5'3, female, about 150 lbs -- anyone else similar?

Hey everyone!

My name is Karen. I'm 25 years old, 5'3, about 150 lbs and hoping to get down to 130. I'm also training for a half marathon and running between 20-30 miles a week on average.

I'm really struggling with how many calories to eat! MFP says 1200. I've been on Weight Watchers since I was 198 lbs and their 26 PP a day were ceasing to show weight loss (and WW is lacking when it comes to how to eat back intense activity) so I came here to MFP to hopefully meet other women who are similar sizes to me with similar goals, to learn from one another's experiences!

I've heard from a nutritionist pal of mine that since my BMR is 1504, I should only ever NET 1000 calories a day. On workout days that's one thing... but have you ever tried eating only 1000 calories on a rest day? Breakfast: Protein Shake (250), Lunch: Blueberries and Greek Yogurt with Flax (230), Dinner: 2 Tilapia fillets and 2 cups steamed zucchini (250). Snacks: One apple (80) One oz cashews (200) and that's it for the DAY. I ran ten miles yesterday. This seems to be WAY too low a caloric intake.

This friend of mine says that starvation mode is a myth and that 1000 calories a day will be ok.

I have serious doubts about this.

I want to lose healthily AND fuel my body for my runs. I wanna end up being about 130 or 135.

And so, if you're so inclined:

How old are you? What did you weigh when you first started losing weight? What's your activity level now?

And most importantly: how many calories do you 1) eat and/or 2) NET each day?



  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm pretty similar to you! I'm 5'3, 24, and bouncing around in the 148-154 range, but trying to get down to 130s.

    If you're training for a half marathon you need to be eating way more than 1000 calories...Even on a rest day you should at least eat your BMR. Your body needs to food to recover from workouts. Granted, you could lose weight with 1000 calories, but you'll prob lose a lot of muscle mass along the way and not be happy with the way you look at 130.

    I took a month break from working out (mainly due to vacation), but I run about 3x/week and weight lift around 2-3/week, so I usually end up eating around 1600-1800 cal/day. But I've recently started ADF so it hasn't been too consistent.

    Please don't listen to those giving you advice about eating 1000 calories & good luck! :0)
  • karen5689
    karen5689 Posts: 17 Member

    I took a month break from working out (mainly due to vacation), but I run about 3x/week and weight lift around 2-3/week, so I usually end up eating around 1600-1800 cal/day. But I've recently started ADF so it hasn't been too consistent.

    Please don't listen to those giving you advice about eating 1000 calories & good luck! :0)

    This makes me feel so much better! I THOUGHT that I should be at least eating BMR! I just didn't want to question my friend -- seems to me that I feel MUCH weaker after one week of following her advice. For the first time, my "wellness plan" does not feel sustainable, so I"m looking to re-up the calories into a decent range.

    I think 1500-1800 might be a workable weight loss range for me, if I burn about 500 of it a day on average.

    If you don't mind me asking, if you're losing consistently, how much do you lose a week? I'm not as fixated on numbers as my question probably makes it seem -- but I'm getting married in September and dress fittings are quickly approaching so I'm trying to project where I could/should be!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Karen. I'm 25 years old, 5'3, about 150 lbs and hoping to get down to 130. I'm also training for a half marathon and running between 20-30 miles a week on average.

    I'm really struggling with how many calories to eat! MFP says 1200. I've been on Weight Watchers since I was 198 lbs and their 26 PP a day were ceasing to show weight loss (and WW is lacking when it comes to how to eat back intense activity) so I came here to MFP to hopefully meet other women who are similar sizes to me with similar goals, to learn from one another's experiences!

    I've heard from a nutritionist pal of mine that since my BMR is 1504, I should only ever NET 1000 calories a day. On workout days that's one thing... but have you ever tried eating only 1000 calories on a rest day? Breakfast: Protein Shake (250), Lunch: Blueberries and Greek Yogurt with Flax (230), Dinner: 2 Tilapia fillets and 2 cups steamed zucchini (250). Snacks: One apple (80) One oz cashews (200) and that's it for the DAY. I ran ten miles yesterday. This seems to be WAY too low a caloric intake.

