Is there anything wrong with eating the same foods everyday? I like my foods that I have logged for today and think that I could eat this same meal plan everyday for a few weeks and change it up every two weeks so I don't get burned out on what I am eating. However, what will this do to my metabolism? Will it stick me in a rut? My numbers are all in the green and I am consuming the recommended calories too. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    bump - I'm curious about this too.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm not a professional by any means, but my thoughts would be that it wouldn't be a great idea. Different foods and meals give us different nutrients so you may end up lacking important nutrients in your diet by limiting your food intake to the same things for a couple weeks at a time. I'd get bored with eating the same foods for even a week. Have tried eating the cabbage soup diet (not following the plan, but incorporating the soup throughout the day with my meals) and found after a couple of days I was sick of it.

  • Bell7
    Bell7 Posts: 6
    You should be fine doing that. I usually eat the same foods & I've lost 83 lbs. I have found, oddly enough, that splurging on a meal once a week (that isn't great for me, that I love) kind of resets my body & keeps me losing the lbs. Otherwise your body gets used to the low cal foods. Plus, it gives me something to look forward to all week, & keeps me from going crazy because I still allow myself a treat. I just signed up for this website a week ago & so far am loving it!!!
  • jillcaudill
    jillcaudill Posts: 54 Member
    I don't know how it will affect your metabolism, but you definitely won't be getting a good variety of nutrients. If I like something a lot I like to make large batches and freeze individual portions. That takes a lot of the work from measuring, counting, and cooking away and that way you don't have to eat it every day. I think variety is important to have a well rounded diet. Although there does tend to be plenty that I eat daily too. Maybe eat one meal the same every day and switch up the rest of the day?
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    You should be fine doing that. I usually eat the same foods & I've lost 83 lbs. I have found, oddly enough, that splurging on a meal once a week (that isn't great for me, that I love) kind of resets my body & keeps me losing the lbs. Otherwise your body gets used to the low cal foods. Plus, it gives me something to look forward to all week, & keeps me from going crazy because I still allow myself a treat. I just signed up for this website a week ago & so far am loving it!!!

    I don't really count my calories on Saturdays because that is my Sushi day. Every saturday, Hubby and i go for sushi and its all you can eat. Most of the time i eat Salmon Sashimi but I dont keep track of it all because it becomes a "If I don't mess up this week i get Sushi on Saturday" mental challenge. I find if I like the foods that i am eating during the day then I am less likely to feel unsatisfied and want something else.