First post!

budderfli9 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey All,
I'm Trish, 35 years old, mother of two and wife of one. ;P I found this site through my iPod actually, it was an application that I started using. I love this site! It's by far my favorite app, as I can log my food while I'm at work and don't have to guess if I'm within my calories or not. I had been on LA Weight Loss years ago, and lost 80 pounds. I gained back 30 when I fell off the wagon, and now I am back on it! I am not going through them anymore, I saved all my plan information and journals, so I'm going it alone this time. (I spent way too much money on that already!!) I never used to log calories before, but the food diary makes it so easy, I figured it's a nice safety net for when I'm not eating the foods I should. Plus I like the fact that exercise changes my calorie intake for the day.

I've tried getting back on the wagon a few times in the past few years, but fell off after a few days. Just wasn't feeling it, you know? But, I found out before New Year I am going to be a bridesmaid in September, and my "competition"-the other bridesmaids- are at least 10 years younger than I so I need to step it up! It all came together for me, as tis the season for weight loss resolutions anyway. I have to admit, I don't think I'd be doing so well if I hadn't received the iPod a few weeks ago as a brithday gift! It's actually making my weight loss goal fun!

Anyway, I'd like to lose the 30 I gained back, plus another 15-20 maybe? If I lost 50 total, I would be at my high school weight. :) Of course in high school I thought I was fat so I didn't show it off, but when I reach that weight again, I plan to flaunt it! :) Alright, so, this is me, looking forward to getting to know some people on here! Oh BTW, I've actually lost 6.5 so far this year, and I have no plans to slow down!



  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Welcome, and I can't wait to see your progress!
  • Welcome!!!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Trish! It's a great site to get you 'back on the wagon'. Good Luck!!
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    Welcome, and Good Luck!! :D
  • Welcome. I'm Gina, a 45 year old mother of 2 and "nana" of 1 very rambunctious 3 year old girl. I, too, have been bouncing around with my weight for the past several years. I just recently came back to MFP after being gone a month. I guess with Christmas, New year's and a trip to Disney World in Florida, I just got lazy and didn't take the time to track what I had eaten daily. I just started tracking again and hope to pick right back up where I left off. I wish you luck and your journey and know that you will be beautiful as a bridesmaid. :wink:
  • Hi Trish
    I thought I'd respond because we have a few things in common. I'm 41, mother of 2, wife of 1 (too funny). I, too, found the app with my iPod -- last year. I had some success, then gave up -- and now I'm back!! This is my first time on the website.

    I've lost a few pounds so far in the last couple of weeks, but I'd like to lose another 20-25. I would also be close to my high school weight then, a little more, but close.

    I have a tip that's working for me -- I'm pretty excited about it. I've been eating at least a third (and up to a half) of my calories for breakfast. I LOVE a big breakfast. I have been careful to eat good healthy proteins (Greek yogurt) and complex carbs (steel cut oats) and it is working like a charm!! Lunch is just soup, but I'm not hungry, and dinner is still reasonable.

    My downfall is with exercise. I don't -- at all. I'm lazy as can be. How are you in that area?

    Anyway, we may be a good fit to be fitness "friends", though I have no idea how that works. You could add me (it's like Facebook all over again).


    p.s. I don't know how to add the cool graphs and stuff etither.
  • Hi everyone! Im so excited to be here! :) I heard about this website from my mother, who is a pretty new user as well! She has it as an app on her phone and I will too, once I get a cool phone like that! LOL Anyways, today is day 1 for me and Im already stoked! I have tried fitness and food trackers before but never got so into it! Plus they always left me so frustrated! This year I have so many goals that I want to complete for myself! One of them being the fact that I havent worn a swim suit in over 8 years, which is a little bit ridiculous, if you ask many of the people around me! You see, before I had kids (8+ years ago) I was a model, in my eyes, I had the perfect body, then I had kids! Dont get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything in this world. Im just the type of woman that, when I get pregnant, my whole body shows it! My face, neck, arms, legs... EVERYWHERE!!! I gained 80lbs from my first pregnancy. I felt like a cow... I was miserable after that! A few years later I got down to 190lbs and got pregnant again, that time I got really sick and only gained 20lbs throughout the whole pregnancy. So there I was 210lbs and miserable with my appearance! About 4 years ago, my mother and I started working out. We went to the gym and were doing great! I managed to get down to 140lbs in a year just by changing a few things and eating a little tiny differently! So I lost 70 lbs in a year! :) However, as all women that have gained a ton of weight and then lost some it, I have some trouble spots that just wont stop buggin me... I have a few jiggle spots, I have a few slight things that still need toning... I have given up many times because I didnt have the motivation... I have never once been the type of person that could just change my eating habits because I never was taught how much is the correct amount to eat and what I should be eating... I never learned portion control or calorie counting... before now, that all seemed too complex for me... this website makes everything more clear, I really feel like this place is going to help me reach my goals. This place is really going to help me finally feel better about getting back into a swim suit once and for all! Im so excited to be here! :)
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