Question for the women who work out at lunch or after work

This is a bit random, but....what do you do about your hair and makeup after you work out and need to head back to work or out to dinner? It's such a pain in the a** to do the whole routine in the morning, only to ruin it at lunch and re-do it. Re-styling fries my hair to a crisp, plus I refuse to carry a curling iron to the gym. Not to mention rewashing, re-lotioning, and reapplying makeup is also annoying and irritating to my skin.

Any tips or post-gym beautification shortcuts you've discovered? One girl in my yoga class just blow dries her hair when it's sweaty and swears it looks great. This only seems to work for me about 30% of the time.


  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I throw my hair up in a bun, wash my face, reapply some makeup, and go! :bigsmile:
  • shastacrystal
    I often workout on my lunch break but I am fairly low maintenance. I clip my hair up in a clip and then re-touch up my makeup;)
  • faegrl32
    I don't wear makeup. I work out after work and then head home.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Get a compact foundation powder and an undereye concealer. You can get a compact with shadows and blush for $15 at sephora from stila i think . THey are great. As long as you have powder, blush, lipstick and mascara you always looked polished.

    With hair- wash it at the gym and put a conditioning mouse in (like sebastion's whipped cream mouse), then let air dry.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Man I have the same problem! I sweat worse than a man. THe back of my hair is soaked when i get done, not to mention all my make up is GONE! I have seen the waterless shampoos. I wonder if using one of those and blow drying it would get it back to looking halfway normal??
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I dont wear make up, and just use a hairdryer after i finish the gym (I go after work)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Recently I've been walking during my lunch, and it's been in the high 80s here in Southern California, so I do work up a sweat. but I am only at work, sitting at my desk in my office, so I really don't care! I get back to the office, drink a bottle of cold water, then when I've cooled off enough, I go to the restroom, wash up a bit, put on more deoderant, and that's it. Again, I"m only walking so my make-up isn't an issue. Plus, there's no one here to impress, and I'm married anyway, so I seriously do not care!
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    Okay so my sister and I were JUST talking about this. If I could have one superpower it would be to snap my fingers and be showered and ready whenever, wherever. This issue used to be an excuse for me to not workout because I would get SO sick of re-doing my makeup and hair, going to work or class, always running from point A to point B to get there in time and still look's hard and I feel your pain.

    When it comes to my face and makeup..the BEST thing for me is to workout in the morning, no makeup necessary. If you're up by 6:30, nobody cares whether or not you have makeup on and ten bucks says you won't either. That way once you're done, you get the amazing feeling of being able to do your normal routine knowing you won't have to take it off to workout later.

    If you absolutely can't wake up early and have to workout after work..when it comes to my face, I usually take my makeup off and deal with re-doing it after the workout if I'm going out after. It sucks, but the workout is worth it. As far as my hair is concerned..I refuse to wash it twice in one day, so I usually wear one of those thick headband things and put the rest of my hair up in a bun. That way, sweat doesn't get all up in it. I also discovered dry shampoo..which is the most amazing product I've found. It comes in a little spray bottle(I get it from Sally's). You spray it, it comes out in the form of powder..get a brush and blow dryer, comb it through until the powder dissolves and your hair will smell, feel, and look clean all over again without having to fully wash it. After that you can straighten or touch up your curls.

    I hope this helps!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm really low maintenance. The gym is normally the last thing I do in public all day, so it doesn't matter. I go home after the gym and shower. On the weekends I go to the gym first thing in the day, so I don't wear any makeup or anything there.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I carry anti-bacteria wipes in my gym bag. I do a thorough wipe down :) and then freshen up my face with some tinted moisturizer, cream blush and mascara. If i wore eyeshadow or eyeliner, I will now have a smokey eye look...I just go with it. My hair is another issue all together...I blow dry it without messing with it too much or it will frizz, then pull my bangs back with bobbypins and the rest into a messy bun. The secret is to spritz with perfume (ONLY after the wipes, don't do it instead of) and add some fantastic earrings!
  • shastacrystal
    I wipe myself off with papertowl and then always have deodorant and perfume on hand after;)
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Has anyone tried the dry shampoo?? I haven't yet, just curios to see if it worked?? And I'm so much a make up person, so I would just redo it.
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    one suggestion would be to make sure you have a low maintaince hair cut or hair style that's post-workout friendly.
    Although I normally flat iron and style my hair...after an evening workout I just take a quick shower and let it air dry
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Okay so my sister and I were JUST talking about this. If I could have one superpower it would be to snap my fingers and be showered and ready whenever, wherever. This issue used to be an excuse for me to not workout because I would get SO sick of re-doing my makeup and hair, going to work or class, always running from point A to point B to get there in time and still look's hard and I feel your pain.

    When it comes to my face and makeup..the BEST thing for me is to workout in the morning, no makeup necessary. If you're up by 6:30, nobody cares whether or not you have makeup on and ten bucks says you won't either. That way once you're done, you get the amazing feeling of being able to do your normal routine knowing you won't have to take it off to workout later.

    If you absolutely can't wake up early and have to workout after work..when it comes to my face, I usually take my makeup off and deal with re-doing it after the workout if I'm going out after. It sucks, but the workout is worth it. As far as my hair is concerned..I refuse to wash it twice in one day, so I usually wear one of those thick headband things and put the rest of my hair up in a bun. That way, sweat doesn't get all up in it. I also discovered dry shampoo..which is the most amazing product I've found. It comes in a little spray bottle(I get it from Sally's). You spray it, it comes out in the form of powder..get a brush and blow dryer, comb it through until the powder dissolves and your hair will smell, feel, and look clean all over again without having to fully wash it. After that you can straighten or touch up your curls.

