Is this real?

So I joined a gym about 5 weeks ago and have been going regularly. I originally met with one of the trainers who gave me some simple workouts to do as well as a weekly plan. As the weeks have gone by I've continually increased the amount of weight on most of the machines. Now my question is about my ab routine...

I've been increasing my weight on the torso twist and have been able to do more vertical leg raises (I even switched from bicycle style to both knees up!). But this is the thing... I find when I try to do crunches on the assisted machine (see link) they're becoming more and more difficult. I used to do 5 sets of 10 and now I find myself quitting after 3 sets. While talking to my boyfriend about this he said that ab exercises get more difficult after you build some muscle in that area.

Now that sounds like a crock if I've ever heard one so I decided to come here and get some input. I don't want to give up on my abs but it's driving me crazy that they've become so difficult!


  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    1) It's a complete crock that ab exercises get more difficult as you add muscle unless perhaps you're Mr. Olympia and your ab muscles are humongous. I'm going to guess that's not where you are right now.

    2) Not knowing the order in which you're doing your exercises I'm going to guess that you're doing your ab crunches last? If that's the case, then what's happening is that your muscles are getting fatigued from adding weight to the torso twists (the rectus abdominus isn't the primary muscle for that exercise, but it is used) and additional leg raises.

    If this applies, then your abs *are* getting stronger, but you're just making them work harder before you start your crunches. To prove it to yourself, switch up the order in which you do your ab exercises and put your crunches first to see what happens.

    In order to minimize this, you might consider a constant rotation of those ab exercises with a different one being first, second and third with each workout.

    I hope this helps :)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I would first make sure your form is correct and you are keeping your back flat and your feet flat against the foot rest.

    How often are you working your abs?

    Personally, I don't like machines like that because it's too easy to have really bad form and that would be my first guess as to why you can only do three sets all of a sudden. My next couple of guesses, even though I'm no authority on the subject, would be you're not allowing your muscles enough time from workout to workout to recover or it's some kind of mental block. Also, if you are eating in a deficit you are not building muscle, you may be getting stronger and seeing some definition as you burn fat though.

    The link you provided had some nice alternative exercises, maybe try some of those and see how you do. Or just do your abs once on Monday and then again on Friday or Saturday with more rest in between.
  • daynes23
    daynes23 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    Jim, you may be right. I usually do the crunches last, I will definitely have to switch it up.

    Princess, I think I need to heed some of your advice as well. I have a tendency to do too much too fast too soon. I've probably been taking it overboard even though I don't feel sore and keep trying to work them. I think I'm also going to meet with the trainer again to reevaluate my routine and progress.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: