How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member

    My Health and Fitness person at work takes my weight once a week on Monday mornings. She also checks my fat percentage. I'm concentrating on lowering my fat rather than strictly trying to lose weight. Nothing like being held accountable by someone other than myself.

    In the past, I limited myself to checking my weight once a week and always at the same time/day.
  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    I probably weigh myself every other week, but i measure my inches weekly! When I notice a difference in inches then I'll hop on the scale and see what it says... it's been working great for me! Less dissapointment
  • KatieSvelte
    I try to weigh every Friday, but it usually turns out to be more then that. i need to have DH hide the scale.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm not allowed to weigh myself. I see my doctor every one or two months and he weighs me there. I am in recovery from an ED and when I told him that I was weighing myself twice a day and making adjustments to the next day's food based on the night time weight he made me bring my scale in to him and promise not to weigh myself.
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    Weigh myself when I get up every morning. I used to just weigh in every Friday morning, but I like keeping track of how I progress from day to day. It also helps to keep me honest.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I weigh myself Saturday mornings after I've peed and before I've eaten.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I weigh every morning without clothes and just after I use the bathroom. I like to see the up and down trend and I have a graph app on my phone that I input the data into. It works for me and helps keep me motivated. Sometimes it's frustrating to eat really well and still have the scale go up a pound and a half in one day for no reason but sometimes it drops by that much as well.

    I wouldn't recommend that everyone do this, however. You just have to find what works for you.

    all of this

    I would be so freaked out by weighing in just once a week or once a month. I would feel totally unsure of where I "stood". I weigh in every morning like the poster above and it's a great thing FOR ME but may not suit everyone.

    I think it's important to remember that our weight loss is not linear. There are many factors that play into each day's weigh in such as sodium, water retention, exercise (muscle recovery "gains" can occur even with minor exercise), etc. I put faith in my overall diet/exercise habits and eating at a deficit and it pays off.

    I will not allow one light day of healthy eating followed by a 0.5 lb "gain" derail that...I think this is where some people run into trouble and start believing "it doesn't matter what I eat, I still gain"...I told myself that for years and I was wrong.

    ^^Same here!
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I weigh myselft once per month at the end of the month at a local clinic. I just go in to the lab and hop on their scale. The lab staff then enter it into my medical record for the doctor and dietitian to see if need be. It works for me because if I do it more frequently I become too obsessive. I tend to focus more on just feeling better than numbers on a scale.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Generally only after I fire off a deuce.
  • Joanjett88
    Joanjett88 Posts: 87 Member
    Typically I do once a week, but right now I'm doing everyday as a log because I'm doing the 30 day shred. Just curious to see how my body is changing. I also keep in mind that if I had a meal high in sodium or if I added another work out that day that my numbers might lie do to water retention.
  • sjeannot
    sjeannot Posts: 143
    Don't obsess with weighing yourself. If you weigh everyday, you will see your weight going up and down even if you know in truth you are losing weight. Once every two weeks or month is good. That would give you something true to celebrate.
  • SunshineKimL
    SunshineKimL Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh myself almost daily first thing in the morning after I have gone to the bathroom. Friday is my weigh in day and if I happen the have weighed less on Thursday I still log the Friday weight. Doing this helps keep me motivated but it doesn't work for everyone. If I do happen to have an increase that lasts more than a day I will not weigh for a couple of days and focus on my calories in vs. calories out. I have my measurements taken including BF% about every 3 weeks with my PT.
  • kaelica
    kaelica Posts: 1 Member
    900 calories sounds awfully low: don't forget that not getting enough nutrients actually backfires when it comes to sustainable weight loss :) I understand the desire to see the numbers drop but slow drops usually mean long-term benefit :)
  • MsSashaFire
    I weigh myself everyday, mostly out of habit, but it also keeps me on track.
  • laceyjjj
    laceyjjj Posts: 53 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning, sometimes at night out of curiosity. I don't feel like it's obsessive or I "shouldn't" check so much. If the number looks higher than I'm used to in the morning, I don't despair - it actually keeps me on track for the day and more mindful.
  • tar0809
    tar0809 Posts: 122 Member
    I weigh myself every morning before I eat or drink anything. It all depends on you. I do it for motivation not to beat myself up and stop what I'm doing. If I see that I go up 1-3 lbs within a day I tend to say hmm is it water weight or what did I eat yesterday and it makes me work that much harder at the gym.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    Everyday after the morning bathroom run. I however only log once or twice a week and its purely for accountability this in no way affects my day.

    This is basically what I was gonna say. Every day, same time, after the bathroom, before any differing factors (food/exercise). That was when I was heavier and losing weight quickly. Now that its slowed to 1lb/w I just do it on Mondays. Sometimes measuring will show you more progress than weighing... I strongly recommend it if "slow" weight loss frustrates you.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I've posted this before: If you're an every day weigher, it's important to understand the data. If you weigh every day, look into tracking your weight with some kind of moving average to give you an accurate trend line. If you're drinking 8 cups of water a day, remember that there's 4lbs of water moving through you every day just from that. Your exact number on the scale is more of an indicator of hydration state than anything else. It's that trend line that will tell a story closer to the truth.

    Something like this (this shows an actual 1lb weight loss with daily measured weights showing as much as 5 lbs of variance):

  • peachie2013
    peachie2013 Posts: 15 Member
    Once a week.