Weight loss on Atkins induction



  • I am about to finish my second week of induction. I lost 8 pounds my first week with carb reduction and increased exercise. As the second week is ending I'm finding I'm having more cravings than the first week- I'm not sure if that's normal for the second week or not, but I'm trying to power through it. Good luck!

    I had cravings for the first three weeks. Mostly bread cravings. Just power through, as you said, they go away and it gets much easier. I found making sugar-free jello helped me for my sweet tooth and flax seed muffins are great for my bread cravings. Its not exactly but meh...it does the trick.

    Good Luck!
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Day 6 - 10 lbs lost .... anyone that is Keto/Atkins/LC friendly please add me :)
  • I'm on week 1 of Induction and am down 4+ lbs in the first 5 days. I'm very motivated and am determined to stick to this. With that said, I need some easy recipe ideas. I'm afraid that boredom could set in very quickly. I'm pretty much eating eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch and meat with steamed veggies for dinner. Love to have some yummy ideas that can keep me on track!
  • i am in to week 6 of low carb following atkins theory. i have lost almost 22 pounds in this 6 weeks. i bought chickens to keep up with my egg consumption. (best idea ever haha) . i mainly drink an atkins shake for breakfast. the main reason behind that is that i have never been a breakfast eater. i have never been able to stomach food first thing in the morning so when i get in to work i force myself to whip up a shake. (i managed to coax my workmates in to pitching in and buying a mix and go smoothie maker. lol, dont worry they use it too). if i am home, like on the weekend I will make bacon and eggs for breakfast. I was roasted a while back for not eating real food and i took that on board. i found that after the first few weeks my appetite became almost obsolete so rather than sit down and eat 'real food' i would snack on atkins bars etc.
    the good thing about working right in the middle of town is that i work opposite a butchery. haha. i go in there and buy me a couple of sausages or a piece of steak etc and go back to work and cook it up. I am very fortunate i have an office with a stove and a frying pan, and workmates who at first thought i was weird but are now used to me frying up a pork chop at 1pm haha. on the other side of me is a vegetable store. again, good deals, buy some veges, mostly salad stuff at this time, but that gets me through the day. At home its just very basic .. meat and veg. i am very happy with this routine. i constantly change up the protein i have. I make stir frys mostly at home. there is a gluten free soy sauce that has 2g of carbs in it per tablespoon. I make chicken curry, a real simple version but still tastes nice. and have just discovered mongolian beef. i use splenda sugar in that recipe. doesnt really do the trick of matching the real taste of that dish but i like saucy food so its better than nothing!
    never was a bread/rice eater anyway. i do miss pasta but not enough to fall off the wagon. ive come too far to let myself go right now.
    Pastry was always my worse downfall. it was hard at first but I am happy i have let that bad habit go. happy to find new low carb friends.
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    I tried Atkins about 3 years ago and was quite successful. Started off at 206 and hit my lowest at 167 within about 6 months. I foolishly began eating poorly again and over the past 3 years packed back on all the weight and then some. I've become depressed, lethargic, and generally discontent. I just turned 37 on Nov 1 and had my annual health risk assessment at work the same week, which yielded some eye opening results. 235lbs, high cholesterol, high blood pressure...overall not good.

    So today is day 2 of induction and I'm going back to what I know works. I feel like when doing Atkins correctly, you are eating a variety of whole and healthy foods and eliminating unnecessary processed junk. I have never eaten so many veggies in my life as I did when on Atkins. My energy level is already higher and I have a greater sense of well being...in 2 days. I've added exercise daily as well and plan to continue to do so while increasing the intensity as I get healthier.

    My biggest obstacle is moving through the phases of Atkins so that it truly becomes a lifestyle and not a diet. I stayed in the induction phase the whole time I was on it before. Looking back, I should have started to add back in some of the healthier carbs to make everything more balanced. That is my goal this time around...and with life...to find balance.

    Health and weight loss is so difficult for me because it's just as much a mental challenge as it is physical...I have to really be ready to commit to my health, since the past few years it has not been a priority and I've let myself go downhill. I'm excited to get healthy and treat myself better. To eat whole healthy foods and get my body moving. Whether you do Atkins or another way method "dieting", I think those two components are imperative.

    Oh, and a word of advice for those who are doing Atkins for the 1st time...DO NOT FALL OFF THE WAGON! If you have a bad day, do not let that escalate into a bad week/month...just sleep on it and start again straight the next day. I've had a few failed attempts since my first successful introduction to Atkins and it's just so much easier to stay on track than it is to try to get back in gear after a hiatus.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    edited November 2014
    Been following DANDR 2002 for 14 months and have currently lost 226lbs.
  • Just started Atkins yesterday, already experiencing the crappy side effects of headaches and lightheadedness, but I've managed to make it almost 48 hours which is a record for me. I'm shooting to lose about 80 pounds, I know there is a lot of water weight to lose, but my scale is already moving in the right direction. I'm 5'11" and 270 pounds.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Remember that most of what you initially lose is water. The issue with Atkins is that most people can't sustain the super low carb lifestyle and quickly gain back the weight they lost when they start eating "normally" again. If you are committed to Atkins as a way of life, for the rest of your life, go for it. If not, you may want to consider just counting calories. Some people lose more weight with a few more carbs in their diet.

  • stopeatingout
    stopeatingout Posts: 18 Member
    edited November 2014
    I started low carbing in early October. Net carbs less than 30 most days. I am 5'2" and so far I have lost 7.8lbs. I feel so much better since changing my diet in this way. I am no longer feeling sick, bloated, and sluggish all the time. Also, my skin has cleared up completely. I would still like to lose another 4-5lbs. Any advice/support/motivation would be appreciated!