Need help. Not losing weight in 8 MONTHS!

Yes 8 MONTHS. I have not lost a single pound!! I've been a memeber here for awhile but never posted. Now I need help. In Janauary I started changing my eating habit. No pop no junk. Not totally clean eating or paleo but trying to stick to unprocessed foods. All because I weighed 135 (I'm 5ft tall) and just wanted to lose 5-10 lbs. I got implanon birth control in February. I gained 25 lbs in 2.5 months!!!! All while eating healthy and exercising. I did the t25 program starting in march. And lost nothing. I was so frustrated and disappointed. I ended up getting implanon removed in June. Still eating healthy and now just walking daily or cardio/strength training but nothing to hard and still my weight is hovering between 155-160 all the time. I can not lose it. I'm beyond disappointed. I have my wedding in November and I can't fit in my wedding dress I bought a year ago. I want to cry when I think about it.

So I've started using this app again to track what I eat. It reccomwnded I eat 1400 calories a day and I can't even seem to eat that much. I had eggs for breakfast a snack tuna salad for lunch with grapes and a banana. I went ahead and logged my dinner and I'm still not even at 1100 calories a day. I'm the type of person who doesn't believe in restrictive dieting or extremely low calorie diets because I just cave on them. Changing my eating habits is the only thing I've been able to stick to for so long but how do I keep going when nothing has changed?? What do I try now??

I'm a stay at home mom with two toddlers. I can't afford a gym membership so all my workouts are done at home.


  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Can you make your diary public so we can help?
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    How often are you exercising? Are you changing your exercise every now and again and challenging yourself( you don't have to kill yourself but you should push yourself a bit more a couple times a week for fitness). How active are you during the day? I have seen people put down active who, quite frankly, are not. I workout one hour a day then walk another 3-5 miles on top of that and STILL put sedentary.
  • bback4
    bback4 Posts: 4
    Yeah I can if I ever actually remember to log my food. I do well for a day or two then forget again. I wouldn't say I'm very active through the day but I don't sit around either. I'm almost constantly on my feet. I have a 2 and 3.5 year old to take care of by myself. So I'm always up running around with them. Cleaning etc. I change up workouts. Most days I walk at least a mile but that's about as much as I can do at a time. I have bad knees for only being 24. Then I add in free weights somedays or bands. Then do cardio videos once or twice a week that are at least 30 minutes long. I go take my kids for walks outside in a double stroller. But running is out of the question with my knees after about two minutes they hurt.

    So brisk 1 mile walk 5 days a week, strength 1-2 times a week and 30 min cardio 1-2 times a week plus I try and do yoga once a day.

    Before I started this a month ago it was pretty much the same but I was doing 30 min of cardio everyday. No strength. And didn't walk everyday.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Sounds to me like your first priority should logging your food. Consistently and accurately. With limited exercise but good logging so you know you're at a deficit, you should see progress. With haphazard logging and limited exercise, your progress will be limited
  • Aikigoth
    Aikigoth Posts: 40 Member
    I got implanon birth control in February. .... I ended up getting implanon removed in June.

    Oh boy.

    Hi! I'm from a family that out of 30+ grandchildren, myself included, none of us take hormonal birth control. Why? Because we all watched our mothers/aunts and one cousin take it and balloon up. Or develop mental illness. Hormonal birth control can have really, really bad side effects for a percentage of the population- welcome to the camp.

    On that note, condoms girl. I know you said you have 2 toddlers and can't afford a gym membership. Condoms are cheap when bought in bulk and cost waaaay less than a 3rd kid.

    I agree with previous posters that you should be logging your food. Studies have shown that even without a caloric limit, people who log their food eat less. It teaches us to be more mindful about our food.

    On a general note....where is dad? Mothering children is a 24/7 job if you don't get contrast office hours are usually 9-5. Dad needs to suck it up and commit to 1 hour of child care so you can exercise, eat in a peace and have so precious me time.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    bottom line - you have to find a way that works for your life, but you have to weigh your food & log it. Not just every now and then, but consistently. And aim to move more. I know life is busy. But if there is a time that you're sitting, try doing something else if you can? Run in place while watching tv for example. My guess is the toddlers will try to copy you and it will be fun for you all.

    If you have a smart phone, use the MFP app. If not get a small notebook and keep in the kitchen. Or in your purse when you go out. Anything eaten, write it down and then log later. Or pre-plan your food in the morning and adjust as needed.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Also, weigh your solid food with a digital scale and measure caloric liquids.
    A bit more discipline and those pounds will start melting away!

    Edited cause spelling.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    So I've started using this app again to track what I eat. It reccomwnded I eat 1400 calories a day and I can't even seem to eat that much. I had eggs for breakfast a snack tuna salad for lunch with grapes and a banana. I went ahead and logged my dinner and I'm still not even at 1100 calories a day.

    then eat something else to get you up to 1400 calories. one thing i've noticed about this site is that it builds the deficit in for you. and i've seen other people mention that they are able to start losing again when they give their bodies more fuel to burn. based on what you said about your workouts, you may want to start eating those exercise calories back.
    I have my wedding in November and I can't fit in my wedding dress I bought a year ago. I want to cry when I think about it.
    oh sweetie... take a deep breath. realize that despite it being your wedding dress, it is still JUST a dress. and as such, that dress can be altered. i have seen so many brides freaking out unnecessarily because they think that they must conform to the measurements of the dress, when it will be far more flattering when the dress conforms to you.

    do you have a seamstress or know someone who does professional alterations (not at a dress shop, they'll charge you 3x the price)? take the dress to them and let them work their magic to fit the dress to you perfectly.

    when i married my ex, i was in the process of losing weight. when i bought my dress (in february for a september wedding), i bought one that fit at the time. as it turned out, i continued to lose weight so the seamstress altered the dress to fit ME. when i bought it, i said "that's a gorgeous dress." after it had been fitted properly, i thought "wow... that's a gorgeous BRIDE." so don't panic. the dress does not get to call the shots, you do.
  • bback4
    bback4 Posts: 4
    Thanks for all the reply. I will start being more conscious about logging.

    The dress is frustrating because I spent a butt load of money(well butt load for me) on it. And I'm not sure it can be let OUT. I know a couple people who can help me but this weight is more than when I was pregnant. I've never been this heavy in my life.

    I just don't feel hungry anymore since I had implanion removed. I eat 3 solid meals and 2-3 snacks a day. I feel like I'm eating enough but I guess not. And yes I now believe BC is evil and I will no longer use it in any form! Pill made me a crazy person and implanon made me gain a ton of weight. We are being safe. No more kiddos.

    Dad doesn't work a normal job. He works in concrete. So like yesterday he had to be at work at 2 am and didn't get home until 4pm. His days are crazy. He does help but it's definitely not a 9-5 type job where he can help me at night or through the day. Evenings he helps with dinner and clean up and entertaining them while I get stuff done.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    The dress is frustrating because I spent a butt load of money(well butt load for me) on it. And I'm not sure it can be let OUT.
    see, this is why seamstresses buy pieces of fabric in just about every wedding-y material under the sun. they will be able to figure out what needs to be done, where, and how to make sure you look beautiful.

    i second the advice about the scale and the notepad. i don't cook from recipes, but i've started weighing everything when i cook, writing it down, and then figuring out how many servings i'm getting out of it. i use the recipe builder function and log it before i eat.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Yeah I can if I ever actually remember to log my food. I do well for a day or two then forget again.

    Found your problem. You're eating too much but since you don't log you have no idea what you're actually eating. I'm going to guess you don't use a food scale either...