Any1 doing Weight Watchers? - Fibre 1 PB Choc Bars Question

VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member

This question is for anyone who is currently transitioning from WW to MFP or who simply uses both programs.

Yesterday, bought a big ol' box of Fibre 1 Peanut Butter Chocolate flavour chewy bars (light - 26 g, 100 calories each). I had previously been buying the 35 g 130 calorie oats and chocolate flavour.

The oats and chocolate flavour comes to 3 points for one bar.

When I bought the PB ones, I used the calculator and they also came to 3 points (3 g fat, 19 g carbs, 5 g fibre, 1 g protein). So I bought them.

This morning, I opened the box and packed one with my lunch. However, when I looked them up on the internet today at work (no data on my phone), the bars are in the system as 9 points each! Is that right? Could there be a mistake?

I know I've seen some things that calculate a point or two lower than the WW database, but 1/3 lower is unheard of for me.

Does anyone know what point value I should use? I already opened them so I can't return them. But I'm not willing to to use 1/3 of my daily points on one miniscule little granola bar. Especially one that is seemingly worse than a real chocolate bar. It doesn't even make sense they could be 9 freaking points for 100 calories. My yogurt was 80 calories and only 2 points (I know their point system doesn't actually use calories in the calculation).

Also, I would like to point out the Oats and Chocolate ones before that are in the WW system as 3 points have 4 g fat, 29 g carbs, 9 g fibre, and 2 g protein. So the higher carbs and fibre basically cancel out - why would the peanut butter ones be sooooo much worse? It has to be a mistake (can you tell I was pretty excited for these bars?)

I'm leaning towards counting the pb bars as 3 points and eating them anyway. Especially knowing what I know now that I've been coming to MFP for a while (all that matters is calories).



Edit: Add image of the website calculation... hopefully?


  • Thunder86
    Thunder86 Posts: 3 Member
    I just typed in the nutrition facts you gave on the WWPP app on my phone and it came to 4 points plus.
  • gmspindler
    I just typed in the numbers you gave, and my WW points plus calculator registered at 3 points as did yours. The site calculator gave me the same number.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I'm still getting 3 points when I log into the website... But even if it's 4 points (which weirdly WW has both 3 and 4 points as items for the oats and chocolate ones in their database, just to make it more confusing), that's still WAY better than 9 points. I might eat one once in a while with it being 4 points.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I'm not sure, can people see the images I just included in the main post?