What's The Big Deal

bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
8 pounds gone! That's what's the big deal! Not to some, but to me it has me floating this morning.

I'm down about 8 pounds from my heaviest weight ever, which has been pretty recent. That's about 10% of my goal. I know I have a lot of work left to do and honestly I was surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning. I haven't weighed in probably 2 weeks. I thought my scale was broken so I went to the Y and weighed myself again. Crazy how such a small victory can just be a reminder of why you are doing this. How great it feels to know, "hey I can do this" to "hey I am doing this" to "hey I did it!"

#1 thing I have done, stopped eating out. I was the worst at eating out all the time. #2 thing, started eating a high protein breakfast.

I can't wait to post my fat to phat pictures one day!
