Ever feel like giving up?

solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
I did lose weight, but I didn't use this site until like July 31st basically starting over. Although I lost weight and stopped I'm lucky enough that I didn't gain it back. Now using this site again I did lose 9.5. Sometimes counting calories and working out 6 days a week have taken a toll on me. And I feel as though I want to throw in the towel like I had enough and I need to accept the fact that I'm "fat". Or that I'm meant to look this. I'm sure if its the lack of confidence or motivation, but it feels like one of those days you want to let it go. What do you do that keeps you going? What really empowers you to not stray from the path?


  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    Um, every single day.... I have my good days and bad days. Some days I find this really easy but other days I get frustrated because I don't want to track, weigh and measure everything. I get mad because I see people every day who don't have to do this but I did this to myself so I need to take responsibility and keep going.

    Whenever I want to quit I just keep thinking of what my ultimate goals are and how much I need to stick with this. I also allow a cheat meal on Friday nights so all week long if I want something I tell myself I can have it on Friday.

    Hang in there, it does get easier and if you slip up, that's fine, just get back on track. Good luck!
  • OnlyHuman55417
    OnlyHuman55417 Posts: 14 Member
    All of the time.

    I gained 30 pounds due to medical steroids. They did no good, but they managed to pack the pounds on me. I'm not used to the extra weight and all of my clothes are tight. I can go buy new clothes or I can get back to being comfortable and "normal".

    The only thing that keeps me trying and restarting and trying and restarting (trying this for now six months) is that I remember what it was like to have energy and not go through all my clothes in my closet just to go to the supermarket or to pick my son up from camp or to go to work. It's maddening.

    So YES I want to give up all of the time-every day..it's like...what's the point?
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    What works for me is remembering that I'm an active, healthy person. Seriously, it's that simple (to me). Thinking of myself that way gives me a lift, and helps me be patient while my extra weight goes away - and meanwhile? Hey, it's like those stupid ankle/wrist weights, right? :laugh:

    Look what you said though - you *didn't* gain back the weight while you were away from MFP. So how about giving yourself credit for having at least *somewhat* improved your habits! GO YOU! You're not *even* "starting over". You're continuing onward - see the difference? Quit beating yourself up :flowerforyou:

    Now, if you want some more uber-positive reading about how you don't need to thrash yourself through 6 days of working out each week, AND other nice friendly things:
    (I'm not calling you obese, apologies for the title!)

    Welcome back, and carry on! :drinker:
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    When I feel like that I get online and check, find someone I can identify with, and try to get them motivated or encouraged. It seems to help me stay on track. I am back here after several months because I can't do it without help from others which includes helping others. If after 2 weeks (July 31 to now) you feel like it is taking a toll on you, then maybe you need to try to slow down. This isn't a crash diet but a way of life. You are about 1/3 of the way to your goal. 9.5 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome. Give yourself credit for what you have done instead of beating yourself up over what you still have to accomplish.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Give up? Never. I never want to not be able to walk for more than 5 steps again, or enjoy the things I do now at my new weight. Do I have days when I say ehh maybe today I am not so strict or I go out an enjoy things and not worry so much about my food intake. This is about learning to build a healthy lifestyle that you can live forever :) There are going to be days when you cant do everything the way you want and thats okay. I would dig deep and find out what makes you feel this way? Is it logging, are you constantly feeling hungry, hating going to the gym? What has you wanting to throw in the towel. Find the root reason and come up with solutions to fix it. For me it was exercise I hate running/walking i had to talk myself into everyday. So I found a class I look forward to, I enjoy going everyday and being part of that makes me want to eat healthier to because I want to be better at that class :) YOu can do this girl. You are worth it :)
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    It drives me a little crazy because I want to lose such a huge amount of weight..maybe thats why I feel I want to be like ugh I give up. I feel like I blame myself for being in this state, but you're right I didn't give credit where its due because I didn't gain back the 38 pounds. Its not that I want super fast results. I just want to be healthy, but thank you all.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I've spent my life giving up on losing weight, and it got me to being 180 pounds overweight.

    Now, I no longer have the urge to give up. I'll have the occasional cheat day, but those days are rare and I hardly ever go over 2500 calories (and yes, I still log those days), so they don't cause me to gain back any weight.

