I feel like crying and feel like I failed

5'6 and now weigh 150.... I've been cutting calories since March 17th 2014 (starting weight was 163 pounds) up until now.
I'm a girl and is 22 yo.

I've been losing inches especially off my waist, my arms is going down, upper body has even gotten smaller. Back rolls are the worse but even those are fading... The bra area is still there.

I haven't been working out... But will be starting in one week.

I've been staying within my calorie budget and drinking lots of water. Now I cheated with junk food for two days in a row... But still don't think I went over my calories. But I'm not sure. I didn't track those 2 days.


I've been looking in the mirror a lot lately watching how my neck, collar bone, shoulder and upper body is losing inches. I lost a layer off my arms, and my stomach.... That was last week.

However today I've been looking in the mirror and it looks like my shoulders are fat and puffy... My arms are going down but they still look fat. It's like the two shoulder blades and where the arms connect is fat or it looks like a buffed man's body. But it didn't look like that last week... The scale has even went down to 149.6 and my stomach still looks the same... My collar bone is only revealed when I poke my chest out. Is the fat coming back? I'm slender built... My waist is tiny... It's just that my shoulders are taller today and I look wide. I feel like crying... Has anyone ever experienced something like this.


  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Now, I can see someone saying that they are dissatisfied with their appearance generally--ie: I would like my abdominal area to be more toned, I would like my arms to have more muscle definition and right now I am not satisfied and am frustrated with losing weight/toning.
    However. This is different. You are expressing dissatisfaction to the point of tears--and you are not overweight.even if you were, it would be concerning that your own appearance makes you that upset. Additionally, you are looking for bones and focusing almost obsessively on one or two areas of your body. Please seek help.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    ow my brain
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    But, don't be sad! :)))
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    yes. I have had those days when I feel fatter or more flabby and I have days where I feel like I look awesome. Here is some advice for you: stop looking in the mirror and seeing flaws. If you are having one of these days, stay away from the mirror and get out and go walk/jog to get your mind off of it. Be nice to yourself. You are going through what I like to call is an awkward stage where your body is playing catch up or its in your head. We are so mean to ourselves sometimes so its hard to tell the difference. Hey awesome on you for the 149.6... I want to see that number so bad I can taste it. Just get to working out and it will be fine., :flowerforyou:
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    I get super puffy after a junk food filled weekend. Drink lots of water, eat loads of veggies and if you feel your focusing to the point of obsession please speak to someone about body dismorphia. Sometimes i feel puffy sometimes i see the puffy, its part sodium part shame about stuffing my face with too much of anything. Its something I am working on with some help. I think you have done really well so far, don't beat yourself up and try to think of all you've accomplished not the day or two where you slipped a bit.
  • Tal_Kyrte
    Tal_Kyrte Posts: 38 Member
    You have an unhealthy fixation with your body. You are at a healthy weight. You could diet if you wanted to lose a few pounds, but you are trying to correct nonexistent flaws. This isn't healthy! I know, because I've been where you are now. From your posts (including your other one about cosmetic surgery) you seem like your on the brink of an eating disorder. Your body does not define you. Even if you were morbidly obese (which you are in no way near) it wouldn't have any impact on your self worth. Get off the scale. Stop counting the calories. Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. You need to learn to love yourself. That includes everything. You also have a heart and a mind, which are far more valuable.

    Go seek counseling. Take a break from dieting before you fall off the deep end. You need to heal on the inside before you can fix the outside. You are HEALTHY. You do not need to change your appearance. You need to love yourself. Looking the way you wish will not fix life's problems. The world will not magically fall at your feet. You will still be unhappy, because you will have found something else to fixate on. For the love of God, PLEASE STOP. There are far more valuable pursuits than having prominent collar bones.

    I was almost exactly like you, right down to the height and weight. Thinking like this sends you down a spiral of unhappiness. I thought that if I fixed how I looked, I'd have friends, a better job, success with men, etc. Instead of becoming the perfect person I wanted, I lost years of my life chasing a insatiable fantasy. Stop listening to the voice inside your head. Don't get the surgery to enhance your butt. Save the money. It takes a long time to pull yourself out of this hole, but you can do it! It is so completely worth it in the end. It took me years, but now I've accepted that my weight can't fix my life's problems. I've moved on, and now I'm ready to lose weight the healthy way (including psychologically healthy.) I accept that I will not look like Angelina Jolie once I reach my goal weight. I accept that I will still have larger thighs and pasty white skin. I accept that I'll still probably have the flab of fat between my boobs and my arms. It's ok. It doesn't define me. And it doesn't define you either.

    You can do this. Go cover up the mirror and hide the scale. Walk around the park, the library, or anywhere else and people watch. There will be beautiful people and average people. Some are attractive, some are not. But what you'll quickly notice is that it has no bearing on their happiness. You can still fall in love, laugh with friends, and have children with being conventionally attractive. You can still succeed in your career, and travel the world. The way you look does not put barriers on how you can live. Only your mind does that.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i mean this in the best [possible way..

    oget some hobbies that dont involve you spending time looking at yourself and your collarbone in the mirror.

    learn a language, walk a pet, volunteer to others less fortunate than you, etc. but do something that's going to give you a bit more perspective on life than whether or not your bones are visible.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    When you're dieting, over time your muscle glycogen gets depleted. When this happens, your muscles become smaller in size and this can make it appear that you got fatter because the fat is now spread over less volume. I usually have a refeed day when my muscles look too flat. After a refeed day, I do gain a bit of weight but I look a lot leaner.