    This friend of mine says that starvation mode is a myth and that 1000 calories a day will be ok.

    I have serious doubts about this.

    I want to lose healthily AND fuel my body for my runs. I wanna end up being about 130 or 135.

    And so, if you're so inclined:

    How old are you? What did you weigh when you first started losing weight? What's your activity level now?

    And most importantly: how many calories do you 1) eat and/or 2) NET each day?

    You are training for a half marathon and run 25-30 miles a week and a nutritionist told you to net 1000 calories per day? If I'm not misunderstanding, you need to tell her to go jump off a bridge because that is absolutely incorrect.

    In order to lose weight, you must eat a certain percentage under your TDEE based on your calorie goals. I put in the stats you provided and came up with this to lose .5 pounds a week (because you only have 20 pounds to lose you want to lose is slowly) for your TDEE:

    TDEE: 2294
    Lose a half pound a week: 2179

    I entered moderate exercise because you did not provide that information.


    Starvation mode to us common dieters is a myth but 1,000 calories IS NOT okay.

    ETA: I am twice your age, run around 15 miles a week, weight lift three days a week, and I eat anywhere from 1960 to 2400 calories a day depending on my exercise level and intensity, and I've been maintaining a 44 pounds weight loss since about March or thereabouts.
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member

    My case is similar as well.. I am 5'5 and weigh 150 lbs, 25 yr old. I have to bring it down to 125 in next 5 months somehow. I have been running atleast 3 miles (sometimes 5) during weekdays and about 10-12 miles during weekends. On average I manage to run atleast 5 days a week. I hadnt managed to count calories so far but I started eating very healthy food since 2 months. I had lost about 3 lbs and again gained back now. I dont know why.. Sometimes the weighing scale really fluctuates roughly 2-3 lbs

    Anyways I am planning to count the calories very strictly now.. Good luck on your goal..
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member

    I took a month break from working out (mainly due to vacation), but I run about 3x/week and weight lift around 2-3/week, so I usually end up eating around 1600-1800 cal/day. But I've recently started ADF so it hasn't been too consistent.

    Please don't listen to those giving you advice about eating 1000 calories & good luck! :0)

    This makes me feel so much better! I THOUGHT that I should be at least eating BMR! I just didn't want to question my friend -- seems to me that I feel MUCH weaker after one week of following her advice. For the first time, my "wellness plan" does not feel sustainable, so I"m looking to re-up the calories into a decent range.

    I think 1500-1800 might be a workable weight loss range for me, if I burn about 500 of it a day on average.

    If you don't mind me asking, if you're losing consistently, how much do you lose a week? I'm not as fixated on numbers as my question probably makes it seem -- but I'm getting married in September and dress fittings are quickly approaching so I'm trying to project where I could/should be!

    Since I've recently just got back from my vacation, weight loss hasn't been consistent (mostly water weight coming off). But before I left I was losing around .5~1 lb per week (mostly around half a pound though), which was perfectly fine with me!
  • karen5689
    karen5689 Posts: 17 Member

    You are training for a half marathon and run 25-30 miles a week and a nutritionist told you to net 1000 calories per day? If I'm not misunderstanding, you need to tell her to go jump off a bridge because that is absolutely incorrect.

    In order to lose weight, you must eat a certain percentage under your TDEE based on your calorie goals. I put in the stats you provided and came up with this to lose .5 pounds a week (because you only have 20 pounds to lose you want to lose is slowly) for your TDEE:

    TDEE: 2294
    Lose a half pound a week: 2179

    Yowza, that many!? Man. I know it's not a good mentality that I have -- this fear that attempting to eat that much will sabotage weight loss -- but it's hard to shake. On Weight Watchers, I had lost about 1 lb a week and was hoping to continue the trend with about 20-25 lbs to go. Maybe that's unrealistic. Sad face. But for sure, these reposes (yours especially!) are making me feel increasingly confident that my friend's advice is bunk.