    Trust me... you WANT to deal with this now. What better time?
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    what keeps me going? because I said I could. Because I am so close. Because I don't want to have a stroke like my mom. Because I see the ladies in their upper 60's maybe 70's trying to pass me up so it makes me go faster. On the days it is so hot and my brain says just go home, you walked enough I keep thinking what will you do when you get there? Probably be lazy so keep it moving lady. We all get this way sometimes, but it is so worth it to keep on trudging on. On the days you feel like giving up tell yourself "Just for today" and "just do it" works for me.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Omg yes...ugh what is the point, but I know somehow ill kick myself for falling off the track...thinking I could have been fit now.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I do sometimes think of giving up but it's rare. Since I've lost 40 lbs I feel so much better and that motivates me to keep going. I don't want to go back to where I came from and I'm excited that one day I'll reach my goal. Also it was hard work getting where I am and I don't want to lose that.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Maybe thats what I need to have someone push me and have my back more. I have been coming here everyday to keep fighting and I feel comfortable to seeing others and their results.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I spent the better half of 2 years back in 2007-2009, trapped in my house at 560 pounds unable to walk from room to room.. I wasn't living, I was only existing. Now 300+ pounds lighter and able to do just about anything and everything that my heart desires minus two severely arthritic knee's, there is no way in Heck I ever give up and go back to that time in my life... Life is so much better on this side of the fence.... Best of Luck.....
  • Tvilhauer76
    Tvilhauer76 Posts: 7 Member
    I feel like giving up every day. It seems like none of this is even worth the effort. 4 years ago I lost 65 pounds but within the last year I have put it all back on. I can't seem to get motivated to work out, and the only thing that makes me feel better is eating. So, I don't know what to say except that every day that I wake up feeling even somewhat lucid I push to do my very best and on the days that I don't feel lucid, and don't even care I push anyway even though I might not work out I at least try to eat somewhat healthily.

    Over a month ago I started the C25k Program, I have gotten as far as Week 1 Day 3, and I have restarted the program 4 times now. I will keep restarting it until I finally get it right. I restarted yesterday and today I did Week 1 Day 2. All I can do is wait for tomorrow and see what happens.
  • OnlyHuman55417
    OnlyHuman55417 Posts: 14 Member
    I think when we can't see results straight away we feel like giving up. I was trying to lose weight when I was still taking large amounts of steroids. I gained weight.

    Give it a bit, lose five or ten pounds more and you might feel a bit more motivated.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I think we all want to give up sometimes but when I feel that way, I just think about how important my own health is and that I'm doing this for ME, so I can live longer and have a more happy, productive life. Even if I'm not seeing results for a while (which does happen sometimes) I still tell myself how much more healthy I am now, even if the numbers aren't changing. Internally, I'm making my body better.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    I think if I do hit my midpoint goal I might feel "Okay I'm almost there I can keep at it" ill feel like my journey is almost over.
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    No, I have come to far to quit. I take challenges very seriously. The goal is no longer a number on a scale or to look a certain way. It's to be healthy.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    The number one reason people give up in anything is they don't see changes..or they don't see them quick enough. But trust me, not all of your troubles go away if you get "fit". You just trade them in for other concerns.

    When it comes to losing a lot of weight (in my case 60lbs), it came in stages. First only you feel different...slightly, but noticable. Next, you do see some changes, like your clothing fitting differently.

    Then as you continue, people close to you start to notice. Especially people that you don't see every day. This is when it starts to get interesting. And because people ARE noticing, the scale begins to move BIG TIME. Some days, I'd lose over 2lbs a day.

    Next you start to hit road bumps, again you lose so much that people think something may be wrong with you..like cancer. You move into the skinny fat universe. You have excess skin. But you actually feel pretty good. You can do more things than you have in years and your pants no longer fit.

    This is where I started to weight lift instead of just diet and cardio.

    Six month later..people no longer were asking me why I was doing it..they ask HOW?

    This is then when it gets REALLY interesting...you start to develope new "bumps" ...and they are the good ones. Triceps, calves, and your abs no longer have mushroom tops...you can look down in the shower and see your ankles. :tongue:

    After that, the world gets freaky. You are addicted. You get all types of compliments..and they are no longer about how much weight you dropped, but how incredible fit you have become. You get more attention from the opposite sex than you have all your life..even if you are an old fart like me. You surpass all previous expectations...you have full TRANSFORMED

    Then it gets wierd again, as you now have a six pack and look like a cartoon figure out of X men...people begin to ignore you..as if you are a mutant. They think you are stuck up. So you keep to yourself. You don't socialize much as eatting out blows your diet and booze is a no no. And your sex life is zero because you have no sex drive due to low body fat. And you are always cold and always hungry.

    Somewhere there is a happy medium...but seems like almost every stage you are in...you have a cross to bear.
  • rosiemaji
    rosiemaji Posts: 23 Member
    Never! I am 70 and I don't want to be diabetic, tired all the time, with broken bones, crippled, unable to walk anywhere, sick with gout, joints replaced, or in a wheelchair. I got so close to becoming a diabetic but now I am lowering my risk by losing weight and eating healthy food. I have more energy now. There is nothing worse than not being able to do anything because you hurt or you are just too tired. Been there done that. For every pound that's lost, I want it to stay gone; for every new feeling of energy or strength, I want to hold on to it. I have seen too many people my age and even much younger in pain, with diabetes or just plain sick because they are obese or don't eat healthy food. I don't want to be there if I can help it and I am running in the opposite direction as fast and as far as I can.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you for thoroughly going into details that even after people are "fit" there is still some problems to be dealt with. Didn't have a clue after losing weight some problems would be put to rest. But its not that I want to see results quickly or make myself feel better. I guess its just finally conquering this mountain that bothered me for awhile. Finally crossing that bridge and reaching my accomplishment. I don't want to see losing weight as a task...or becoming where i have to be repeating over and over.