Getting started- always feel hungry

I am starting again ( for time # 30). I usually get into a groove at mfp, then stop tracking...then it takes a few months to get back in. So two questions
1. How do you motivate yourself to keep logging? It is super easy, but I have to force myself every time

2. Why am I always hungry, especially at work? I think I have a relatively balanced and filling diet- here is a typical day (not including dinner, because the hunger is primarily 7-5) example from this week
Coffee + 1 cup non fat greek yogurt
Lunch 7 superfoods costco salad (2-3 cups) without store dressing, with vinegar and 1 tbsp oil
Throughout the day as snacks needed- 2 hardboiled eggs, 1 oz almonds, 2 servings veggies (such as a cup of baby tomatoes, or pepper, or cucumber) and 3 servings fruit (any combo of apples, plums, peaches, etc), green tea.
That comes out to be about 1000-1100 calories. My goal at this stage is 1600/day

It feels I have enough protein and carbs, veggies and fruit. And yet hunger hunger hunger! If I chew gum, it feels like I am almost not letting my stomach rest.

I am at my heaviest of my whole life, and really want to make a change, but it is very discouraging.


  • IrisFlute
    IrisFlute Posts: 88 Member
    Hi --
    I've only been on MFP for a week, so I can't really address the part about being motivated to log my foods. (For me, keeping the food diary is comforting because it's a way to somehow make this whole dieting project feel real. I find it to be reassuring to have a record of the hard work of eating less.)

    Answering your second question: I've been eating 1200 calories a day for a couple of weeks (6 days on MFP) and have lost a total of around 2 or 3 lbs. (1 lb on MFP). At first I was constantly hungry. Then I switched my eating schedule to consume most of my calories in the morning. I divide up the day into Part 1 (7 am to 1 pm, 500 calories), Part 2 (1 pm to 6 pm, 400 calories) and Part 3 (6 pm to 11 pm, 300 calories). This leaves me a LOT less hungry.

    This article has been super-helpful to me about why to eat our heaviest meal for breakfast:

    Also, plenty of protein first thing in the morning. Eggs and/or beans and rice. A good 500-calorie breakfast sets me up for hours and makes me feel like I can handle the challenges of the day.

    Also: beans in general. With some rice or corn, they are a great source of nutrients and fat-free protein.

    And: high-fiber foods so that they don't disappear from my body right away.

    Finally: I practice having positive feelings about background hunger. (Not the can't-think-straight, can't-function ravenous kind... just the background hollow kind.) A low level of hunger is my body's way of telling me it's burning off fat. It's like a little feedback signal that tells me I'm doing it right. And it's not actually outright pain, after all -- you can teach yourself to embrace it.

    Best of luck!
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    1. You really have to want it. Do it for the right reasons! You know getting healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself. Nobody can do it for you or give you that extra push. I find tumblr to be a great help for motivation, you could also use other sites and such.

    2. Protein makes you full. Try increasing your intake. You're also probably not eating enough calories for someone your size.

    That forum is a great starting point and will get you far.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    I'm fairly new on here too. But my trainer is going to review my food log weekly. It's keeping me motivated to start (day 2 logging but have been at this for over 5 weeks lol). Her point is when I weigh in she can help me determine what food triggers I have that cause me to gain or what is working to lose. And, then also figure out why I ate THAT. But, another point is she is not going to 'shame' me if I do over eat or fail occasionally. Instead using it as a learning tool to get me headed in the right direction. It took me weeks to agree to it because I was afraid of failure and how embarrassed I'd be if I ate a cookie. I have found that instead I have been really good the last two days. The other thing that helps is to just enter what you think your daily menu will can delete, add, change. I find it helps me stick to my dinner menu.

    Find a friend that would review your log and encourage you to continue might help if you are not self motivated enough. Or set up a "treat" (monetary, food, me time) for completing X amount of days. So for example for every 7 days of filling out your food log put a couple bucks in your "new wardrobe when I get slim" jar.

    For a few days I was very hungry, but increasing my protein and making sure I have protein with every meal and snack helps. Today I didn't have as much early in the day and I could tell a huge difference on how hungry I was all day. And, it took me quite a few days to finally feel full most the day and hard to get all my calories in, and that my cravings for chocolate and sweets started to lessen.

    The one thing I'm getting better at but still struggling is finding when and what to eat to fuel my body to go workout. If I eat too soon or drink too much water before I am very queasy...and if I don't eat soon enough though I poop out quickly. Then balance my meals and snacks around that to eat

    Good luck!
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    And water, water, water. I'm so bad at that. I have started using and refilling a 32 oz bottle, then pouring into my glass so I can keep track of my ounces. Then at the end of the day I'm always shaking my head in shame that I haven't hit enough.
  • kayla2sxc4u
    try to eat protein with every meal it will make you feel fuller for longer and to stay motivated stick with it for a month and you will see results it will keep you motivated and sticking to a healthy diet and exercise that will make you feel better and give you energy. hope that help and if thats no enough what i do is look at a fat pic of me and that gives me the motivation to never look like that again :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    First, you have to be to a point when you WANT to do this. I find that pre-logging my meals helps keep me on track. As someone else mentioned, drink tons of water. This way you're sure its hunger and you're not just dehydrated.
    Good luck!
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    1. I log so that if there are no changes/I'm not hitting my goals I can go back and see what I'm doing so I know where to make changes. If I'm over on my fats 6 out of 7 days every week for the last month maybe work harder on keeping that MACRO in check.

    2. "especially at work" makes it sound more like boredom than true hunger. It takes a while to learn the difference.

    Also if you're hitting your 1600/day (how I read your post is that you eat 1000-1100 during the day leaving 500ish for dinner) then you're probably feeling hungry because you're doing it right.

    I used to be able to eat TONS of food at a time by myself: an appetizer, meal, dessert, and at least 1 refill, now most of the time it's hard for me to finish off just a meal and drink at a restaurant.

    If you're used to overeating then yeah, your body is going to complain when you start eating the "right" amount. Eventually your body will adjust and your stomach will get smaller naturally and not insist on as much food.

    All in all it's a rough road. The motivation to keep going has to come from within. But changes will come- both physical and mental, and when they happen it gets easier to find the motivation to keep going.

    Best of luck.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    Work out and eat the exercise-calories back. That is the only way I keep from feeling hungry. Im on 1200 calories but I eat back 400 more per day. I've maintained it for 60 days in a row because I eat the additional exercise calories.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Protein ...fuels body longer.
    That being said I recently brought some veggie crumbles. I cook up then add to things like my taco meat (85/15). Two tacos with the mix is way more filling than two tacos without.
    Good luck!