    She's got certifications and is a professional athlete -- but I just don't think the advice is working.

    Wow. Man. Just THINK of all the chicken and cashews I could eat on 2000 cals a day! I'd be in heaven!
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I am 5'4", right now 166lbs, looking to hit 140lbs. MFP tells me to eat 1330 calories a day, I am usually around 1400--1700. I work out very little right now, 20min 3-4x a week I do pilates. I am following a ketogenic diet and was doing more intense workouts but was feeling very exhausted and got some advice to pull it back in the work out department until I've been following this diet for at least a month to give my body a chance to adjust.

    I would think what I know now about calories, it'd be almost impossible to eat 1000 calories a day and have any energy!!! Crazy! I'm glad you are listening to your body and eating more. I am losing about a pound a week on what I am doing. I look forward to being able to start running at some point. I never thought I would want to but I kinda do now. Any pointers? I am very nervous about my knees, I had arthroscopic surgery 2 years ago so it may not be the best idea for me. Not sure though.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Travellingchef
    Starvation mode is VERY REAL! Been there and done that, lived on 600 calories a day for three months. The problem... Not only do you gain a large percentage back as soon as you add any calories back in but your body will actually store fat reserves and eat its own muscle to survive. Going below 1600 while doing strenuous activity is a really bad idea. A better plan is six small meals(300 cals) a day. First three should include some good carbs, sweet potato, rice or oatmeal. Last three no carbs but add healthy fats. Peanut butter, almond, avocado. All meals need to include lean protein, about 4 Oz ( chicken ,egg whites, white fish, lean beef) It's about developing a new lifestyle, not a crash diet.
  • karen5689
    karen5689 Posts: 17 Member
    Starvation mode is VERY REAL! Been there and done that, lived on 600 calories a day for three months. The problem... Not only do you gain a large percentage back as soon as you add any calories back in but your body will actually store fat reserves and eat its own muscle to survive. Going below 1600 while doing strenuous activity is a really bad idea. A better plan is six small meals(300 cals) a day. First three should include some good carbs, sweet potato, rice or oatmeal. Last three no carbs but add healthy fats. Peanut butter, almond, avocado. All meals need to include lean protein, about 4 Oz ( chicken ,egg whites, white fish, lean beef) It's about developing a new lifestyle, not a crash diet.

    I don't at all disagree -- I've no interest in a crash diet. I've been slowly and steadily losing weight using Weight Watchers which truly is a comfortable lifestyle change for me -- I've just found it a little inadequate for measuring all my half marathon training and running adventures.

    Trying to find out the true calories behind the WW stuff!
  • happyapathy
    I'm pretty similar in size, at least.

    I eat ~1200-1300 calories a day right now. I researched filling foods and it's working for me. I'm not currently exercising a lot, but walk 10,000-12,000 steps a day just at work.
    I wouldn't aim for 1000 on a rest day– I use the Pact App and they won't pay me if I eat under 1200. Ha. But 1000 seems too low regardless.
  • 00Allie00
    00Allie00 Posts: 243 Member
    Similar height and weight, and goals, but about 20 years older. But still, it would be good to have people of similar stature to motivate each other :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    You are training for a half marathon and run 25-30 miles a week and a nutritionist told you to net 1000 calories per day? If I'm not misunderstanding, you need to tell her to go jump off a bridge because that is absolutely incorrect.

    In order to lose weight, you must eat a certain percentage under your TDEE based on your calorie goals. I put in the stats you provided and came up with this to lose .5 pounds a week (because you only have 20 pounds to lose you want to lose is slowly) for your TDEE:

    TDEE: 2294
    Lose a half pound a week: 2179

    Yowza, that many!? Man. I know it's not a good mentality that I have -- this fear that attempting to eat that much will sabotage weight loss -- but it's hard to shake. On Weight Watchers, I had lost about 1 lb a week and was hoping to continue the trend with about 20-25 lbs to go. Maybe that's unrealistic. Sad face. But for sure, these reposes (yours especially!) are making me feel increasingly confident that my friend's advice is bunk.

    She's got certifications and is a professional athlete -- but I just don't think the advice is working.

    Wow. Man. Just THINK of all the chicken and cashews I could eat on 2000 cals a day! I'd be in heaven!
    I know exactly where you are coming from. I've been using the MFP tools since May 2013, including reading the forums and doing research on weight loss, and my entire relationship with food changed when I realized that I can eat the foods I love and still lose weight, or even maintain weight. In fact, I'd been doing the low far no sugar no what-I-considered-crap-food for so long, eating what I thought was low calorie, and still gaining weight. The bottom line was that I was eating more than I thought I was AND I was miserable eating low fat.

    Once I learned to just eat in moderation everything changed.

    For example, I weigh all my food. Hell, I even weighed that boiled egg and trail mix I had for a snack tonight. Yep 56 grams of boiled egg and about 14 grams of trail mix. I'm under my daily calorie goal by a few calories. Yep, I weigh every single thing I eat, and it's a real eye opener for me. I don't profess that this is the secret to weight loss, but for me it has opened my eyes to how much I was eating in the first place.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Starvation mode is VERY REAL! Been there and done that, lived on 600 calories a day for three months. The problem... Not only do you gain a large percentage back as soon as you add any calories back in but your body will actually store fat reserves and eat its own muscle to survive. Going below 1600 while doing strenuous activity is a really bad idea. A better plan is six small meals(300 cals) a day. First three should include some good carbs, sweet potato, rice or oatmeal. Last three no carbs but add healthy fats. Peanut butter, almond, avocado. All meals need to include lean protein, about 4 Oz ( chicken ,egg whites, white fish, lean beef) It's about developing a new lifestyle, not a crash diet.
    Of course it's real as in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment, but it is not real to the common dieter, which is just about 99.9 percent of the people here. In order to be in starvation mode you need to have lost a certain percentage of fat and muscle and be in an emaciated state. I'm sorry if you went through this, but getting to such an emaciated state is not all that easy.

    By the way, people of normal weight, a bit underweight, and overweight, do not go into starvation mode no matter how few calories they eat.

    Also, meal frequency is irrelevant to weight loss, and carbs are essential to energy.

    I, however, agree with you that learning to eat well is a lifestyle change.
  • xoxsahara
    xoxsahara Posts: 58 Member
    Yes yes hi hi! Also 5'3", last time I weighed myself I was 153, I have been on this weight loss journey on and off but I kicked it back up with a bang this summer and I won't be quitting until I reach my goals :) I will probably want to be around 120 pounds. Also, I eat about 1300-1500 calories a day!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Karen. I'm 25 years old, 5'3, about 150 lbs and hoping to get down to 130. I'm also training for a half marathon and running between 20-30 miles a week on average.

    I'm really struggling with how many calories to eat! MFP says 1200. I've been on Weight Watchers since I was 198 lbs and their 26 PP a day were ceasing to show weight loss (and WW is lacking when it comes to how to eat back intense activity) so I came here to MFP to hopefully meet other women who are similar sizes to me with similar goals, to learn from one another's experiences!

    I've heard from a nutritionist pal of mine that since my BMR is 1504, I should only ever NET 1000 calories a day. On workout days that's one thing... but have you ever tried eating only 1000 calories on a rest day? Breakfast: Protein Shake (250), Lunch: Blueberries and Greek Yogurt with Flax (230), Dinner: 2 Tilapia fillets and 2 cups steamed zucchini (250). Snacks: One apple (80) One oz cashews (200) and that's it for the DAY. I ran ten miles yesterday. This seems to be WAY too low a caloric intake.

