New to this

Hello everyone! Just starting here. I am 35 yrs old and looking to lose about 105 lbs. I have always been active and easily maintained my weight.. The past 3 yrs I have had a desk job and have not been as active. It really shows:( I am terrible at dieting, but will do whatever it takes to lose the weight. Just need help in the motivation department.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for support!
  • woodworkingbymike
    woodworkingbymike Posts: 3 Member
    Best advise is log your food and be honest with yourself don't cheat and skip logging an item because your only hurting yourself. I use this as a tool and if i want to snack i get on my treadmill or go for a run outside and i know how many calories i need to burn before i can stop. lost almost 40 lbs. But it is hard went on a mini vacation and did not log my food and did over eat and gained 5 lbs in that 2 days so it is easy too gain it back so i will always stay to my budget on calories or workout more to make up for it
  • BadassSavageVix
    BadassSavageVix Posts: 432 Member
    Hey, I'm new to MFP too but already finding it easier to watch what I eat using the diary on here :-)