it. Three years later I am now half the person I used to be.
    If you open your diary, we can review, and give feedback.
  • oldskool1972
    oldskool1972 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been using MFP on/off for about a year or so, kind of probably using it for a week or two here and there.

    About 3 months ago my GP told me that my blood pressure was higher than it should be (but not yet at a point where I need to start to panic). The main cause of this was purely and simply down to my weight (I was 17st 11lbs at this point - probably the heaviest I've ever been, and I don't look like Arnie S!!).

    Having seen friends and family suffer from blood pressure/heart problems etc over the past decade or so it really has been the final kick up the butt I've needed to start changing myself before it's too late (I'm 41).

    So, 2 months ago I started exercising, using 2 different cardio programs. 1 put together for burning calories (10 minute blocks of various cardio e.g. running, rowing, cross trainer plus a 10K cycle etc) and the second more focussed on distance and stamina (5k run and 10k cycle). I also complete 4 sets of 5 reps of the the following 5 weight exercises: bicep curls, romanian dead lifts, bent over rows and backwards lunges. I try to go to the gym every other day and rotate which cardio exercise set I'm doing each time (but always do the weights sets).

    To start with, I couldn't complete the cardio sessions, and could only run between 1-2k in one go but I stuck at it, increasing my runs by 0.5k each week until I got to 4k which is where I'm currently at. My 10k cycles have been increased intensity wise, and the same for some of the cardio sessions. I'm now completing all sessions and burning about 1k of calories each time I visit.
    I appreciate some people do far more than I do but for me, at present, it's working.

    Food wise, I use mfp to keep me focussed and on track. I have occasional off days where I eat too much, or completely the wrong thing(s!), but Ijust get back on it the following day and try to limit these to one day per week. I have a limit of 1500 calories (more on exercise days - log your exercise so you know how much more you can take onboard) and try to watch the sugar content. I've cut out chocolate/biscuits/fizzy drinks/crisps, and cut right back on carbs (my family are Irish and mu in-laws are Italian so potatoes and pasta have been part and parcel of my diet for many years!).

    This isn't a boastful post, I just wanted to let you know that it can be done and I'm still a hell of a long way off my ideal weight. I've lost 11lbs thus far and want to lose about 4 stone overall.

    Happy to buddy up if you want extra motivation, and/or to have a look at your food diary if you open it up for us to view...

    It's a long road, but try to look at it as a permanent lifestyle change rather than a fad/quick fix change. You say you're already feeling better for it so keep going, it will come good.

    Take care my friend.