    This friend of mine says that starvation mode is a myth and that 1000 calories a day will be ok.

    I have serious doubts about this.

    I want to lose healthily AND fuel my body for my runs. I wanna end up being about 130 or 135.

    And so, if you're so inclined:

    How old are you? What did you weigh when you first started losing weight? What's your activity level now?

    And most importantly: how many calories do you 1) eat and/or 2) NET each day?

    You are training for a half marathon and run 25-30 miles a week and a nutritionist told you to net 1000 calories per day? If I'm not misunderstanding, you need to tell her to go jump off a bridge because that is absolutely incorrect.

    In order to lose weight, you must eat a certain percentage under your TDEE based on your calorie goals. I put in the stats you provided and came up with this to lose .5 pounds a week (because you only have 20 pounds to lose you want to lose is slowly) for your TDEE:

    TDEE: 2294
    Lose a half pound a week: 2179

    I entered moderate exercise because you did not provide that information.


    Starvation mode to us common dieters is a myth but 1,000 calories IS NOT okay.

    ETA: I am twice your age, run around 15 miles a week, weight lift three days a week, and I eat anywhere from 1960 to 2400 calories a day depending on my exercise level and intensity, and I've been maintaining a 44 pounds weight loss since about March or thereabouts.

    Agree with all of this, but the TDEE minus daily calories eaten seems to be 115 calories. I thought she would need a 250 calories per day deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week. So 2294 - 250 = 2044

    For such a small deficit I highly recommend a food scale. You'll have to be precise with your logging from day one because if you ate too many cashew (nuts?), it could easily wipe out your deficit for the whole day if not the whole week. Also, note that with TDEE method, you are NOT eating back any exercise calories logged, as this is already factored into your TDEE calculation. Read these :




    Personally I'm approximately the same weight and have been on a 1/2 lb per week loss for the last 20 or so lbs. my target is set to 1510 calories now but I log and eat back exercise calories. I'm probably around the 2000 calorie eaten per day average but I haven't run the numbers recently
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    Hey! I'm 28 and I'm 5'4" 144lbs right now so I'm pretty close to you as well. Your nutritionist is insane, unless you have some serious medical conditions (in which case your doctor should be discussing your calorie intake with you) you shouldn't be eating anywhere near that low while working out on any sort of consistent basis.

    This is the site that I use, http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/

    It's pretty informative and I think it makes a lot of sense and I've seen progress while using it. I aim to eat around 1600-1700 cals a day while lifting 3 days a week, yoga/pilates 1 day, and cardio 2 days(HIIT and normal) with 1 rest day.

    If you want to send me a friend request you're welcome to :flowerforyou:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hello! When I started out, I was very similar to you. 5'4 and 150 ish. I do not agree with the 1000 calories a day thing... That would definitely not be enough for me! Especially if you are exercising that much.

    I am down to 120 lbs now. I had my MFP calculate me to be at 1200 calories a day, which I usually stuck to. But I am very active daily and eat back my calories so I was eating much more than that, Probably more like 1700-1800ish. And it worked for me. I would be ravenous on 1000 calories. You need MUCH more fuel than that to run 10 miles and not be starving.

    A few words of advice that I would give you is to try (though I know its difficult!) not to be too hard on yourself. If you are hungry, have something to eat. Add a variety of things to your workout routine so you don't get bored. And give yourself breaks sometimes, because you deserve it. If I could do it, so can you :) Feel free to add me if you'd like support!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member

    I'm on the end of my 20's (waah! haha) .. I'll be 30 in December.
    I am 5'3 and a half - can't forget that!! - and I weigh, currently, 164. My goal is to get down to 135.

    I have myself set to lightly active and 1 pound a week for a loss. I am given 1450 calories a day (I think.. I can't remember at the moment haha)

    I eat back as much of my workout calories as possible as I wear a HRM for the most part. I'm also trying to love running.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I was you two years ago ! started at 154lbs - 5ft 3" (oh and I'm 45!)

