exercise bike or rower?

Hey all, i run a few times a week usually 2 miles each run. I also lift 3 days a week. Im looking to get something to add or change when the weather is bad. Now i think rower would be best but not sure. If so what type of rower? I assume magnetic or air? Also can anyone heko with thw calorie thing? I eat 1850 a day but not sure if thats right to add my exercise cals back or not... I am male 5ft7, 16 stone and im a stay at home dad at the moment. Am i doing this right? Thanks for tking time to read/reply


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think for a rower you'd want a Concept 2 or a water rower. I always wanted one so I splurged last year on a good water rower. I didn't like it and sold it to a friend. Well, I liked it but I sit for work all day, and I didn't like more sitting for a workout.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi sorry i should have mentioned my budget is around £100 so im not sure wether i can pick one up thats worth it for that price??
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Not unless you get really lucky in the used market, in my opinion.

    I don't know many men willing to do it but my favorite cardio tool for under $200 is a Jump Sport rebounder. :smile:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Hi sorry i should have mentioned my budget is around £100 so im not sure wether i can pick one up thats worth it for that price??

    Nope, I wouldn't recommend a rowing machine that's not a Concept or a WaterRower, and for a bike you'll be up against the same quality issue.

    If you have a bike already then a turbo-trainer might do the trick.
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Ah thats a real shame. Cant justify paying that much for it when im already running/lifting. Getting myself a road bike might be a better option with a trainer.although im not sure wether a 16 stone man on a racing bike will look right lol
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    If you run and cycle it won't take long for the pounds to come off tbh. I've lost about 30lbs in 18 months since I've been running
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    Exercise bike. Rowing hurts my beer belly!
  • jan3h
    jan3h Posts: 55 Member
    I use a rowing machine at the gym and I also cycle on the road. Both are good, I think the rower might have a slight edge because it works more of your body at the one time. Don't worry about how you "look" on your road bike!! Who are you doing this for, eh? I'm a 5'3" 10 stone female who started cycling when she weighed 13 stone. If I can do it, anyone can! :smile:
  • thatch1234
    thatch1234 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey. Haha nah i dont concern myself to seriously about what others think on the road thanks to my running. I think after alot of thought i may stick to my 3 runs and 3 lift days a week for a good month or 2 and see the results.i have no current issues with joints etc from running so hopefully will be fine
  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    I bought a Horizon Oxford II rower off eBay for £75. I rate it above the Concept 2's that I have used. Pivoting foot rests, heart rate monitor sensor, more comfortable seat etc. Have a look for one and see what they are going for.


    Here is one
