Has anyone totally fallen off the wagon and then succeeded?

I'm totally struggling here...... Have gained 21 pounds back over the last 8 months and feel like I'm never going to feel good again. Did anyone feel like this and manage to find their mojo again? Mine seems to have disappeared......l


  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    Yes! I have gone up and down in varying degrees many times. It used to be very discouraging. It still isn't a happy thing, but I focus on the future. Did I gain weight back? Yes. Do I know how to lose it again? Yes! And I have all my previous knowledge to go off of once I get back in the swing of things. Same goes for you. :flowerforyou:

    I actually gained 30 or so lbs over a year (15 of it in just over two months - OUCH!), but it is slowly going back down.

    You can do this!! :drinker:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    A few years back, I lost about 120 lbs and then regained 90 lbs. I decided to get serious and have lost everything I regained, plus another 90 lbs on top of it. Set-backs happen, you just need to refocus and reflect on what went wrong the first time so you can better succeed the next time! :) It's a bit of a cliche, but I like it: "It's only failure if you give up."
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Did anyone feel like this and manage to find their mojo again?
    We all did! What you think, we just decided to get skinny and a month later we were perfect?

    In fact, my focus is not on what to do on the good days - but how to deal with exceptions. When I go to a party. When I go for pizza. When I have a drink or 10. When I eat an entire bag of chips.

    Stop whining, get on your feet, and fight!
  • cricketcricket
    This had definitely happened to me, and I don't know that I have any good advice. No one can help you find that motivation, ultimately you need to make the decision for yourself to work towards your goals.

    I can't say that I've "succeeded" since I haven't gotten to my ultimate goal weight, but honestly I try not to think in terms of success or failure. I don't even have a specific goal weight because I know that the number on the scale is just a number that cannot tell you as much as you might like. I've chosen a somewhat arbitrary number that will put me in a healthy BMI range, but even when I reach this goal, I will never be done. I will just be at a different point in my journey.

    For me, one of the most helpful things has been logging faithfully. The times when I have done the worst were times when I let myself take a break from logging. I've logged during times when I've been eating well and times when I've been eating poorly, and the only times that I really lost it all together and felt terrible about myself and hopeless were times when I wasn't logging at all. And I'm not saying that logging calories is the 'be all and end all' of weight loss. People can and do lose weight without logging. Just that for me, it represented taking a break from working towards my goals. It represented a break from forward momentum. It was me standing still and closing my eyes and pretending for a while that my problems didn't exist.

    In terms of concrete advice, I would say to constantly be evaluating your methods. Consider whether the exercise you've chosen is something you enjoy or something that you are forcing yourself to do. For me, I really enjoy taking long walks and listening to podcasts or audiobooks while I walk. Not a terribly efficient way to burn calories, but I genuinely enjoy taking long walks and exploring my neighborhood. Consider whether you're cutting calories too aggressively. We all want to see quick results, but think about your long terms goals and sustainability.

    It can be easy to fall into that 'all or nothing' mentality. You don't have to eat 'perfectly' or exercise every single day. If the only thing you can do is take a short walk, or make slightly better food choices, do that! Don't let yourself be derailed by a single slip up. We make countless choices every single day, and every choice is a new opportunity.

    Is any of that helpful? Sorry for the terribly long winded response. I wish you the best of luck.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I am in the same boat. Lost 20 lbs and kept it off for two years. Got lazy about logging and weighing myself and voila, 15 lbs are back on. I am now back on the plan of logging and weighing myself. I am not perfect. I gave into my desire for food and the weight is back on. I am back on track but it will take a while as the weight did not come on overnight. You can do this
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I'm working on success again!

    I lost 45 lbs, then gained about 20-25 back. Emotional issues and hormonal problems (that got worse with all the weight loss) made me stop in November. I maintained for a while, but this spring was another bunch of stress AND I was feeling better with the hormonal issues (beginning to be) fixed.

    Life is tough, sometimes, and a temporary set back, whatever the reason, isn't something that should bother us too much. Fix the problems and move on.
  • marilynbauer
    marilynbauer Posts: 28 Member
    Basically that is the story of my entire life. I can't recall the many of times I have lost just too gain back sometimes it took several years to slowly accumulate. Lately it seems to take a matter of days. The logging is definitely the most helpful to me also, trying keep my food intake at a level I am comfortable with and that is doable for my family. That is probably my biggest challenge plus I have a huge sweet tooth. I can go a couple of weeks and then I seem to have a meltdown and basically sabotage all my efforts.

    That is where I am currently, I was extremely distraught to realize I have gained an extra 5 pounds in addiition to my overweight. So I started back on MFP and was doing good for 2 weeks with food/exercise and lost the weight. But then I fell off the wagon it all started with a box of donuts. and it has taken me several days later to try to get back on track. But hopefully I have.
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    Did anyone feel like this and manage to find their mojo again?
    We all did! What you think, we just decided to get skinny and a month later we were perfect?

    In fact, my focus is not on what to do on the good days - but how to deal with exceptions. When I go to a party. When I go for pizza. When I have a drink or 10. When I eat an entire bag of chips.

    Stop whining, get on your feet, and fight!
    Thankfully you'll find a lot of wonderful support out here, (unlike this guy).