    I am now 134lbs and feel I'm about the right weight now. I might try and get to 130 but if it happens it happens.
    I run 3- 5 miles x 5 days a week and walk a lot plus strength train x 3 times week.
    I eat 1800-2000 on average and still can lose around 1/2lb the odd week so basically I am maintaining. I can lose steadily 1/2lb eating at 1600 ( IF I wanted to eat that 'little' :-D)

    Have you calculated your BMR/TDEE? that would tell you how much you should be eating at but I'm guessing its a few 100 calories more than what you are eating now.

    Its about finding your special number :) if you need any help with the calculation let me know and I'll work it out for you.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Karen. I'm 25 years old, 5'3, about 150 lbs and hoping to get down to 130. I'm also training for a half marathon and running between 20-30 miles a week on average.

    I'm really struggling with how many calories to eat! MFP says 1200. I've been on Weight Watchers since I was 198 lbs and their 26 PP a day were ceasing to show weight loss (and WW is lacking when it comes to how to eat back intense activity) so I came here to MFP to hopefully meet other women who are similar sizes to me with similar goals, to learn from one another's experiences!

    I've heard from a nutritionist pal of mine that since my BMR is 1504, I should only ever NET 1000 calories a day. On workout days that's one thing... but have you ever tried eating only 1000 calories on a rest day? Breakfast: Protein Shake (250), Lunch: Blueberries and Greek Yogurt with Flax (230), Dinner: 2 Tilapia fillets and 2 cups steamed zucchini (250). Snacks: One apple (80) One oz cashews (200) and that's it for the DAY. I ran ten miles yesterday. This seems to be WAY too low a caloric intake.

    This friend of mine says that starvation mode is a myth and that 1000 calories a day will be ok.

    I have serious doubts about this.

    I want to lose healthily AND fuel my body for my runs. I wanna end up being about 130 or 135.

    And so, if you're so inclined:

    How old are you? What did you weigh when you first started losing weight? What's your activity level now?

    And most importantly: how many calories do you 1) eat and/or 2) NET each day?

    You are training for a half marathon and run 25-30 miles a week and a nutritionist told you to net 1000 calories per day? If I'm not misunderstanding, you need to tell her to go jump off a bridge because that is absolutely incorrect.

    In order to lose weight, you must eat a certain percentage under your TDEE based on your calorie goals. I put in the stats you provided and came up with this to lose .5 pounds a week (because you only have 20 pounds to lose you want to lose is slowly) for your TDEE:

    TDEE: 2294
    Lose a half pound a week: 2179

    I entered moderate exercise because you did not provide that information.


    Starvation mode to us common dieters is a myth but 1,000 calories IS NOT okay.

    ETA: I am twice your age, run around 15 miles a week, weight lift three days a week, and I eat anywhere from 1960 to 2400 calories a day depending on my exercise level and intensity, and I've been maintaining a 44 pounds weight loss since about March or thereabouts.

    Agree with all of this, but the TDEE minus daily calories eaten seems to be 115 calories. I thought she would need a 250 calories per day deficit to lose 1/2 lb per week. So 2294 - 250 = 2044

    For such a small deficit I highly recommend a food scale. You'll have to be precise with your logging from day one because if you ate too many cashew (nuts?), it could easily wipe out your deficit for the whole day if not the whole week. Also, note that with TDEE method, you are NOT eating back any exercise calories logged, as this is already factored into your TDEE calculation. Read these :




    Personally I'm approximately the same weight and have been on a 1/2 lb per week loss for the last 20 or so lbs. my target is set to 1510 calories now but I log and eat back exercise calories. I'm probably around the 2000 calorie eaten per day average but I haven't run the numbers recently
    You are right. Every time I use that particular calculator, I forget to either use the correct drop down box or that the website incorrectly calculates weight loss. :smile: