Anybody with PCOS?

jaystacers Posts: 50 Member
I was wondering if there is anyone else on here with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome? If so are you having success with losing weight? I recently was told by a doctor that I have PCOS and I am really trying to lose weight, but am finding it really difficult. If I know that someone else has it and is able to lose weight still then it will give me a boost of confidence that I am not wasting my time.


  • Jinglez66
    Jinglez66 Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS and one of the main reasons I needed to keep my weight down so I can keep having my monthly cycle instead of relying on medication. I do find I put on weight a lot easier than most people but I don't think it has been extremely difficult for me to lose the weight. I think it's about being true to your food diary, that is everything that passes through your mouth must get recorded, yes even if it's lemon juice.

    Myfitnesspal definitely keeps you to your goals, but you must be honest with yourself and be realistic. It's not a sprint but a slow slow walk!
  • mshort405
    mshort405 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS for over 10 years. In total I have been able to lose 67 pounds, 41 of which came after I joined MFP. I'm on BC and Spironolactone and the combination of the two seems to have finally settled things down for me. The biggest thing is that I record everything I eat, down to the last bite. I find that the more honest I am about it the better I'm doing. It's possible when you have PCOS. It's not easy but it is possible.

    Hang in there! You can do this!
  • jaystacers
    jaystacers Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you so much ladies. I will just keep pushing for it., and congrats to both of you for all the weight lost so far.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    I also have PCOS (was diagnosed when I was 16). It was always an excuse to me for why I'm so heavy. I've finally decided enough is enough and I've been steadily losing for the last 3 months. Down 16 pounds now. Getting rid of PCOS is one of the big benefits to finally getting all this weight off. Good luck, you can do this!
  • reeserox
    reeserox Posts: 55 Member
    Hey...I have PCOS too. I was officially diagnosed about a year ago, but I've had it since I was 11-12. Losing weight is hard but when my endocrinologist out me on metformin and with excersise I was able to lose 30 pretty well.

    Stopped taking the metformin because I want to try and lose weight with the help to try and get my body to regulate itself. I haveb't been able to really excersise, but I've been maintaining the weight loss within 5lbs up or down so thats good.

    Good Luck to you.

  • hbird105
    Hey! I have PCOS and I really hate putting weight on because it gives me more obvious symptoms, like more body hair (eek!)

    I lost a stone in two weeks a few months back through a low-carb diet and gym visits everyday. You can definitely do it, but I find I have to be really strict with myself.
  • WynterMoonlight
    I've had it for 20 years. Been on Metformin & Spironolactone since the beginning of this year. I did lose the majority of my weight without Metformin in the beginning but it does help a lot. I've had no nasty side effects. I do Powerlifting,Am vegetarian and do allow myself to have a cheat once a week. You can feel free to add me for support. I have pictures on my profile of when I was at my heaviest. I've lost close to 160 LBS with no surgery.
  • Persian99
    Persian99 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm one of those people whose PCOS was "cured" by weight loss. My doctor told me that although there is such a thing as lean PCOS and that requires treatment, it's often possible to shake PCOS or at least most of its symptoms by losing weight if you're heavy. That seems to be the case with me.
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 21 years ago at the age of 17. Over the years, I've been on all sorts of birth control and metformin (Glucophage) more times than I can count. There was a time where I felt like the poster child for PCOS, I had every horrible symptom and I felt like my body was out of control. I am currently not taking any B/C or prescription meds. I'm down 40 pounds since April 24, 2014. I eat around 1650 calories and I exercise at least 5 days a week (more if I can get it in). I'm not low carbing by I am mindful of my sugar intake. I also try to keep my sodium in check because of water retention. About four years ago I started having normal cycles (after not having one that was not medically induced for over 20 years). My symptoms have really calmed down and I was able to conceive naturally and had my son two years ago. Since my cycles have normalized, I no longer have issues with acne and my hair has gotten thicker. I've had two more sleep studies done and I no longer have sleep apnea. I would like to lose139 pounds total....99 more to go. One thing I have learned is that the human body is resilient and capable of amazing things.

