Is this anxiety or am I missing something?

Diagnosed pre-diabetic as of this Tuesday after a 2 hour OGTT last Friday. Originally went for the test to see if I was reactive hypoglycemic due to symptoms I'd been having slight dizziness, tremors, lump in throat, headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc.

Today my morning sugar was normal (87), blood pressure was normal (123/72), thyroid (1.4) and electrolytes were ruled out in tests from last week.

Yesterday I was fine, but around 9a this morning I had what I think was a bout of anxiety that lasted about an hour or so. Only some of the original symptoms occurred: lump in throat, cold hands, sweaty palms, very slight shakiness. :ohwell:

Even at testing during this episodes all levels were alright (systolic bp a little elevated, but went back down in 10 mins). It was enough to make me leave work as I felt really uncomfortable being there feeling the way I was.

I still have a slight lump in throat feeling, but other symptoms are gone.

In your opinion, am I experiencing anxiety unrelated to the above or am I missing something?

(I do have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning.)


  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I definitely suggest speaking to a doctor like you said you're going to do, but with that said: when I've had my episodes of panic attacks, those are the symptoms I've had - lump in the throat almost like I can't swallow, sweaty palms, heart palpitations, headaches, hyperventilation - the first time I thought I was having a heart attack (I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder for which, unfortunately, medications don't help but luckily I don't have episodes often).

    The problem with it, though, is those symptoms can come from a variety of potentially life threatening things and the only one who can rule those things out is a doctor.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    I definitely suggest speaking to a doctor like you said you're going to do, but with that said: when I've had my episodes of panic attacks, those are the symptoms I've had - lump in the throat almost like I can't swallow, sweaty palms, heart palpitations, headaches, hyperventilation - the first time I thought I was having a heart attack (I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder for which, unfortunately, medications don't help but luckily I don't have episodes often).

    The problem with it, though, is those symptoms can come from a variety of potentially life threatening things and the only one who can rule those things out is a doctor.

    Thanks. I forgot to mention my sister was diagnosed with anxiety, but my symptoms started on and off just a few weeks ago.
    That's why all the tests in my first post were ran. Tried deep breathing this morning, but that really didn't help at all, just got worse until it finally toned down.

    I know that sometimes "nervous stomach" can also be a symptom. I've had that for quite sometime-mostly when eating out, but have been blaming it on gallbladder surgery. Unsure if that is the case now or just a portion of the problem...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yep, sounds like anxiety. What was happening this morning?
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    Yep, sounds like anxiety. What was happening this morning?

    Sitting at my desk working on paperwork, slowly felt tightness in my throat which slowly turned into a lump, cold hands, sweaty palms, and very slight shakiness.

    Tried eating something, drinking water, breathing, and even taking a small walk. Nothing helped...just had to wait it out.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Today my morning sugar was normal (87), blood pressure was normal (123/72), thyroid (1.4) and electrolytes were ruled out in tests from last week.

    Yesterday I was fine, but around 9a this morning I had what I think was a bout of anxiety that lasted about an hour or so. Only some of the original symptoms occurred: lump in throat, cold hands, sweaty palms, very slight shakiness. :ohwell:
    In your opinion, am I experiencing anxiety unrelated to the above or am I missing something?


    (I do have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning.)

    Did your doctor do a full thyroid panel, or just a TSH? Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is actually a pituitary hormone that signals the thyroid, not a measurement of thyroid function. Just because TSH is normal or low, doesn't mean you're making enough thyroid hormone, or have the right balance of T3 and T4. It can also mean your pituitary gland isn't putting out a strong enough signal to your thyroid to produce hormones.

    Not a doctor, just giving you a possibility to check into.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    thanks castlerobber - every piece of information helps :)

    I believe we ran one of those in February when I first started going to this doc, but not since the symptoms started.
  • takkyboomboom
    takkyboomboom Posts: 43 Member
    I was diagnosed with a panic disorder several years ago after suffering from upwards of 30 panic attacks a day and being in a heightened state of anxiety 24/7. My symptons led to a feeling of going cold all over, palpitations, tearful, body aches and a feeling of constant dread. When an attack happened there was nothing I could do except wait it out and usually that required me to leave the area. I now have medication which controls the main symptoms.

    My GP suspects I don't produce enough serotonin which in turn generates the anxiety. I haven't always been anxious so it's fairly obvious that something changed and a few things I've learned suggest that the foods I eat (or, in my case don't) have an impact. Foods that are higher in Tryptophan appear to boost serotonin:

    Dairy products such as cottage cheese, cheese and milk, soy products such as soy milk, tofu and soybean nuts, seafood, meats, poultry, whole grains, beans, rice, hummus, lentils, hazelnuts, peanuts, Eggs, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

    I am vegetarian and had cut out most dairy products/carbs (to lower my fat intake). Since bringing dairy and carbs back I rarely have anxiety and, ironically, my weight loss has become easier. I sleep better, look better and am generally more balanced.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    General anxiety issues myself though mine stems from my ADHD and the occasional inherent bouts of depression. Oddly enough I only experience really strong attacks and those are rare and triggered ie losing my glasses, crowds, or a lot of really loud people even if I'm not in a crowd but usually its some combination of factors. But this sounds like some of the things I deal with in the build up to an attack. The advice I was given, as medical treatment could cause problems with the other issues I've got, was to control my enviroment and my triggers to the best of my abilities and if I couldn't do that then remove myself from the said triggers.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    Doctor decided to try me on Zoloft for a month and scheduled a followup appt.

    She also thinks that the digestive issues I've also passed as due to gallbladder surgery in '06 could also be caused by anxiety "nervous stomach".

    Here's hoping this does the trick. Feeling like this is no way to live and I've only been experiencing this for a few weeks. :embarassed: