hello to you all


Old time lurker here, been using myfintensspal over a year now but just now decided to get out of my shell.

I am 40 going to 20, uber-obese yet sweet bloke. Last year managed to shred off a few pounds (from 120kg to 90kg).

Today had a panic attack and went bazookas about stepping off my path and putting back 10kg. With your help hope to make that never ending dream of 80-85kg and well toned body a reality. Oh, and most importantly hope to meet many nice and friendly faces here.



  • jweber1982
    jweber1982 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! I am a 32-year-old gal from Texas who is also looking to lose quite a bit of weight. Going through a divorce and looking to lose all the extra pounds I packed on during a lot of stressful/miserable years. I've lost as much as 85 pounds in the past and I've always gained it back. Trying to reverse that trend.

    I would love to make friends with others who understand the struggle. Feel free to add me! Best of luck to you! :)