UUUUUGH! I BINGED!!! very upset - HELP :(

Just joined 5 days ago - have been keeping up with food journal and exercise routine - and then TOTAL UPSET! ... out of control binge day ... stress took over ... one cookie ... two cookies ... three cookies - I'll stop there, but it kept going ... I really couldn't stop ... then I came home and felt so bad - that I said forget it and order chicken wings and of course dipped them in tons of blue cheese! ... Why do I do this ..... Is anyone else in the same boat? ... I really want to drop the weight and be healthy - but these crazy cravings and binges are going to set be back ... If anyone can help me or experiences the same food binges - please help ... I need motivation and to increase self control. Thanks :( CZR


  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    In my experience, when I have binged, it's because I went from eating like a cow to barely eating at all. That's crazy on the system and it can make your body go crazy! If you're still hungry at the end of the day, you're simply not eating enough.

    If I'm still hungry at the end of the day, I have some avocado and 5 light Ritz crackers. It has been working.

    One day won't hurt you!! Tomorrow is another day.
  • mrsdsmith
    mrsdsmith Posts: 22 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. I only started 3 weeks ago. I allow myself one day a week (saturday) to have one meal of my choice and it reaaly seems to help. I chew alot of gum which helps me not want to snack all day at work. Good luck. Things will get better and easier!!!
  • heatherjbw
    This is something I struggle with: the all or nothing mentality. If I have "cheat", I have a tendency to just figure my whole day (or week!) is blown, so I might as well go crazy. I'm really working on not letting the one (or even two) bad choices dictate my life or mentality beyond that. So you are not alone, and I would say to try to just let it go and move on. It's so trite, but true. The past can't be undone, but it doesn't have to dictate the future. Keep going!!!
  • tao223
    tao223 Posts: 6 Member
    Dont worry, all you can do is get right back on your bike when you have fallen off right? If you look at my diet journal you will see we all have these moments of lost control and as long as you remember your long term goal and try to keep at it you will reach your goal. It doesnt matter how you get there as long as you get there:-) best of luck and dont be to hard on yourself.
  • purplespeckle
    when i have moments like this i drink lots of water or brush my teeth or pick up a magazine with thin people in it lol
  • MDProctor
    MDProctor Posts: 10 Member
    Not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. (Helps keep us from crying!).

    Had the same problem. We convince ourselves it's entirely mental. I'm learning (I'm learning never to say 'I've learned' anything...I always regret that...) that it's not always a mental issue. I've been watching my blood sugar and learning all I can about that, with the help of some amazing doctors, and I'm slowing coming to understand the role of blood sugar in cravings. When my sugars are swinging wildly (from eating the wrong carbohydrates at the wrong time) then my arms swing wildly--from one donut to the next. Get those sugars under control by eating good carbs for awhile and see if this doesn't make a difference. The cravings were killing me but I'm learning there is hope! Hang tough.
  • bryony_pie
    Don't get too discouraged! This happens to lots of people - I know from experience. Binging isn't just about cravings or compensating for eating too little - binging is usually a sign of some psychological distress. For me, I know that I used to binge because it made me feel numb, so it was an easy way to avoid having to deal with the major problems I faced. Try to take some time to really think about your life and current emotional state, in an effort to pinpoint things that might be stressing you out or bigger struggles that you might be stuffing down. If you can be mindful of when you feel like binging, learn to do some other activity to clear your mind, like writing, sketching, playing music, or going for a walk. And remember, tomorrow is a new day with a blank slate, so you always have a chance to make things better! :bigsmile:
  • flynabster
    I feel your pain....there are times, even when I'm not hungry, that I just binge away....eating and eating and eating, all the while knowing I shouldn't be doing it.....

    Yes, tomorrow is another day, try not to beat yourself up.....*kitten* happens, and when it does you just have to keep moving forward....

    I've been pretty good about the bingeing, but I know it will happen again I'm sure....what I do now when I have the urge I just remember how hard I worked at the gym on the cardio....that seems to help....also, try not to keep anything tempting in the house....I can NOT have peanut butter anywhere near me, it's just something I can't resist, so I don't buy it.....

    Hang tight....start fresh tomorrow......
  • Koljax22
    I truly believe we need to have a day where you can be a little bad. In my experience if you cut yourself off from everything that you enjoy that's when you binge eat. Say to yourself "Hey I had so many good days now I deserve a little treat." It helps me to know that I can have it when I've worked hard for it, and you can actually stop yourself from going over board when you put the effort into it.
  • cagcooper
    cagcooper Posts: 15 Member
    It's ok...we all do it...I did it with cookies a couple weeks ago. I got so mad at myself..

    Just take a deep breath and relax. Tomorrow is a new day....

    When I get stressed at work...I try to get out and take a walk...get some fresh air...it's ok :)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    Just joined 5 days ago - have been keeping up with food journal and exercise routine - and then TOTAL UPSET! ... out of control binge day ... stress took over ... one cookie ... two cookies ... three cookies - I'll stop there, but it kept going ... I really couldn't stop ... then I came home and felt so bad - that I said forget it and order chicken wings and of course dipped them in tons of blue cheese! ... Why do I do this ..... Is anyone else in the same boat? ... I really want to drop the weight and be healthy - but these crazy cravings and binges are going to set be back ... If anyone can help me or experiences the same food binges - please help ... I need motivation and to increase self control. Thanks :( CZR
    I know this might sound cruel, but what do you want us to say " there, there it will be OK.

    Best thing, take a good hard look at what you did and understand why.

    Until you understand why you will do it again. Ask why you did not binge on fruit. Treat it as an addiction to the sugar hit that then triggers your body to go into overdrive.

    Maybe, for a while, you have to take the approach of an alcoholic to drink, just avoid the food that you find triggers the binge. It is hard, but recognizing the foods that send you off a cliff allows you to be prepared and to say no. You actually have to make hard decisions about your food.

    We all have these food triggers, and you have to wean off them. One of mine was cake - love it, could eat it all day. Changed my approach to eating, haven't touch it since.

    The journey is hard, and it is tempting to step off and take the easy road.
  • kziegler3
    I completely agree with what everyone else has said so far. The main thing to remember is that tomorrow is another day with a clean food diary. Don't beat yourself up for one day's mistakes. Hold on to those goals and remember....we're all in this together. We wouldn't be here if we weren't!! Good luck!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Moderation has helped me. I cant say to myself no you cant have that cause I will and I know that. I just have to say ok 1 now and one later and try to eat something healthy in between. Also I log on to this site and i vent and there a bunch of supporters to help!!!
    chew gum, drink water find a divertion! You can do it!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Oh I hear ya! I came home from work and snacked up to almost 600 extra calories. Don't worry you will be fine, just get back to eating right and exercising!
  • madmegan
    madmegan Posts: 8 Member
    I have done the same thing in the past! I eat something bad and then I tell myself that I already messed up so I might as well just go for it completely. I have a group of friends now and we are doing our own biggest loser couples challenge. The group has really helped me FINALLY stick to it. For us there are 3 rules: 1. Enter your food every day. 2. You may eat more than your calories only 2 days a week. 3. Weigh in every Saturday. I have now followed my calories for 19 of the last 20 days that we have been doing this! The thing is that you can have a bad day. It won't destroy your progress. The important thing is that you get back on the wagon tomorrow and start again. Anyhow, we motivate each other and razz each other daily. If you want to add me as a friend I can do the same for you. =) Good luck...you CAN do it!
  • Caesar4less
    Thanks - sorry just had a weak day and had to vent ... Thanks everyone :)
  • prettier_me
    prettier_me Posts: 53 Member
    we've all been there and i'm sure we'll all be there again at some point. what matters is trying your best every day and just picking yourself back up again! we're all cheering you on :)
  • alyssa83202
    Don't beat yourself up about it! It happens to almost all of us at least occasionally! All you have to realize is that it is just one day, and tomorrow you'll have a fresh start! I just went 1000 calories over my goal tonight at steak n shake, it's the first time I've gone significantly over my calorie goal in the 3 weeks since I've joined. I don't feel great, but I don't feel horrible either because I'm just going to focus on the fact that I worked out really hard at the gym today and I'm going to work out even harder tomorrow and stay under my calorie goal! Just keep moving forward and don't worry too much about your mistakes!
  • Mellene
    Mellene Posts: 12
    Don't let one day of binge get you down, it's harder to get back on but you can do it! Changes happen in a week not in a day
    so if you had a very good and healthy week with exercise then those excess calories might just vanish.
    I had that kind of day yesterday, a lot of peanut butter and cheese. Then I went to the gym and tried to get rid of it,
    but still 500+ calories overdo. Then what helped me is to look for negative effects those foods do to me, for example
    cheese is actually has an addictive component morphine. That put me off straight away.
    So you can always find those bad points and remind yourself about them - will be easier to resist!