Hiking poles


I love using these and they really boost calorie burn but they also help with climbing hills and balance while hiking woods and trails. Anyone else tried them?


  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    They are very popular in the outdoor group that I belong to. Most of the people who have them say they're super-useful when you're picking your way down a tricky slope. I've heard people say that it's a mistake to get a cheap pair because sometimes they can break-- of course just when you need them!
  • Susanlove316
    Susanlove316 Posts: 28 Member
    I hadn't thought of that and I was hiking some steep trails today! I had a vision of impaling myself when I read your post! LOL I have some intermediate priced ones so I hope that doesn't happen! I think they would be great for older hikers to feel more secure. I was pretty happy with the extra calories burned.
  • alice_schmalice
    alice_schmalice Posts: 283 Member
    I barely made it down the mountain on my last hike. My hiking poles helped save my knees! I love them!
  • hoecradle
    hoecradle Posts: 37 Member
    I have a set of easton poles. I keep them in my truck and break them out when above 6000'. They save a ton of wear and tear on the back and knees.
  • babbyb1
    babbyb1 Posts: 66 Member
    I hadn't thought of that and I was hiking some steep trails today! I had a vision of impaling myself when I read your post! LOL I have some intermediate priced ones so I hope that doesn't happen! I think they would be great for older hikers to feel more secure. I was pretty happy with the extra calories burned.

    I would think that they would be great as well for someone who needs stability due to weight, poor knees, etc. I'm contemplating a pair for myself because I have totaled my ankles more than once.