    I'm going to send you a friend request. Anyone else, please feel free to add me :)
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Yup. I already lost weight, then I started focusing on building muscle. I have the real deal, which doesn't go away with weight loss. My biggest problem was the carb cravings - getting insulin resistance under control helps control that a lot. Your doctor probably gave you some directions there. If not, see if you can get an appointment with a registered dietitian who can go over what to do with you based on your own situation. The Internet is full of advice to go low carb for PCOS - I found that actually makes things worse, for example. My RD has me moderate my carbs.
  • DisneyBecca
    I have PCOS and have lost 60 pounds since January.
  • Julibug86
    Julibug86 Posts: 21 Member
    I also have PCOS, but am at that place where I realize I need to stop using it as a crutch or as my excuse for not losing weight. It is possible to lose and I will do it. You can do it, too! I am currently on no prescriptions at all and am trying to make it work. Last month, I got a period naturally for the first time since I was 13. The only thing I've changed is diet and exercise so it has to be working! My weight comes off verrrrrry slowly, but as long as the number is going down, I'm not giving up.
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Me Me Me!! It's been a hard battle losing weight. I did do a few rounds of Omni and I managed to get almost 50 lbs off... now I am taking a break and trying to use my learned eating habits and add in exercise until next year to at least stay at my current weight or lose, then next January I will decide If I need to get back on the Omni train again or not. I am hoping that I can get the rest off with logging food and exercise... but the PCOS makes it next to impossible to get any weight off, and gain 10LBS overnight!! :(

    What has worked best for me is to stay away from Sugar and anything white.. including breads.. If I stick to more meat/protein and eat veggies and fruit the weight comes off a lot more, as soon as I add any kind of crabs, including whole wheat breads it slows way down. But it does get old just eating meat and veggies. So I am trying to find out what mixture of foods help the weight come off faster, because I am not going to be able to stay away from bread and carbs for the rest of the year.. especially with the holidays coming up.

    What works the best for you ladies ??
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost 60 pounds since January.

    Awesome! What helped you the most?
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 years ago and I've lost about 30 lbs since June 13, 2014. I've been limiting carbs and increasing protein and I also started back on Metformin. Feel free to add me on here or on Instagram, fat_2_fab23
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    There are lots of us here at MFP :) This is a great group that I belong to:

    You'll find a lot of good info there from the other group members. Good luck!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost about 10lbs since May 2014,, so the weight is coming off very very slowly but I am still working at it. I am staying away from any refined anything especially sugar and am doing high protien and high healthy fats. My monthly cycle is normalizing itself for the last couple of months so it must be working! We can do this!!
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    I have PCOS and it has had no real impact on my weight loss, I've lost 156lb in 20 months.... Just find what works for you and go with it, I do have to tweak my diet on a semi regular basis to keep it fresh though - I'm also Coeliac so my food choices can be limited at times, but again it isn't getting in my way.

  • JoniBeth0928
    JoniBeth0928 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there.. I hope you don't mind if I post in your group. I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS yet, I have a sonogram on the 22nd. My doctor thinks I have it. I have all the symptoms except period issues. I gained 50 pounds in less than 9 months when in the past I was able to maintain weight control, I have terrible hair growth on my face and neck, I have acne worse than when I was a kid, and my periods are super heavy at times. She also said my testosterone was high. I started mfp again 12 days ago and have lost 7 pounds, I'm excited to lose more my goal is about 80-100 total. I was a size 6 in high school and now I'm a miserable 24 I hate it. It was nice to see that if this is the reason I have struggled with weight recently and that there is hope to lose some weight with some work. I was on metformin before, and maybe I should see about trying it again.

    Sorry if I'm intruding, I'm new to all of this and just discovered there were forums.

    Good luck to you all.
  • bojibridge
    bojibridge Posts: 1 Member
    Much the same story as everyone here - I have PCOS. I lost about 40 lbs over the course of a year, starting three years ago. I found that I had to have ALL my ducks in a row to really see a difference in the weight loss. In other words, I had to have the exercise going, and the calories in pretty strict control.

    What I have found, and I attribute it to the PCOS, is that I gained back almost all my weight, like, the second I took my foot off the gas, if you know what I mean. It seemed like as soon as I started getting lax, not exercising as much, cheating more, where other people might have put on 5 lbs, I put on 20. So, all that to say that you can definitely lose weight, but I think we have to work harder to keep it off than the average person.
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