breastfeeding and losing weight



  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    First off congrats on the new baby!

    I completely understand the desire to lose the baby weight fast but at 2 week PP you are not doing yourself or your baby any favors by cutting your calories way back and trying to push your self with exercise.

    My midwife told me with both my births to lay off the ab work and running until my 6 week PP check-up. I was given free reign to walk as much as a I wanted. Yes, some people jump right bak into excersing but I would consult with your doctor before starting any sort of regimine. Also, at the risk of being graphic you need to pay attention to your bleedingl. If your bleeding as slowed down and picks back up it is often a sign that you have over done it in terms of working out.

    In terms of milk supple, I was always told that your body is going to take the nutrients it needs for the baby's milk first and foremost. Therefor if you are depriving yourself your body is going to be the one that suffers - fatigue, head ahces etc. Like others have posted is a fantastic resource for all things breastfeeding related. I know that for me I was always starving when nursing. Heck, I am still nursing my 22 month old and still feel famished at times! Focus on taking care of your baby and yourself right now and ease into the weight lose routine.
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Oops - I just read your response in regards to having your baby unassisted homebirth. So no 6 week PP visit for you! :) I did homebirth with both mine but with a midwife there with me.

    I would say stick to at least 1600 hundred calories and wait a few more weeks before doing any sort ab work or intense exercise.
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    I agree with speaking to a lactation consultant. When I was breastfeeding and trying to lose weight, I added 500 calories to my recommended calorie intake.
  • Im sorry but there is no need for bashing me.. if you guys read yesterday was my FIRST day! And the reason I thought everything would be ok is because ive been up on my feet back into norma stay at home mommy duties since day6... if I was selfish I would of ignored all the warning signs yesterday and wouldn't of posted to get other opinions! I changed today to 1800 calorie diet and I feel GOOD I feel energetic! And when I say work out y only strict rutine till 6 week pp is just
    60 sec. Wall sit
    20 pushups
    40 situps (I dont even feel a strain in my abs doing)
    80 jumping jacks (but after 2 days of this my boobs cant take it so will be replacing with something else)
    20 lounges each side.......

    Thats it...
  • And the only thing thats sore is my legs from the wall sit cus ive never done those
  • Just wanted to add that when you stop breastfeeding, you must change how many calories you consume. While that may sound obvious, it is possible to get into a routine or habit regarding when and how much you eat. I breastfed four children, losing weight very easily after each one with walking the baby in a stroller or a carrier every day. However, after that last child was weaned, I was in the habit of eating a certain way, and a certain amount of food. OOPS! While weight quickly came off after each child, the weight equally came ON when there was no more nursing, while consuming the same number of calories. In the 1970's I didn't have access to the internet, so it was a lesson I had to learn on my own.
    So while nursing, don't be afraid of the healthy calories. Just remember to adjust them after weaning.
  • WOW!!!! Just joined and wanted to find out how to change the settings because I breastfeed my son who is four months and wanted to change the calorie settings, and I come upon this feed. I'm so disappointed to see some of you women calling this Mom stupid!!! Any question is no stupid question and you should not make anyone feel that way for reaching out to get some advice. To say these things is not showing any kind of support and that's what I thought this site is all about. At the end of the day it's her family and her BODY..... You should totally lean on the advice of your doctor and your husband but most importantly yourself girl!!! I know how we want to get right back on it, trust me I have 5 kids, so from the info out there you should intake 500 calories on top of where you would normally be or its safe to be at 1800 daily and drink tons of water. But your best fat burner is going to be breast feeding!!! Also it's a total mindset what will work for you may not work for anyone else so feel out your body it is a amazing thing that God created and it knows what it needs, when it needs it!! Have a blast with the baby and good luck
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    1800 is supposed to be the minimum for any breastfeeding mom.

    There are physical, mental, emotional and medical reasons you are not supposed to resume exercise yet and there are very real reasons why the time frame is put at 6 weeks. Please allow yourself this time.

    That is all.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    I tried losing weight when I was breastfeeding (21 years ago now) and baby wasn't getting enough milk and had to bottle feed.
    You have to eat more when breastfeeding and don't do the exercises yet, let your body recover and concentrate on you and baby.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    guys really.

    There are a few rude posts which you will always get.

    I don't remember reading anything about her being stupid. Maybe not eating enough would be stupid, and it would be in any capacity because you need food to survive and food is yummy...but there are way more supportive posts than negative ones.

    Keep calm, eat and breastfeed on.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    guys really.

    There are a few rude posts which you will always get.

    I don't remember reading anything about her being stupid. Maybe not eating enough would be stupid, and it would be in any capacity because you need food to survive and food is yummy...but there are way more supportive posts than negative ones.

    Keep calm, eat and breastfeed on.

    ^^Yup. Breastfeed on, exercise as able and eat healthy and it's all good. And OP I also had both my babes at home and caught them. Midwife present, but she knows I like to labor alone. :-) Then we had a birthday brunch after each in our home, family and friends, cake, 2 days of my life by far! Congrats again and happy nursing!
  • nurit1979
    nurit1979 Posts: 88 Member is the best resource for all things breasfeeding (including how much and what to eat). If you are in doubt..go browse that site. It answered a TON of questions for me when I was BFing.
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