Weightloss challenge support!

I want to invite some people to take part in a 3 month challenge. Aka lets make a goal for 3 months from now... which I realize will end on a random day.... NOV 8 so maybe just make it the goal for the first of november!
Anyways here is my goal!
SW (today): 142
GW1: 140 (aug 15 hopefully)
GW2: 135 (september 15)
GW3: 130 (october 15)
GW4: 128 (Nov 1)

Anyone want to join?


  • JudithVerhappen
    JudithVerhappen Posts: 18 Member
    I'll join! Sounds like fun!!
    My weigh-in is usually on wednesday, so i'll aim my goals for those days!

    SW: 81,2 kg
    GW1: under 80 (august 20th)
    GW2: under 77 - healthy BMI (september 17th)
    GW3: 76,2 kg - 20 kgs lost (october 1st)
    GW4: under 75 (october 15th)

    My UGW is 70 kgs, so my GW for the end of this challenge is to get somewhere in that direction.. Probably to get under 73 kgs.
    I don't want to pinpoint an exact weight for the end because my weightloss has fluctuated a lot over the past years, so I want to see how my body responds!

  • spicycanchaser
    spicycanchaser Posts: 5 Member
    I will try, haven't been successful for months now so maybe this will give me more motivation.

    SW: 162 lb
    GW1: 155 (Sept. 6)
    GW2: 150 (Oct. 6 )
    GW3: 145 ( Nov. 6)
    GW4: 140 (Dec. 6)
    GW5: 135 (Dec. 25)

    I know this is longer than 3 months but is a good goal for Christmas.
  • crom911
    crom911 Posts: 16
    Would love to join also :)
    SW: 217
    GW1:210 (sept 6 )
    GW2:205 ( oct. 6)
    GW3 200 ( nov 6)
    GW4 195 (DEC 6)
    Can I add as friends ( and anyone else who joins feel free to add me ) so we can keep track ?
  • I want to join!
    SW 134lbs
    GW (August 25)-132lbs
    GW (September 8)-130lbs
    GW(october 13)-125lbs ---this is my end goal weight
  • mskmac66
    mskmac66 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll join, sounds like this will be fun.

    SW: 160.2
    GW1: 155 (Sept)
    GW2: 150 (Oct)
    GW3: 145 (Nov)
    My plan is to weigh every Sunday to chart my progress. My goal is to get my weight down to 140-145 range. Any type of advice or tips is welcomed. Good luck everyone.
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
    A little thing that has helped me change my thinking:
    Realizing that my goals are very attainable.

    I've been watching extreme makeover weightloss edition. If people can lose a ton of weight in 90 days, whats 14 lbs. (or roughly 1 lb a week).

    Just gotta fight for it!

    BTW, if I reach my october goal, I am buying a triangl bikini ( triangl swimwear). I really want one, just gonna reward myself (even though I could buy one now) but I'm going on vacation and it'll be nice to show off my hard work in a new bathing suit
  • JudithVerhappen
    JudithVerhappen Posts: 18 Member
    Soo I already reached my first goal!! (which was to get under 80 kgs!)

    Current weight: 78,6. Only 1,6 kilograms to go until I reach my second goal!
    If my weightloss will continue in this pace, I'll probably edit my goals, depending on the attainability.

    Just really happy with my results, so I thought I'd share this with you.
    Hope you guys are also on the right road to success!!
  • Count me in! I have lost 37 pounds in the past year. Which is disappointing but I got off track. Luckily I was able to keep 37 of the 51 I had lost ): Oh well! Back on it. Support will help.

    SW: 252.9
    G1: 242 (Sept 15th)
    G2: 232 (Oct 13th)
    G3: 222 (November 14th)
    G4: 210 (December 15th)
    G5: 205 (January 2nd)

    I'm setting myself up to lose 2 pounds a week through my MyFitnessPal challenge. I have a daily weigh-in chart and a "goal sheet" Good luck everyone. Let's change our mindset!