New! ToeMayToe Here! Hi!

Hello All!
Anet here! I had a baby six months ago, trying to lose the baby weight and then some :) i started my pregnancy 10 pounds over weight, gained about 40 pounds during the pregnancy. Currently 165 lbs (5'3) and feeling tired, unhealthy, unhappy and simply not "me". I don't want the old me back, I want a new and improved version. Goal weight: about 115lbs. I am aiming for a mostly vegetarian lifestyle (not diet, no more quick fixes) I would love to give and receive support! Thanks for reading my lil intro! God bless!!:wink:


  • choosing_fitness
    Hi! I would LOVE to be friends, while we are not similar in the fact of having a baby, we are in the ideal weight category! ;) I would love some friends. I am new too :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Congrats on the baby!!! I love babies. Feel free to add me!
  • choosing_fitness
    Hi! I would LOVE to be friends, while we are not similar in the fact of having a baby, we are in the ideal weight category! ;) I would love some friends. I am new too :)
  • ToeMayToes
    Thanks will do!!
  • ToeMayToes
    Hi there!!! Awesome! You got yourself a new weight loss buddy! Add me too!