Favorite Low Calorie Snack

What is your favorite low calorie (yet filling) snack? Need some new ideas.


  • Blair2374
    Blair2374 Posts: 50 Member
    I've started eating a lot of raw carrot and sugarsnap peas :)
    Banana is a good filler.
  • amgerbin
    amgerbin Posts: 49 Member
    An apple and low-fat string cheese. I also love snacking on cherries.
  • Irishfaerie86
    Irishfaerie86 Posts: 34 Member
    I love the frozen dark chocolate banana slices from dole. They are only 100 calories a pack and very tasty :-). I also like the fiber one 90 calorie brownies but they aren't filling so I'd go with the banana slices.
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    I love the frozen dark chocolate banana slices from dole. They are only 100 calories a pack and very tasty :-). I also like the fiber one 90 calorie brownies but they aren't filling so I'd go with the banana slices.

    I agree about the 90 calorie brownies not being very filling. I would so much rather just have a banana or half of a dark chocolate hershey's bar (95 cal).
  • shawna48
    shawna48 Posts: 15 Member
    Peppered beef jerky. 80 calories for 1/3 of a bag... it takes me a while to eat it because of so much chewing...and the flavor calms my stomach's demand.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I find my snacks are so much more filling if they have ideally some protein and some fiber and even some fat, so it's so much more worth it to have something a little bigger/more balanced than, like, a 100 calorie pack of fake Oreos or something. All of these are in the neighborhood of 150-200 calories, give or take a few (depending on exactly how much of everything you use):

    A piece of fruit (apple, usually) with string cheese
    Some berries (or a cut peach, in season) with a dollop of vanilla greek yogurt (you can do plain, too, I just don't like it) and a sprinkle of flax granola (just enough for some crunch)
    A half serving of Kashi 7 grain pita crisps and a 3/4 ounce slice of colby jack or a serving of homemade spinach dip
    Apple with peanut butter
    Cut veggies with homemade greek yogurt/feta dip
    KIND bar or Trader Joe's high fiber granola bar
    A slice of sprouted wheat toast with a bit of butter or avocado and an over easy egg, or with a laughing cow cheese and some deli ham or turkey

    I could go on....
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Butternut squash (buy cooked squash in frozen section of Kroger)
    Breyer's fat free frozen yogurt
    Baby puffs and activia yogurt

    Bagels with spread or yogurt: I know not low-cal but you can buy ones called Alternative bagels that are