Running injuries

Hi all

Over the past few weeks I have been running 5k 2 - 3 times a week - just on the treadmill in the gym.

Recently I have noticed that the right side of my left shin is very bruised and painful when I run. This does ease after a couple days rest but flares right back up again as soon as I run. I wear Nike free's to run in and seem to think I might be a little flat footed

I guess my questions are - what can this be? and are there any stretches I can be doing to help? I am frightened that I will not be able to continue to run which is a shame as it really does work for me when I can do it!

Thanks for any advice!


  • Heavyd2g
    Heavyd2g Posts: 61 Member
    Sounds like in the first instance, you need to rest more than a couple of days. This might be fustrating as you want to run but in the long term, it wil be more beneficial. You have to get rid of the injury, your body is telling you it's damaged and it hasn't recovered yet. I would also talk to some of the Trainers at your gym to get some advice on your running style and how to prevent the injury coming back.
  • vickiem74
    vickiem74 Posts: 49 Member
    Have you gone to a running store to seek help picking out an appropriate pair of shoes? I have a tendency to get shin splints if I am not in the proper shoe. Since seeking out assistance from my local running store and getting into a good shoe for me, I have had less soreness and no shin splints. Good luck!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I suggest going to a running store to have them look at your stride and fit you for shoes that are made for your foot and running stride. I thought it was all a bunch of bologna, but since I got my stride evaluated and fitted for shoes I haven't had any running issues.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Get you gait analysis done and check that your shoes are appropriate, I always end up with Hamstring problems on a treadmill, so I only run outside now and only on the treadmill if it's part of the circuits class and is limited to 2min max.

    Try different terrains as well.
  • hanstag
    hanstag Posts: 5
    Thanks for the advice all, will take this on board!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I also agree that you may need different shoes. I've heard a LOT of running store specialist folk say that the Nike Frees are great, but only if you work into them slowly; most people don't and wind up with injuries similar to yours. If you want to keep up the 5ks, you might want to invest in some shoes that provide more support/stability.
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    Rest, ice the bruised area, possible compression and elevate. As you recover you should check the shoes and proceed carefully.
  • hanstag
    hanstag Posts: 5
    I will definitely look into some new shoes and having a gait check. I've had my frees for about a year but only really used for general gym use and HIIT training. Once the longer distance training came in, the pain started so it could well be that