    I lost 32 lbs a couple years ago then gained it all back. Very tough fight for all of us but all we can do is keep trying. This time around I've surpassed that previous loss and haven't lost sight of what I'm after. I'm on a 120 lb journey myself and I know how hard it is. Here's my own introductory post that has some of my own personal tips and/or successes.


    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. You can do this!
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Did anyone feel like this and manage to find their mojo again?
    We all did! What you think, we just decided to get skinny and a month later we were perfect?

    In fact, my focus is not on what to do on the good days - but how to deal with exceptions. When I go to a party. When I go for pizza. When I have a drink or 10. When I eat an entire bag of chips.

    Stop whining, get on your feet, and fight!
    Thankfully you'll find a lot of wonderful support out here, (unlike this guy).

    I lost 32 lbs a couple years ago then gained it all back. Very tough fight for all of us but all we can do is keep trying. This time around I've surpassed that previous loss and haven't lost sight of what I'm after. I'm on a 120 lb journey myself and I know how hard it is. Here's my own introductory post that has some of my own personal tips and/or successes.


    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. You can do this!

    There's value in what you said, as well as what you quoted
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    About a hundred times over the past few years. My heaviest weight was 245. If I'd been perfect from start to finish, I'd already have been such a perfect, rational, and disciplined person I never would have gotten fat in the first place.

    They key is to never let a slip up mean that you give up.
  • marquishagetaka
    fall off get dusty and get back on your trail = the beaches of the west are waiting for you
  • swaistle
    swaistle Posts: 119 Member
    I started again last year at 203lbs and i got down to 198lb then just lost it. I then shot up to 213lb by April this year and that's when i decided enough is enough and i'm not 188lbs. i'm not a success yet and i'm betting i'll hit many walls and struggles, but it's perfectly normal! its a marathon not a race!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    YES!I am in the middle of my success story. I fell off the wagon for 12 years gained double what I lost initially back. I am currently working my way down to my goal weight and I feel fabulous. Are there days when I want to say f it. Heck yeah! The key is to not give up even on those crappy days. Take this one meal at a time. You may slip at lunch time, but come back strong at dinner. Try to incorporate the things you love into your caloric goals. That way you don't feel deprived or like you're on a diet. I tend to make most things at home so I can control whats in it. From taco seasoning to hamburgers to chicken nuggets. I do occasionally partake in domino's pizza. And I am generally over that day as I eat the entire thing all by myself over the course of the day but it's worth it to me. I know I won't lose as much that week and that's ok. It's work, but it's worth it. Hang in there!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    You'll get back there. I jumped on and off the wagon many times. My last kick at the can I did my best ever and while I'm not perfect I'm not as heavy as I was and I'll keep it that way.

    But just keep trying. It will work
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I think we've all done this a time or two to varying degrees. I lost from 235 down to 195 once...and then gained all the way back to 265. It took a few more tries, but I'm finally ready to do it for good, and am down 85 lbs this time with no intent to quit....ever.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Same here...Started in 2011, stalled, got frustrated, stopped caring, put the weight back on and then some. Got back on the horse spring of 2012, lost to about the same weight as before, and stalled again, at which point, I said screw it. I'm over it. Six months or so later (January 13), weighing in at my all time highest weight EVER, I knew I had to do something.

    Last summer I stalled at that same place...again...and I was frustrated, but I kept going. Last fall I hit my first goal weight of 145. I have been teetering between 142 & 145, with my next goal weight at 135, but not sure if I will get there (or really want to) because the last time I weighed that little, I was pretty scrawny, and didn't lift anything heavier than a 20 pound kid. Now I lift weights, and I am smaller than I have been in years, and am really not terribly concerned about what the scale says, as long as the clothes fit, LOL...

    But it took the better part of a year to get to my first goal weight, and there were ups and downs, and stalls, and adjustments, and the whole nine yards, but it was SOOOOO worth it. Hang in there. We didn't gain it overnight, we won't lose it overnight. :flowerforyou:
  • Beth_Gorman
    Beth_Gorman Posts: 35 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon and gained more weight than I was when I previously started. I've started back again and really made some major changes. I didn't change my weight when I came back I just waited until my weight was the same when I last logged. I've lost around 50 pounds and can see the difference in my health.
  • ShannonS921
    I'm totally struggling here...... Have gained 21 pounds back over the last 8 months and feel like I'm never going to feel good again. Did anyone feel like this and manage to find their mojo again? Mine seems to have disappeared......l

    I can almost guarantee that EVERYONE who has ever had success has felt this way at least once along the journey. We're all human. We all have moments. Just get up, brush yourself off, and keep going. I never "found" motivation, I forced myself to do what I had to do...I'm no where near my success point, I'm still at the beginning, but I've done it before and will do it again!
  • sophysings
    sophysings Posts: 28 Member
    Yes! I lost 2 stone over the course of a few months a couple of years ago, then back on it all went when I moved house and dropped into bad cooking and eating habits because, I guess it's most easily described as life was getting me down. I think my mojo came back when I felt better about myself again - I apologise as that's not a fabulously helpful thing to say but I think that's what it is for quite a few people I know! Onwards and downwards. You can do it :happy: