Those of you who reward yourself with "cheat days"..

Options you actually give yourself an entire day of cheating or just a cheat meal?


  • ksilvey
    For me, it is just a day that I go over my normal calories - but still with control.
  • LaurenRose2011
    I have tried (and failed) to lose weight numerous times, and it's my hypothesis that celebratory consumption was a main cause of my failure. It's my belief, now, that celebratory consumption should be avoided until you are 100% set in your new lifestyle.

    My rewards, this time around, are very different than before. I will be rewarding myself with energy, increased social activity, and, of course, lean mass increase and overall weight loss. I will reward myself with the energy I need to make it through the final 4 years of my education. I will reward myself with the energy to make it through my internships and residency. I will reward myself with a longer life.

    I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.

    I quit smoking just over 3 months ago. I wonder where I would be if I celebrated 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months smoke-free with a cigarette. I thoroughly enjoyed smoking just as I thoroughly enjoy food despite my medical knowledge which told me that I was slowly, but certainly, committing suicide. I believe that had I celebrated quitting smoking by smoking that I would be smoking right now, and I very likely wouldn't have had the drive to get into this new and improved weight loss routine.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm not as strict on myself, I usually allow for one cheat meal and then watch what I choose for the rest of the day. I do let myself go over my calories. :)
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I have high calorie days. I still log everything, and don't go over by much. But it's part of the plan to help me keep from hitting a plateau.
    I have always heard that rewarding ourselves with food is dangerous, and I would say that's probably true with me. If Ihave a day where I don't log my food, I am more likely to go overboard.
    Also, I have been logging my food for almost a full month now. I have not had chocolate or sweets since day 1 of starting this and I have to say I don't miss it or crave it. I think if I rewarded myself with food or my favorite "sweet", I would revert back to incorporating it back into my regular food, or I would miss it a lot more if I had it more often.
    Good luck!
  • HealthHopeAndHappiness
    I used to give myself a whole day to do whatever I wanted food wise however it always backfired. My sister is a personal trainer and she said that you should only give youself a cheat meal in the amount of about 300 extra calories once a week or one small cheat a day. Keeping in mind that you work out all week to lose those pounds so if you eat an extra 1500 in on day you wont be losing that pound you worked so hard to lose. Just something to think about(=
  • caitlinaudrey

    I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.

    I agree with this a whole lot. I find that rewarding myself with things I wouldn't usually buy (material things) is much more motivating. For each weight goal I have, I have a reward like some new underwear or a new DVD as I hardly buy either that often.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I have tried (and failed) to lose weight numerous times, and it's my hypothesis that celebratory consumption was a main cause of my failure. It's my belief, now, that celebratory consumption should be avoided until you are 100% set in your new lifestyle.

    My rewards, this time around, are very different than before. I will be rewarding myself with energy, increased social activity, and, of course, lean mass increase and overall weight loss. I will reward myself with the energy I need to make it through the final 4 years of my education. I will reward myself with the energy to make it through my internships and residency. I will reward myself with a longer life.

    I refuse, this time, to reward myself with Taco Bell, McDonald's, Steak N Shake, Applebees, Pizza Hut, chips, cake, ice cream, etc. If I eat these things it will be as part of my day's intake, and I will not feel as though I am celebrating anything.

    I quit smoking just over 3 months ago. I wonder where I would be if I celebrated 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months smoke-free with a cigarette. I thoroughly enjoyed smoking just as I thoroughly enjoy food despite my medical knowledge which told me that I was slowly, but certainly, committing suicide. I believe that had I celebrated quitting smoking by smoking that I would be smoking right now, and I very likely wouldn't have had the drive to get into this new and improved weight loss routine.

