burning calories

Why does calories burned differ so much between mfp and what the elliptical or treadmill says?? Which # should I use/trust?


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    they're both estimates.

    if the gym equipment takes your weight/height/heartrate into consideration, it'll probably be slightly more accurate.
  • I agree with the above, unless you are scientically tested during each workout calories burned on a treadmill or via MFP will always be an estimate. In my experience, I would recommend using MFP as a standardized measure as different makes of equipment will project different figures.

    It is the same will weighing scales and body fat monitoring, if you use one piece of equipment you increase the accuracy.

    Kyle Bonsor PT
    Personal Trainer & Motivational Speaker
  • charityh08
    charityh08 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok, great! Thank you both for your help.
  • lisanhorowitz
    lisanhorowitz Posts: 38 Member
    I find that both methods tend to overestimate. I usually just take half of what the machine gives me or if I biked for 30 min I would take half of 300 calories. The only exercise where I give myself 100cals/10mins is running. Thats just my method though.