Way below the calorie recommendation.

debbieruth Posts: 40
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I just wanted to know how close to stay to the recommended calorie intake that mfp provides. Right now I am waaaaay under without any exercise, and with the exercise I've done today and the food I've logged I still have 1600 calories left. I've eaten cottage cheese w/ yogurt, a small salad, a "naked" smoothie, and some natural cheetos white cheddar puffs; staying within/under the recommended serving size. That is it. My main problem is I just am NOT hungry very much. I work overnight as a caretaker in 10 hour shifts, 6 days a week. I don' eat there. I'm trying to be better about not skipping any meals, but it's hard. I'm coming from only eating once a day. With the amount I've eaten today, I feel close to being sick.

Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm not sure how close to get to the calorie intake goal...Does anyone else have this problem?


  • Oops, I didn't realize the other thread posted! My internet shorted out...SORRY. XD
  • I don't know about you, but they give me way too many calories if I let them decide. I went in and changed my goal to 1400. It warns you if you go too low that you need at least 1200. As long as you have that many, why worry?
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    I think you should try to eat small, balanced meals. This should increase your calories a bit. Eating raises your metabolism. If you are so far under your calorie goal, your body will go into starvation mode and stop burning calories. As you start fueling your body, you will get hungry more often because you're burning calories as fuel.

    Are you vegetarian? I ask because you haven't listed meat as something you've had today. (Not that you have to eat meat..just asking.)
  • Even if I am not hungry, I try to stick the 6 small meals guideline. Sensible breakfast, 100 calorie snack, sensible lunch, 100 calorie snack, dinner, 100 calorie snack. This way my body does not get hungry and I don't eat things I should not. I do not use my exercise calories but using the given 1200 keeps me satisfied.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I don't know about you, but they give me way too many calories if I let them decide. I went in and changed my goal to 1400. It warns you if you go too low that you need at least 1200. As long as you have that many, why worry?

    I agree! I would probably gain wieght (because of a screwed up metabolism) if I ate what they said to eat.
  • I think you should try to eat small, balanced meals. This should increase your calories a bit. Eating raises your metabolism. If you are so far under your calorie goal, your body will go into starvation mode and stop burning calories. As you start fueling your body, you will get hungry more often because you're burning calories as fuel.

    Are you vegetarian? I ask because you haven't listed meat as something you've had today. (Not that you have to eat meat..just asking.)

    Yes, I am a vegetarian. I have a hard time swallowing meat, the taste just makes me shiver. I try and get my protein in other forms, though that can be tough too
  • I don't know about you, but they give me way too many calories if I let them decide. I went in and changed my goal to 1400. It warns you if you go too low that you need at least 1200. As long as you have that many, why worry?

    I agree! I would probably gain wieght (because of a screwed up metabolism) if I ate what they said to eat.
    Oh, okay. That's a good point. I'm up to like, 1700 calories left for the day, including exercise, but it just seems like so much! I have only consumed about 500 calories for the day, which I am sure is way too low, I am just not hungry any more. I'm gonna try and eat some more for dinner before I go to work, but I'll have to force it down.!
  • kelywely
    kelywely Posts: 3 Member
    I was looking for a post like this because I feel like I'm going through the same thing. I am a vegetarian so my diet to begin with is based on small, high protein meals. I feel like post-workout I'm still hundreds of calories under my goal most nights, and I'm not going to max out on making up those calories in the evening. I have gone to bed feeling full and satisfied every night so I don't think I'm in "starvation mode" like it is telling me. I just don't want my already sluggish metabolism to slow down even more. I've been trying to have a glass of almond milk before bed just to get some more calories without feeling overly full going to bed, but still, way under. :(
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    I can't say I can explain why because you'll hear pro's and con's on the subject...but I feel I'm proof that not eating enough calories will make you gain/retain weight and slow down your metabolism. So please try and get some more calories in even if you have to drink a shake like Ensure to do it. Believe me I understand you're not hungry, but these are not a lot in quantity and it will add to your calories for the day. You're not hungry because of your metabolism being slow...and that means you're not getting in enough calories if you're relatively active and have no other medical problems. I've had to gradually increase my calories due to not being hungry...I'm now up to 1200-1400 per day...once in a while I'll go slightly over that but not very often. I now am ready to eat in 3-4 hours where before I would forget to eat! My husband can't believe how much more I'm eating. I have more energy...although I didn't realize I didn't have energy before! So please...try to get more calories in! :flowerforyou:
  • Maybe you should make a lunch date with yourself every day! Decide to have a big lunch or breakfast, and take your time eating it. It's a good way to have some personal time, too!
  • I was looking for a post like this because I feel like I'm going through the same thing. I am a vegetarian so my diet to begin with is based on small, high protein meals. I feel like post-workout I'm still hundreds of calories under my goal most nights, and I'm not going to max out on making up those calories in the evening. I have gone to bed feeling full and satisfied every night so I don't think I'm in "starvation mode" like it is telling me. I just don't want my already sluggish metabolism to slow down even more. I've been trying to have a glass of almond milk before bed just to get some more calories without feeling overly full going to bed, but still, way under. :(
    I probably drink more than anything as far as "Naked" smoothies and water, and I too am a vegetarian. It's VERY hard to eat 1400 calories a day! I came close only by sheer force, but I felt sick all day. And plus exercise I still had 1200 calories left over! Let me know if you find something that works for you. ;] Maybe we can share ideas.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Here are some very good, RESEARCHED (not just opinion) threads on the subject of meeting cal goals, metabolism and how MFP works. You'll learn a lot if you take a few minutes.




