Encouragement needed

Hello all! I have a scenario that I would like your feedback on. My best friend and I started MFP together on 1/5/11. Here are our stats:
height: 5'7'
sw: 197
MFP cal goal 1200

height: 5'3"
sw: 199
MFP cal goal: 1370 (exercise 3-4 times/week chosen on profile)

My husband and I started 30-day shred on 1/6/11, and did it 5 of the 7 days our first week. I have also been trying to increase my water intake (probably get in about 40-48 oz per day) She has chosen at this point to not exercise (she may add it later).

1st week WI:
Her: -4.4 lbs
Me: - 3 lbs

We plodded along through week 2. I continued with the 30-day shred and even added a couple of days with some extra cardio. Still trying to drink more water, and I was using my most of my exercise calories She continued with no exercise, no water - 1200 cal/day.

2nd week WI:
Her: -3.2 lbs
Me: -0.8 lbs

I was devasted. I am so happy for her, really! But I had been feeling super motivated, and it was just kind of a let down to me. I soon realized that a loss is a loss, no mater how much it is.

I was just wondering if the exercise and water might have had an effect on my loss. I have laid off the exercise so far this week, mostly due to a pulled muscle in my upper back and neck. I know that in the long run exercise and proper hydration can only be beneficial, but it sure would be nice to see a wee bit more progress this early in the game. I haven't given up (although I really wanted to after my WI). I just wanted some feedback from some of you who may have been at this longer than me :ohwell:



  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    What kind of foos are in her diet and what kind of food is in hers?
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Hers and yours sorry lol
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Stick with it, you are building muscle! :) You are going to catch up and then pass her! I totally understand your disappointment though. I dropped my first 25ish pounds pretty quickly, but I've been at a stall on the weight loss since the middle of Dec. I've run 50 miles so far this year, but I haven't lost any more weight!!
    I just have to believe that if I keep going, my weight will eventually reflect my hard work :)

    Oh, keep an eye on your sodium too :)
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    Just a thought: this website is myFITNESSpal for a reason. While your friend may be losing weight at a faster rate than you, she is not building a healthier lifestyle like you are. Be proud of the weight you're losing, but be prouder of the fact that you're making yourself a healther, and in time happier, person.
  • sec820
    sec820 Posts: 40
    Our diets are pretty similar, due to the fact that we are both really picky eaters. Neither one of us are eating a lot of fruit and veggies. She does not like any fruit and very few veggies. I have been eating some fruit (banana, apple) and some spinach salads. I am not a fan of veggies either. been trying to eat broccoli.

    We went out to lunch after church last Sunday and this is what we both ate:
    Her: chicken tenders and 1 1/2 rolls
    Me: grilled salmon, half order of steamed broccoli (it's all I could get down before my son ate it), 1/2 cup of chicken tortilla soup and 1 roll.

    Does this help?
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    How are your sodium levels? The foods you just listed have a tendency to be high in sodium (especially the soup and roll!), which can cause some serious water retention if you're not careful!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Keep at it every day for the rest of your life and you can't fail! Different people lose at different rates. No sense comparing yourself to your friend. It's only discouraging you. These lifestyle changes and losses are cause for CELEBRATION! Don't let anything take that away from you.

    If she was losing at the same rate or slower, would you be discouraged?

    You are you and you are uniquely, amazingly you. You will lose in your own perfectly unique way.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • prencesskl
    You are working out, and as others have said you are building muscle. Muscle weighs more, but also helps burn fat better from what I understand. So you may want to try tracking your measurements for a few weeks, to see the loss, and by then you will see the weightloss. And remember you are building healthy habits which will help keep the weight you do lose off....
  • michellenlee
    Don't get discouraged! Even though your results may be slow to show, if you keep working at it, you'll eventually get over that initial slump and then the weight will just start melting off! Believe me!!
  • jen76love
    Try to cut out more sugar. Fruit is good for you, but has a lot of sugar.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I love to gain muscle. Take measurement of your body parts, you are shrinking!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    beware the bread.. hahhahaha