    I agree. My rewards are a new book that I have been wanting for my little library of my favorites, or a new wii fitness game, or something to help me keep up with my new lfestyle. I like the smoking analogy. Kind of puts it in perspective for me!
  • Deadcherries
    Deadcherries Posts: 4 Member
    We had our cheat day on Saturday and went to a buffet to sample whatever we wanted. It was so god awful that we put in at least 3 hours of activity just trying to speeding up our digestion and stuff and feel clean again. Ugh. I like doing buffets. The longer you watch yourself with these tools you know what you shouldn't do and your stomach should be used to accommodating less items in once sitting. You'll feel side effects if you binge and think it's a free for all. I just want a day to get a little extra and stop counting. Anywhere else I go for Chinese the portions are huge. I like my buffets and set my own small portions for several different things.
  • are0721
    are0721 Posts: 19 Member
    In my opinion, I think that if you don't let yourself indulge every so often, you will not have the motivation to continue. I haven't been on this site all that long, 50 days yesterday, and I've only gone drastically over my calories 2x. I think it's best to cheat for a single meal, that way you can plan where to allot the calories that are left for the day. There are days though, where that might not be possible, but in my case, it's still important for me to track all of the food I ate even when I went over, that way I'm still being held accountable for my actions.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i have cheat meals but i dont allow myself to go over calories if i have worked out alot that day then i treat myself to a more caloric meal than normal but cause i have the exercise calories i dont have to go over and its guilt free.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I've come obsessed with my new lifestyle...and for me its once a month 'cheat meal' but within reason...Actually January is tomorrow night for sister in law birthday at 'The Keg'. I already researched and calulated on how much sodium intake I can should be interestin'... :)
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    i have cheat meals but i dont allow myself to go over calories if i have worked out alot that day then i treat myself to a more caloric meal than normal but cause i have the exercise calories i dont have to go over and its guilt free.

    me too!!
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I try to plan ahead-- The other day I knew I wanted some of this very yummie chocolate desert so I made sure I put in some extra cardio so that I wouldn't blow my day.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I have a very relaxed attitude toward my weight loss. I know there are foods that aren't "good" for me but I like them and I'll always want to eat them. I've given up refined/added sugar in my every day diet, but if I want some ice cream, I'm going to have some. I take my weekends off from exercise (unless I missed a day during the week) and I don't worry about my calories. I don't go crazy but I do eat what I want. I don't see it as a reward, I see it as a part of healthy eating habits. I know there are foods I shouldn't eat every day, but that doesn't mean I have to avoid them for the rest of my life.
  • sweetpea_73
    On my "cheat" days I do not allow myself to go over my basil metabolic rate (the calories that my body is going to burn without much effort). That way I am still eating more and my body should be still be burning those calories. I pretty much know that I am not going to lose anything for 2 days after the "cheat" day though.
  • danni31487
    I used to reward myself weekly but then it became a all weekend food fest! (LOL). I will usually just go over my calorie intake by a few and if I do its something I really want like chocolate. I try hard not to eat anything bad like fast food. Like today for instance, I was going to go out and get subway but I went to a pizza shop and got grilled chicken, with balsamic and saryian bread instead, which was alot better less calories than subway. And the pita bread is fresh so it was a nice way to indulge and stay under calories =D. I say be smart about your rewards and DO NOT make it a habit. I also think having a key motivation that is not focused on food will have better results like my first fitting for my dress is my motivation right now! which does help fight the fat cravings! Good luck!
  • AbbyLu
    AbbyLu Posts: 29
    I will have a "Cheat Treat." Nothing big or crazy that's gonna make me hate myself in an hour (lol!). Just a chocolate chip cookie with a glass of milk while I watch Grey's Anatomy :)
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Mine is a meal or snack. I still put it in Though.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I allow myself one cheat meal a week. It is always Sushi too. in some ways sushi isnt really bad for you. it all depends on what you get.

    Oh... and even though I dont count it against me I always add it into my diary.
  • adhillman01
    I have a cheat meal every week and have been loosing weight pretty steadily (except over the holidays, because it turned into a cheat week and a half). I do tend to run under my calories the rest of the week because of exercise though, so maybe that makes up for it. I wonder sometimes if I didn't have my cheat meal would I be losing more weight. Most of the time I'm pretty sure it's worth it to me though.