    Coming from a similar set of habits (only eating one or two meals a day for maybe 1000 cals for years and still being fat), the first week or two my appetite (which I had trained to suppress hunger during the day) was "low" - and I had to force myself to eat. After that, once my body re-learned how much food it is SUPPOSED to have and my appetite picked back up. Follow the MFP plan - it WILL WORK.
  • I do find that I'm way under my calories once I add my work out. I do better meeting my calorie goal is I break it down: 300 cal for breakfast , 300 for lunch, 100 cal three times a day for snacks and dinner is about 500 cal.

    I love making shakes at home with berries and good protein powder. Get a Bullet (about $40 at Target) to make smoothies at home. You have to eat more to get your metabolism going and to support your work outs. I just met with my Dr. for a physical and he told me I have to intake more calories. If the calorie intake stays too low the body is being deprived of nutrients and will store more fat. Plus you will have no energy and feel burn out. Your body shuts down to protect is self.

    Meet with a nutritionist to get more ideas on what a days menu should look like. Or go to your Dr. for a check up and see if your insurance will cover a consult for a nutritionist. They are full of knowledge that will make you a healthier vegetarian.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Ok, I'm starting to have a similar problem. I've been eating Nutrisystem food along with regular food and I've been staying way below my calorie counts. I've gotten the warning 3 times this week about my calorie count being too low. Now I saw someone said that I will slow down but that hasn't been the case.

    I work 2 jobs so twice this week I have an 18 hr day, otherwise it's in 12.5 or 8 hr increments for each job and one of them is 3rd shift. I've been quite active on these days that I work and occasionally find myself tired and nap for an hour or two before I wake right up. I've literally had to force myself to eat above what I've been eating just to be above the warning message. Tonight, I actually felt a craving to eat something really big so I had a small cup of chili. The feeling to eat has gone away so I don't get it. Any ideas on what's going on? thanks.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    Read this post http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/153704-myth-or-fact-simple-math-3500-calories-one-pound-eat

    She seems to know what she is talking about and it makes perfect sense. I agree with the idea of picking up some protein shakes. To me, they taste terrible, but not as bad when very cold.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks girlsaint, I won't worry about it anymore for now. I guess I'll be taking the AGGRESSIVE approach for losing weight. :bigsmile:
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Here are some very good, RESEARCHED (not just opinion) threads on the subject of meeting cal goals, metabolism and how MFP works. You'll learn a lot if you take a few minutes.




    Coming from a similar set of habits (only eating one or two meals a day for maybe 1000 cals for years and still being fat), the first week or two my appetite (which I had trained to suppress hunger during the day) was "low" - and I had to force myself to eat. After that, once my body re-learned how much food it is SUPPOSED to have and my appetite picked back up. Follow the MFP plan - it WILL WORK.
    Great resourses...Thanks!
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Read this post http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/153704-myth-or-fact-simple-math-3500-calories-one-pound-eat

    She seems to know what she is talking about and it makes perfect sense. I agree with the idea of picking up some protein shakes. To me, they taste terrible, but not as bad when very cold.
    Great Resource...Thanks!
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