Starting at 325

My name is Will, I take a steroid for my heart which has caused me to gain 40 lbs over the last 9 months. I was already over weight when I started. I know this app will help along with the cardio ive been doing for a few months but its nice to talk to people about it.


  • Feel free to add me, I'm on every day. Lots of support here !
  • BGRamone
    BGRamone Posts: 4 Member
    Any tips for not binging every second day? Seems like every second or third day for dinner I forget myself and fell like cowpie after fifteen dollars at taco bell or 5 hot dogs with fixings, or pizza, etc. I always feel like im starving.
  • My thing is having gotten in the habit and remember to log before I eat. Even if I were to binge I would be more aware of what I was doing. And get more friends on here that will help keep you interested in logging in. Turn those notifications on. :)
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    First I would suggest opening your diary. If you are binge eating every couple days then my guess, and this is just a guess because I can't see what or how much you are eating is that you are either not eating the right kind of things or not eating enough. If I don't get enough protein, fats, and fiber then I binge. Likewise, if I am too strict with myself and don't eat enough or don't eat back at least part of my exercise calories, then i binge. Both times I feel like I am starving.
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    This is definitely a good place to talk about it. Good luck!
  • Naez89
    Naez89 Posts: 1
    Wow you just described me!! How do you manage this habit?
  • Welcome, Will. I'm losing weight under the guidance of a nutritionist at the VA. I'm allocated 1500-1700 each day, which does not seem like a lot, but I'm eating SIX times each day. As was said before, it's all about WHAT you're eating, not so much how much you're eating. I happen to love fruit & vegetables, so my between meal snacks are things like steamed & seasoned Brussels sprouts (cold), raw cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges and 80-90 calorie no-fat yogurt cups (6oz.). This program allows all foods, but just in limited calories. I've been on the program since 5-30-2014 when I weighed 245 and was on Lisinopril 10mg for high blood pressure. By week 4 I had lost 24 lbs and my doctor took me off the BP med because it was dropping my BP too low. Today I'm down to 207.8 and feel better than I have in a lot of years. I'm also walking an average of 7-10 miles each week in 2-3 mile increments with my wife. This burns 300-400 calories at my height & weigh. If you're not walking now, work your way up to 2-3 miles so you don't injur yourself and become discouraged. You can use the app MapMyRun to create routes that you walk frequently and tell you the distance, and when you log a workout it automatically updates MyFitnessPal with the calories burned. The two apps work hand-in-hand.

    If you are not a veteran, you can still get a LOT of free information about weight loss and nutrition by going to the website . I would suggest you spend time going through this site, but if you want some meat & potatoes to get started with, jump to the handouts page at and go straight to the nutrition handouts at . Click on N26, Snack Attack for a 4-page listing of low cal snacks 0-50 calories, 50-100 calories, 100-150 and 150-200 calories. This is an invaluable listing of healthy options to curb your appetite between main meals. I can honestly say that today I don't feel hunger pangs at all, because I've disciplined myself to take my snacks and lunch with me every day that I work (I have a handyman business), so I'm not tempted to stop at the swill parlors that taste so doggone good, but are so doggone bad for us!!! I also drink at least 8-10 cups of water each day, which also give that full feeling and is good for cleansing your system.

    I would suggest reading all of the handouts to get a good overview of the program. Most are just one or two pages in large type. Also, get the approval of your doctor before starting any exercise program. I just heard today that cardio patients need to pay attention to their doctor's exercise instructions, because more is not always better. GET HIS or HER ADVICE!

    Best of luck. We're all here in the same boat at different points in our individual programs, but most importantly we're here to support and encourage each other.