Starting P90X Tips

Hello everyone, I don't know if I'm posting in the right section but I was wondering if you guys could help me with some of my questions about the p90x program.

First off, I haven't worked out or ran in over a year, so I'm a little overweight (190 lbs) and I just bought the p90x program. I haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but I know I won't be able to get through the whole session if I start the regular dvds in one go. My question is, what dvd should I start out with when I'm really out of shape? I was thinking Cardio X, Kenpo X, or Yoga X for a 3 or 4 weeks so I can stretch out my body and get ready for the more intense p90x routines. So which dvd should I use that's pretty light and easy?


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if your looking for light and easy then its either Kenpo X or cardio X (never done cardio X)

    personally i would suggest just doing the weight DVDs if you wanted to water it down a bit at first
  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    Even if you're really out of shape you can "modify" most things. The important thing is understanding you're "out of shape" and shoudln't be trying everything at risk of injury- and that you start to get in a routine. You may start to get bored (personally I would) with just sticking to one or two DVDs, so maybe try as much as you can to start. Then next week when you do the same DVD you can see if you're either able to do a little more, are a little less tired, or if not- were still moving for 30ish minutes and getting yourself in the routine.

    Good luck!
  • amotto26
    amotto26 Posts: 1 Member
    I've done the program before.

    Even if you are out of shape you can still jump right into the program. If you want to start out easy. Maybe just to the x-stretch for a few days. The cardio is a little intense at first but its a lot of fun. Kenpo is as well. I found yoga to be a little bit more challenging because I've never done it before and have bad balance. Either day don't underestimate yoga. Its still an hour+ long workout.

    Good thing about it is, if you can work yourself into keeping up with the DVD. At first I couldn't do the 10+ intervals of pushups - after awhile I was able to add in more. They also have someone that does the "easier" version of each move. ( Squat down - lift hands over head rather than squat down then jump) If that makes sense.

    Good Luck!
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    Do the program right. Follow everything. Keep pushing play. You'll find as days go by, things get easier, so you can push yourself harder. It's a great program, and if you follow it, you will get results. If you go half *kitten*, and start making excuses, you'll fail. When you get the package in the mail, read through all the guides, go grocery shopping, and then make sure you have 1.5 hours set aside each day. It sounds a lot harder than it really is. You can do it!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    can't believ it has been a year since I finished my last and only round of p90x....It was a good strength trainign workout but I don't think I want to go back do it again...

    It's pretty time consuming especially the yoga days...oh my lord...if you are not very into yoga, I suggest splitting it into 2 sessions, first 45 minutes in the morning, and if you still feel like it, do the second part later...90 minutes of repeated poses of yoga can be a killer....

    I don't mind Kenpo X but now that I have tried other kicking boxing programs, I think Kenpo X is just ok....I find that girl pretty annoying. try not to look at her since she's quite off the beat. The black dude is a good example to follow. :)
  • Thanks for all your suggestions guys! I really appreciate it! So I'm just gonna jump right into it and hope I don't die lol
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    honestly the only danger in doing that is that you will get frustrated and quit altogether

    if it does get to the point that you want to quit... its ok to do so as long as you take up another exercise plan.
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    It's pretty time consuming especially the yoga days...oh my lord...if you are not very into yoga, I suggest splitting it into 2 sessions, first 45 minutes in the morning, and if you still feel like it, do the second part later...90 minutes of repeated poses of yoga can be a killer....

    I totally agree. I like Yoga and could never finish the DVD, I stopped at 45 minutes. I eventually substituted Tony's One on One yoga DVD, perfect length. I enjoy Kenpo X too. Definitely modify if you need to! I still use a chair for my pull ups and all the pushups on my knees, but I still got an amazing workout.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I agree just jump right into it. All of the beachbody programs I have used have a modifier (minus Insanity). I was severly out of shape when I started doing T25 and the first 2 weeks I felt like dying, but I stuck with it and was able to move onto Insanity (something I swore I would never attempt). Now, I'm doing P90X3.

    And I think you will enjoy Tony's personality a lot. He makes working out fun. Plyometrics was my favorite dvd that I tried from P90X (I never completed that program).

    Good luck. If you need motivation, there's a tab for exercise and they have a spot for people who are doing Beachbody programs. They should be able to help you stay focused.

    I ignore all beachbody coaches, do not use Shakeology or any of their other supplements, and I lose weight just fine. So don't feel pressured from anyone to buy those things.