New to exercise here in Tennessee

Ahree Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello I am 28 yr old mom who is 5'2'' and pushing 200lbs, my health is not so great and I am worried. My hurdle... two children, one goes to school luckily but I also have a 2yr old who suffers from seperation anxiety and is insantly hyper (go terrible 2's) lol. Anyways I spend a lot of energy on my kids and when they finally quiet down, I am exhausted and want to eat or sleep the rest of the time. I suck at time management and motivation. I can't be alone here, just looking for some tips and ideas on how to manage my time better and how to keep the kids occupied for an hr while I get in some good cardio or something? PLEASE HELP!


  • Hi! I just started exercising and I also have two little ones. I do the Wii Just Dance 2 and they love to the dances with me. I have a few exercise DVDs with really good music and they like to sit there and watch me, it must humor them. Good luck to you!
  • Nurse_Christy
    Nurse_Christy Posts: 276 Member
    I agree with the last post about Just Dance 2! It's a great workout, and my daughter loves to do it with me. 4 people can play at a time, so your kids could definitely do it with you. I live in Middle TN, what part of TN do you live in?
  • Ahree
    Ahree Posts: 3
    Same here too, middle tennessee... Manchester to be exact.. an hr between nashville and chattnooga lol. Thats a great idea. I might have to go grab that. I looked at it a few times but was unsure about it. I have the taebo thingy and thats pretty intense lol. But it works for now I suppose.
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    i understand completely! sounds like we are about the same height and weight exactly. i have 2 kids as well, but mine are 2 yr old and 1 month old. i either exercise when i can manage to get both of them down for a nap at the same time or i get my daughter ( the 2 yr old) involved in the exercise with me. she loves to dance and justs so happens the cardio workouts i actually enjoy are cardio dance videos, so she likes dancing with me and it helps get her energy out cuz she is super hyper too. im kinda in tn lol im at fort campbell which is rite on the border of tn and ky lol
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