    I hope this helps!

    So helpful, thanks! I know what you mean, it's so tiring having to race around trying to look put together. Not to mention lugging all that crap everywhere. Can I get in on that superpower?

    I could get up early but oy. I have all the time in the world after work (and I heart sleep!), getting up seems illogical.

    The dry shampoo idea is interesting, I use baby powder which is basically the same I've heard. But I have bangs, and those suckers are a ***** to tame.

    So, what do you do about the face? Do you haul face lotion everywhere you go? Not to mention I'm a freak about sunblock, so then add that in the list begins to get silly.
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    one suggestion would be to make sure you have a low maintaince hair cut or hair style that's post-workout friendly.
    Although I normally flat iron and style my hair...after an evening workout I just take a quick shower and let it air dry

    Good call. The main issue I have is my stupid bangs, which refuse to look normal unless washed! Maybe it's time to grow them out. Would rather be fit without them than have them hold me back!

  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Get a compact foundation powder and an undereye concealer. You can get a compact with shadows and blush for $15 at sephora from stila i think . THey are great. As long as you have powder, blush, lipstick and mascara you always looked polished.

    With hair- wash it at the gym and put a conditioning mouse in (like sebastion's whipped cream mouse), then let air dry.

    Compacts are a definite space saver. Also I think it's more the idea of reapplying that's annoying. Like, once the old mascara has slid down my face, I need makeup remover to get it off, and a q-tip, which means packing that, etc etc and so on. You know?
  • pocketsam
    pocketsam Posts: 134
    A black thick(ish) headband work along my hairline is a godsend!! During Dance keeps hair off my face and sweat out of my hair. I have side fringe/bangs that needs help haha so days when I know I am doing extra I do the headband thing, I hate my willows peak hairline so pinning back with bobby pins is not an answer.

    If I have to look decent after - I try the boho/i am low maintenance 'look' - keep the headband, drop the hair and spritz with something random that makes your hair smell fresh and like someone else suggested, BIG earrings! Also if you can french braid your hair in the morning, after u drop it down its wavey and not so gym crazy.

    Get a combined travel size suncream/moisturiser to carry with u?
    I add some pencle eyeliner on my lower lash line (again low mainteinance 'look') and smudge it with my finger. People either focus on your eyes or comment on your earings! winner!
    sorry for the ramble, hope that helps? As a dance teacher I feel your pain!! xxx
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I can't go anywhere after working out without a full shower, I'm dripping and gross and even the couple of times I tried to just "wipe down" to clean up and head out faster my clothes felt gross against my skin.

    Luckily I'm low maintenance as far as not wearing make-up or being able to get my hair dry enough to head out decently quickly. But I still try to make my workout the very last thing I do for the night so I don't have to stress about showering/drying, etc. On nights I have plans or go out after work, I either accept that I won't work out that night or just work out for a very short bit if I get home in time.

    I purposely avoid trying to do anything at lunch though cuz the sweat on my neck makes all my hair curl straight out, which I hate. lol
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    Okay so my sister and I were JUST talking about this. If I could have one superpower it would be to snap my fingers and be showered and ready whenever, wherever. This issue used to be an excuse for me to not workout because I would get SO sick of re-doing my makeup and hair, going to work or class, always running from point A to point B to get there in time and still look's hard and I feel your pain.

    When it comes to my face and makeup..the BEST thing for me is to workout in the morning, no makeup necessary. If you're up by 6:30, nobody cares whether or not you have makeup on and ten bucks says you won't either. That way once you're done, you get the amazing feeling of being able to do your normal routine knowing you won't have to take it off to workout later.

    If you absolutely can't wake up early and have to workout after work..when it comes to my face, I usually take my makeup off and deal with re-doing it after the workout if I'm going out after. It sucks, but the workout is worth it. As far as my hair is concerned..I refuse to wash it twice in one day, so I usually wear one of those thick headband things and put the rest of my hair up in a bun. That way, sweat doesn't get all up in it. I also discovered dry shampoo..which is the most amazing product I've found. It comes in a little spray bottle(I get it from Sally's). You spray it, it comes out in the form of powder..get a brush and blow dryer, comb it through until the powder dissolves and your hair will smell, feel, and look clean all over again without having to fully wash it. After that you can straighten or touch up your curls.

    I hope this helps!

    So helpful, thanks! I know what you mean, it's so tiring having to race around trying to look put together. Not to mention lugging all that crap everywhere. Can I get in on that superpower?

    I could get up early but oy. I have all the time in the world after work (and I heart sleep!), getting up seems illogical.

    The dry shampoo idea is interesting, I use baby powder which is basically the same I've heard. But I have bangs, and those suckers are a ***** to tame.

    So, what do you do about the face? Do you haul face lotion everywhere you go? Not to mention I'm a freak about sunblock, so then add that in the list begins to get silly.

    Bangs are tricky so I understand that. You can dry shampoo those, blowdry, and re-straighten though and it works pretty well. OR..if you pull the rest of your hair back, you can re-wash your bangs like normal and dry them. Thankfully, washing them takes a lot less time than having to wash your whole head ya know?

    I don't use face lotion because my skin is sensitive. Whatever primer I use typically has sunblock in it so once that's on, I'm good for the rest of the day until I take it all off to workout. Thankfully, my gym is 3 miles from my house so I go home first after my workouts if I workout in the afternoon.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I wear braids, low maintenance. I also wear a headband while I run.
    I have Big Wipes on hand.
    I re-apply deodorant.
    I cool off with the windows down when I speed back to the office.
    I dress more casual and wear low maintenance clothing on the days that I workout at lunch, not done every day.