Fell last night and broke my jaw and possibly tailbone

I fainted last night after making a 3 am potty trip. First on my butt - probably breaking my tailbone (declined an xray for that) laid on the floor for awhile and then fell on my face when trying to stand up. I hit my chin on either the table or floor which caused my upper jaw to break. Because I was notable to eat or drink anything until after surgery, I have had a whopping 288 calories today. My jaw is now wired shut and I am on a liquid diet for the next 4 weeks. Please advice me on healthy ideas that can be drunk through a straw. I think I will finally be able to lose my last 10 to 15 pounds - although this is not how I would have planned to do it. I also have absolutely no appetite right now either.


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    CarrieAnn: So sorry to hear about last night. I can't imagine how painful that must be. My first question is did you find out why you fainted in the first place. That would be a concern for me! You definitely don't want a repeat of last night.
    As for the food, what about a protein shake, healthy homemade smoothies. Sorry that was all I could think of. Good luck, feel better soon.
  • Luckyfish72
    Luckyfish72 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow that really is no bueno! I hope you aren't in too much pain! I think you may need to buy yourself a really good juicer. There are all kinds of recipes online. Best wishes!
  • tiffanyagee2003
    Wow sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quickly. Maybe you can do some smoothies with fruit and yogurt or protein shakes, with banana and some of that ,PB2 powdered peanut butter added in. Sorry I may not be much help. For some salty things maybe creamy soups or broth
  • Carlywiese
    Carlywiese Posts: 51 Member
    Blended soups would be good as long as they are cooled enough first, so sorry to hear about your situation :(
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    My ex-fiance's son went through this. When they wired your jaw shut they should have given you sample ideas to blend up. Otherwise I'm sure you can find recipes and ideas online. Though you want to lose that last 10-15 pounds your main concern is getting the nutrients you need.....not only calorie intake but vitamins/minerals and not your weight loss.

    For him we would boil the meat of his choice then blend it with stock. Season as you would when cooking it. He did a lot of nutritional shakes like Boost and we included a lot of protein powders in many of the blended items. He ate a lot of shakes lol. Though it would sound easy to do a juice diet, you won't get all your nutrients by sticking to it and your energy and mood will both crash. You will need to blend things you never thought should go in a blender.

    To get your calories in try to blend with juices, broths, milk and not water to make it thin enough to go through a straw.

    The thing the drove him nuts the most was not the taste of all the foods, but the texture you have learned to associate with the taste. So, not chewing a steak or chicken breast was the hardest thing.

    Best of luck!
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Wow sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quickly. Maybe you can do some smoothies with fruit and yogurt or protein shakes, with banana and some of that ,PB2 powdered peanut butter added in. Sorry I may not be much help. For some salty things maybe creamy soups or broth
    This is a good idea if you have a juicer. This will allow you to get your fruits and veggies in. Sorry that happened. Are you eating enough? Did they know why you passed out?
  • CarrieAnnH14
    CarrieAnnH14 Posts: 85 Member
    I just tried some watered down cream of wheat and it was a no go.
  • Eudoxy
    Eudoxy Posts: 391 Member
    Ouch, sorry that happened! I hope you feel better soon.

    My mom broke her jaw when I was a kid, I remember her putting a burger in the blender. I'm not sure if she actually drank it, lol. She did lose a lot of weight.

    I like chocolate protein shakes blended with ice so they're thick, add scoops of peanut butter. Vanilla shakes are good, too, and you can add any fruits, etc. I suppose you'll want a veggie juicer. I also like odwalla superfood, it's green but really sweet.
  • CarrieAnnH14
    CarrieAnnH14 Posts: 85 Member
    They want me to follow up with my own doctor - but they did see a sizable drop in y blood pressure when I went from laying to sitting and then to standing.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    as cliche as this sounds this sounds like something to talk to a doctor about. You might have to start drinking meal replacements like ensure or the like.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    They want me to follow up with my own doctor - but they did see a sizable drop in y blood pressure when I went from laying to sitting and then to standing.

    Get that checked out ASAP! :flowerforyou:
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I had jaw surgery when I was a teen and had my mouth "wired" shut (they actually just used heavy duty bands on my braces that I could take off to brush my teeth and put new ones back in, but it was similar).

    My mother made me milk shakes (I don't suggest this unless you need the extra carbs - but you could do protein shakes), mashed potatoes thinned with some extra skim milk, thanksgiving dressing (thinned with chicken broth), stew, that sort of thing. Pretty much anything that kind of comes out mushy anyway, can be thinned a bit, or can be blended is fine. I couldn't get over texture issues for some things so I stuck to things I was expecting to be soft or liquidy anyway when I had to do it - I don't know how attached you are to texture but texture is a major, major thing to me (I can't eat mashed cauliflower for that reason -- just give me the real thing, I can't handle the 'potato substitute' thing, heh).

    I wasn't allowed to chew but I DID have enough movement to open my mouth a little more than a straw would allow so I could use a very small spoon, which helped with the thicker stuff.

    I hope you have a smooth recovery and everything goes well.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    wow, be careful, things come in threes. lol
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I fainted last night after making a 3 am potty trip. First on my butt - probably breaking my tailbone (declined an xray for that) laid on the floor for awhile and then fell on my face when trying to stand up. I hit my chin on either the table or floor which caused my upper jaw to break. Because I was notable to eat or drink anything until after surgery, I have had a whopping 288 calories today. My jaw is now wired shut and I am on a liquid diet for the next 4 weeks. Please advice me on healthy ideas that can be drunk through a straw. I think I will finally be able to lose my last 10 to 15 pounds - although this is not how I would have planned to do it. I also have absolutely no appetite right now either.
    Carrie, I am so sorry that you fell. But, what caused you to faint in the first place?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm sorry you have to go through that.. it can be really painful and frustrating. I wish you a speedy bump-free recovery. When I had to go on a liquid diet I opted for milk shake. It's creamy enough to not feel hungry and has enough calories so you don't under-eat severely.

    There are very good smoothie recipes as well that pack in some good nutrition. I used to have a green one for breakfast, and whatever other smoothies/milkshakes I liked for other meals. My green smoothie had baby spinach, banana, carrot, greek yogurt, green grapes and honey.

    I also had blended soups, lentil soup comes to mind asn the most satisfying.
  • mondak757
    I had major reconstructive surgery in 2009 and my jaw was "wired" for 10 weeks. I actually became catabolic and had to make these shakes out of 1/2 and 1/2, protein powder, peanut butter and bananas. They were about 1000 calories when all was said and done but I am sure if you traded the 1/2 and 1/2 for almond milk and cut down on the peanut butter and protein powder they would not be so high in calories and they actually weren't that bad! What I really did well with once I was able to start using my jaw a bit was any protein (chicken, beef, etc) cooked to pieces in the crock pot and shredded. I also did well with pureed fruits and baby food. Good luck!
  • CarrieAnnH14
    CarrieAnnH14 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes and advice. I just had campbells broccoli cheese soup in the blender. That went down ok.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes and advice. I just had campbells broccoli cheese soup in the blender. That went down ok.
    That's great, Carrie. Try some of the cream soups- cream of chicken, cream of mushroom,